General Discussion

General DiscussionAnalyis asked (getting frustrated)

Analyis asked (getting frustrated) in General Discussion

    Hi all,

    I am pretty new to Dota (about 4 Month) and far away from beeing pro or even very good.
    My best best hero is Abaddon, with whom I can play pretty successful. My problem is, that in pubs in 80% of the matches I get sb. on the team that messes it up .... completely. I know this is standard talk, but the problem is that I want to act as a teamplayer and often get disappointed. When picking heros I will wait until enemy took some pics.... often I already read on the waiting screen sb shouting "me mid" or they even call themselves SOLOMID. So I say to myself alright I will go with my Abaddon and let those guys carry the game if they think they can. Unfortunately even the worst players think they are supposed to play carries and mess up everything. Often the whole team is contributing but the wannabecarry messes it up. Another topic of course is the teamcomposition in pubs... 3-5 carries are standard. So I continue picking my Abaddon... but it is so frustrating when you win ur lane and even get strong... but mid-late game you get raped cause the carry or some other lane sucks (The only reason where I understand a carry cant carry is, if his team feeds the opponent so much, that they easyly outcarry him). So I recently started to pick carries a little more oftens. I am pretty new to them and some of my first matches with PA and OD went totally wrong.

    But if you look at my last match with OD from yesterday, I would really like to know what I could do more for my team. I won my midlane, I came to sidelanes if they had problems, I grew stronger than the opponent team. But there was so much feeding around me, that the enemy became strong enough to easyly win the game. For a lost my stats with OD even were pretty nic though I died a bit more then necessary by bad decisions.

    As I mentioned, I am far away from beeing a very good player. But I just get frustrated about some things I see so often: Players that jungle and dont care about anything that happens around them, Players that dont use the minimap and have now awareness where they are needed and if I have to discover that my carry is the worst player on the whole map (and so much more).

    I am looking for advice regarding what I can improve or how I should pick to change sth. about me losing so many matches although I havent lost my lane in early game (which is nearly always the case when I play Abaddon. And if I play hard Carries I wont die often early game ...except against Pudge).

    Thank you for Feedback.

    Ps: Remember I am new to picking carries... I didnt plan to do so, but as I saw so many extremely bad wannabe carries I couldnt accept putting my destiny into their hands anymore. I also want to excuse for my bad english. It is not my native language.

    d -

      OD is actually pretty nice to pubstomp. My build on him:
      Null Talisman - Magic Wand - Power Treads - Force Staff - Sheep Stick - then situational
      Viable Choices:
      Rots of Atos, Orchid, Refresher(as soon as ult does enough damage), Shivas, Linkens

      On your last game you maybe should have gotten a hex before your shivas. It really helps vs their naix. Anyways your last hits are very low for 45 minutes. It should be like at least 200 - 250. I think there wasnt very much you can do. Radiance, Morbid Mask and Vanguard on TA? WTF. PA got no cs and shit too.

      Other good heroes for pubs: Lich!!! Got 78% winrate with him. Get sacrifice first and deny the first creep as soon as creeps spawn. From there on just deny a creep whenever it is on cooldown and you and your lane partner will get a big xp advantage. And always spam your q on the enemies when its off cool down. Really helps.

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        Thx for your feedback,

        a good friend of mine is playing Lich and his ult already helped us in several teamfights.
        Picking Lich is an option but I am so disappointed of many teammates (skills and behaviour), that I hardly want to be the support of such guys. This is probably one of the biggest problems in Pub Matches. Everybody has bad experince with players so everybody wants to carry in order not to depend on sb. else.
        Yeah my lasthitting is often a bit low. I have to get accustomed to lasthit more if I am a carry.
        The problem in that match was, that I had to help everywhere and couldnt focus on my farming.
        Cause my team lost the lanes so bad (just check stats of Lion and Kunka in last game).
        Would the hex have gone through Naix magic immunity?
        Because he and juggernaut caused me some problems with their magic immunity.

        I bought the Shivas earlier because they were dealing a lot of physical damage.

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        Primordial Soup

          If you like supporting and wants an easy win, pick Visage. Takes time to learn but strong all brackets.


            I didnt really play support up 2 now. My Abddon supports of course but the build goes into a durable/semi carry direction.
            Beeing support would hurt my feelings even more if I see how some of those bad carries mess up games.

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            Primordial Soup

              That's probably your problem, you concentrate too much on feeling bad for your losing carries, which I believe can ruin your mood thus making you play worse.

              Bad thing about pubs is that when someone feeds others will follow. If only one feeds the rest of the team can still make a comeback.

              d -

                Hex doesnt go through magic immunity. But if you are fast enough you can hex him before he is able to get rage off or just wait for the duration to end.

