General Discussion

General DiscussionMorphling Buffed slightly >> Pubs try to play it >> Morph now lowest ...

Morphling Buffed slightly >> Pubs try to play it >> Morph now lowest hero winrate in General Discussion

    Morph is too hard for pubs.

    quod erat demonstrandum

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      He was bad even before .79, nothing really changed.


        Relentless, the real problem here is you're not looking at the best DotA player in the world play Morphling. Check out some of his recent action:

        I'll even post the one rare occurrence where he lost. 15-7, not too shabby.

        waku waku

          the sole reason for morphling's existence is allowing rubick to steal morph and fuck up the game


            @community toxin,

            That's enough theory-crafting for you, my man. Now, let the big boys come out to discuss the topic. I'll see if I am Nicki Minaj is available.


              hop off his dick already

              @relentless, its not that surprising. At the end of the day, he is a hero that still requires a little bit of brain to both farm and move around the map effectively with, and make the best use of Morph (ability), and other heroes that counter him in low skill matches (ie. retard drow > retard morph) make his win rate funky as hell.

              He really is fine though. I mean QoP is down at 43%, Tinker down at 42%. heh


                I guess low skill players cant farm enough to get SHOTGUN MORPH.


                  He's still Nicki Minaj though, that means he sucks. You cannot fight that logic man, it's an unquestionable truth :P

                  Heh, Morph buff is not something many players would notice anyway. Besides, with Wisp's underserved nerf, Morph's pretty much in the same spot he's always been.

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                  Im the Bully of my School

                    whoever put alias name * nicki minaj * deserve to be bullyed by me


                      "MORPH NOW LOWEST HERO WINRATE" sorry what?


                        I don't really remember any hero having less win rate than 38% . And morphling is 90th in popularity, I don't see any reason of you worrying. he was shit, and is shit ( for puibs) .


                          You are just shit with him (surprise, you have average over 500GPM with 2 heroes LUXON, you just can't carry for shit)

                          I don't consider him to be strong, but I certainly don't find him weak either.


                            Thanks Luxon. I should have specified I used "this month" data. Patch data Morphling is 2nd last as he is for 6.78 and for All time.

                            My point is just that even with the slight buff Morphling is still way to hard for pubs to play. He was bad for pubs when pros picked him constantly during T2 and has been bad in pubs the whole way through dota 2...with the recent buff still bad.

                            Its just too hard for non-excellent players to work with scalable stats. They inevitably make some important error and lose games. So Morphling remains at the bottom of the winrate standings with other heroes that are too hard for ordinary pubs to play like meepo, wisp, and broodmother, invoker, tinker, chen.

                            I'm not worried about it. Its just a fact. People suck at Morphling, so think carefully before picking him. Do you really think you can handle it? Learning Morphling requires some real skill and plenty of practice.

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                              IMO, Morph requires a very good team in order to play it well. You don't always get a good support with you in the pubs or other lanes that wont feed so badly that the game is finished long before you're even close to being useful.

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                Guys come on. Those winrates are complete lies. Who the hell can get 2 KDA with AM? Only %1 or something of the current players are high leveled enough to see the counters or powers of a hero.


                                  AM fails in pubs because ppl suck at lasthitting. So nearly all AMs farm to slow to win. Some heroes really are worthless without farm and AM is one of them.

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    It's not only about AM. It's generally all heroes. Look at Chen's winrate. %44 something. So we should buff him? Those winrates are only true for a few heroes.


                                      No, no. No reason to buff them. Pubs just need to be informed that these heroes are too hard for them to play so... if they want to play them, expect extra losses.


                                        did you see how most people use morph in team fights? :D its comedy gold



                                          you don't even need to be an excellent player. a lot of win % matchups based on dotabuff are ridiculous (Drow vs PA; PA should have significant advantage yet apparently clicking q + w and critting once to kill drow is too hard for most players. Since I'm an avid drow/PA player myself I know how lopsided this matchup is but apparently that says nothing of most of the player base)

                                          As for morphling, it has a lot to do with item choices as well as being able to morph/replicate properly. Linkens first is the prevailing modus operandi and it's more often than not a bad item (you throw away 5.1k gold for almost no dps and lack killing power).

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                                            mapo isn't the lowest anymore among chen, yay or nay?

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Good morphs are godly though. Just like invoker and meepo.


                                                Meepo is currently at 43.95% win for 6.79, was 43.625 for 6.78c. But he actually dropped 2 spots from 10th worst to 8th worst.

                                                Remember there are millions of players who you never see in your games. If you want to get an idea of what really happens you used to be able to go to something like live page #3000+ and watch the game. But that's not possible anymore. Still you can watch games like this.

                                                Drow can accidentally kill PA. There is a level of play where if Drow autoattacks with frost arrows on autocast she is actually much stronger than if she tries to do something more than right click. At this level PA selecting to dagger slow and quickly blink to a target can be considered difficult. That's 4 specific actions required for PA in a 1 second timeframe while drow with autocast on requires only 1 action to attack.

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                                                  those 2 levels' advantage are useless, unless you use it to snowball/kill. EB cast time is a little bit buff for close range, but projectile is still slow.
                                                  No stats for clones, forcing players to rush aghanim's. ( as a bonus, 30% stats share is still mentioned in description to make understanding this hero "easy" for newbies ) . night vision from 1800 to 800, which is very bad. and tranquils have been nerfed for him as for any other carry.