                Generally it is hard to support in pubs. With Lich it is working out pretty nice for me. But sometimes it is impossible to support like this game: AM got 10 cs after 30 min. gg.

                Roamers are working pretty nice on pubs too. Just pick Alchemist or Mirana and gank the ass out of them.

                Primordial Soup

                  Try playing a hero that can gank well and can carry mid game. Night Stalker is a easy pick. ^ I wouldn't recommend Mirana since her stun is considered a skill shot.


                    You might be right Mahatma that my belief in our victory sometimes drops too early. But you will never see me flaming hard or insulting people. I communicate a lot and will try to tell them certain things, but always in a respectful way. Nightstalker can really rule in Pubs, as many players are not aware of his power during nighttime. If I see a NS against me I will hug my tower as long as I dont know where he is on the map. I only see NS strong in early and early Midgame. He is a Hero aiming for a fast win. If he doesnt get his early kills and keeps the others small he is easyly outcarried later (in my opinion). But you are right. If I play a hard carry like PA I depend on the earlygame of my teammates. OD gets strong around lvl 10 which is alright for a hero with carry potencial. Maybe Lifesteeler would also be an interesting option. I took him once and we lost.... but he was really good in late game and also able to hurt enemies in early game.
                    Maybe luck is also a factor. Of course my sight on things is very subjective but I really feel, like in 75% of the games I have sb. on my team that makes it difficult to win.

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                      You cant make bad carries carry better with a support, pick some strong roamer/ganker, go to lane with one of that 3-4 stupid carries (the last pick, he was the most stupid of all to pick another carry), steal their farm, if they are enough bad and your starting items are better like you go for creepscrore, you can. When you have some little items, go roam, kill other bad players. If your carry can last hit when he has free farm, you win. If not, your MMR will still go up couse your nice KDA. Never die for stupid people, so your stats will be better. Once you are enough high, you will get some teammates with brains and you can start the team game as it's supposed to be played.

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                      Cherrer Pak

                        If your carry is very low skilled and feeds , try to support by doing your best to protect him ( if u wanna ward etc) . u may reduce his feed rate. thats the only thing u can do.. no choice but to rely on the carry even if hes a noob. if he still feeds.. gg, onto the next game..

                        Quick maffs

                          Chief OD is one of my favorites pubstompers, and if you dont trust your team follow my logic.

                          Dont go help your sidelanes if you are playing OD, this is important. Sit in mid, deny runes ( if posible ), let the enemy mid without mana at all times so he cant gank neither, and for last FARM.

                          Farm forcestaff even before treads, forcestaff is a really good item on OD and you are going to need it for fights. OD cant kill without his orb so just focus 100 % on farming, you should harass the enemy a little bit but always prioritize last hits.

                          Once you get boots and forcestaff ( you need both items way before the 10 minute mark if posible ) you can help your team, well actually you need to have at least one point in orb, OD without his orb is nothing so dont even think in going out of the lane without at least one point in orb.

                          Ok so lets say you have forcestaff and you are lvl 10 with one point in orb, now you can help a lot. In fights dont be the one in the front, if any of your teammates get stunned astral and save him, if your team is focusing one enemy dont astral him, if you astral a enemy that would die 100 % you are just delaying his death and giving more time, in other words in fights use your astral to save allies or maybe to interrupt some chanelling skill from the enemy, but pls dont use that skill only to get more intelligence.

                          If you are playing against non-int heroes your ulti is going to do a lot. Remenber to sit behind a little bit so you dont get stunned and you can keep autoatacking with orb.

                          My build with OD is almost the same everytime: Forcestaff, treads, Road of atos, and after this i can buy whatever i trully need ( maybe bkb or shivas or hex ).

                          The reason i really like road of atos is the hp that the item gives you, OD is paper and you need or hp or a bkb ( and i dont like bkb ).

                          Dont get me wrong, you were probably the best on your team by far, but with OD i know for a fact that you can 1 vs 5 the enemy if you do it right.

                          I think my winrate with him is pretty solid and personally i like my way of playing him.

                          A lot of people can say that i should help my teammates more early game, but this has been working for me, and ganking with od is not ideal.


                            Thx Dorkly,

                            I will take some of ur advise into my OD build and playing style. I probably imprisoned Enemies a bit too often. I will only do it, if they are about to run away, or maybe at the beginning of a teamfight to take their strongest hero out of action for some seconds. But you are right sometimes I gave them even more time to wait for the help of their teammates.

                            I also continued to play yesterday and my last match was a pretty disappointing but also nice match at once. I took my beloved Abaddon and I became "the man" on the map (which happens pretty often if I take him). I was contributing a lot to my team and got a KDA of 22/6/28 (28 Assists is a lot without AOE). I also was the first player to hit lvl 25. But the potencial carries in my team didnt really get into the game... or if they did too late. Also decisionmaking was bad in that match. Pretty often some of my mates would just run alone into 4-5 Enemies. Recently I had so many games where I made my thing but couldnt transform it into a win.
                            The games where I suck are mostly when I pick a hard Carry and there is a lot of feeding, so I never really get online against the feeded enemies. But your OD advice is sth. I will try to keep in mind.,.... if I can get mid and there is no Pugna.

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                            King of Low Prio

                              kills do not matter only killing the throne. The only reason you should waste the time killing a player is so that you can get to the throne faster or to stop them from getting to yours. If you are not playing for those goals you will lose alot of games that could have easily been won.


                                I get you on that one Sampson.
                                But the problem really was, that my team was in a very defensive position from early on, and I was the only durable who could really face the enemies. But you are rigt. Of course I wont KS my carries and stuff... Still I wished one of them would have really developed in a more dominant way. But I also think if I play ABaddon killing an enemy is not really a waste of time. My goal is not to farm all the time. I will initiate Teamfights and try to cause our enemies trouble... And killing them is defenetly trouble. But if I play a hard Carry the focus gotta be more on farming. That is sth. I still have to adapt a bit more. But coming back to the topic of this thread. I just felt again like I did my part to let us win this game, but as a team we couldnt make it.

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                                King of Low Prio

                                  force teamfight then, by the looks of it you picked off low priority targets and did not capitalize after taking kills (taking towers). Not saying your team was perfect but since it is your post I will focus on what you could have done.


                                    Sure thats what I am looking for. So you think I was focusing on the wrong targets. Thats a point. Most teamfights were fought for defensive reasons. But still I should focus more on their potencial carries in these fights. I accept that point completely.


                                      > [TO] kiNe
                                      > Generally it is hard to support in pubs. With Lich it is working out pretty nice for me. But sometimes it is impossible to support like this game: AM got 10 cs after 30 min. gg.

                                      Wow, just wow. That's valve matchmaking for you :)

                                      @OP: If you are solo queuing a lot it is just frustrating. You will get complete idiots, and they will pick carries, riki, am, drow, sniper, etc... and suck. There really isn't a lot you can do except go aggressive. These kind of players are just auto-attackers who have the mentality that it's just bad luck that they lose and didn't manage to farm 20k of items in a game. They'll have got lucky in games where they have managed to get 6 slotted and just rampage an entire team and they are playing in the hope of achieving that again one day. The first thing they do is push the lane so they are nice fresh juicy meat for a gank.

                                      I try and leave my picking until my team has some decent disable or utility, which can mean you are picking last. I've found myself in a team with4 Melee all carry before. What do you pick, a support that they will just hang out to dry? They don't even know what the support does, what abilities it has. Trying to get simple stuff like Ice Armor on people as Lich is hard work at times. It goes back to the mentality. I'm a carry, I can own everyone on my own.

                                      I like OD as a pick in situations like the above where my team have picked too many carries and I know at least 2 of them are going to suck balls. The Q really hurts, so getting level 7-9 quickly is what matters. You have a decent disable and you can build a lot of utility which also makes your Q hurt even more. The ult is great if the other team are bunched together too and also a good way to get first blood. Barely anyone makes good use of the mana aura. So if you can get a hex, or orchid

                                      Quick maffs

                                        Sampson is right about that, getting kills for the sake of getting kills will not help your team that much. I think the most important part after getting kills or winning a team fight is pushing. That its one of the problems with OD, he cant push for shit.

                                        The thing with abaddon is that he cant carry that hard late game. If you had that farm on a tiny you probably could 1 vs 3 at least i think.

                                        Another thing you can do by yourself is split push, if you see the enemy ready to push your base you can push another lane with a tp, this way you can make a little bit of money for your team. ( This work better with a tiny with aghanims :P )

                                        But yeah with abaddon dont expect to 1 vs 5 late game, so you will need your team if it gets to late game. For example that riki game you guys needed really hard a gem, you should try to buy that kind of stuffs even if you are playing carry abaddon, you cant expect supports on pub games to actually buy stuff, so buy it yourself.

                                        My last advice is dont get frustrated on pub games, i mean really dont expect your team do be decent and dont rage, my best games are the ones where no one on my team is a fucking asshole and everyone is nice and none of them rage.

                                        About this OD game :

                                        I didnt watch the game but, dont get skadi on OD, it does nothing good for you. Personally i really hate the refresh, aghanims build, aghanims is pretty bad on him too.

                                        In my opinion that game you should have gone for: Focerstaff, treads, orchid ( good against skywrath mage ) and after that bkb, i dont think that bounty and lycan right clicks were that strong for you to get shivas.

                                        You probably play abaddon a lot more than i do but its aghanims really good on him ? personally i dont fell is that strong of a item on him, but i guess its ok.