General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen and why did LoL overtake Dota 2 in playerbase?

When and why did LoL overtake Dota 2 in playerbase? in General Discussion

    Playerwise, LoL owns Dota 2.

    But when did that happen and why?

    Woof Woof

      Lol is playable for newbs/average players/hardcore players and pros
      Dota 2 is playable for average player/5stacker and a pro
      #just imagine dota 2 without ability to stack playerbase at this point would be like 100k average at best

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        LoL was released in 2009, Dota 2 in 2013.


          LoL is clearly the better game. Why bother making more shit threads like these?


            LoL is top #1 moba game.


              when volvo started selling hats instead of adding usefull updates

              also there are more students in elementary schools than in universitys but it doesn't mean that elementary schools are better than universitys ..


                LoL came first

                simple as this


                  simple as that*

                  OMG HEIL VAIKISS REAL V-GOD!


                    1. more boobs
                    2. more advertisement
                    3. easier than dota ( i played my 1st lol match 2 days ago and owned as jinx)
                    4. very low amount of active items
                    5. no denying


                      Don't get me wrong i'm not trying to be disrespectfull but LoL is an easier and simpler version of dota sure is nice and everything but dota has more depth so yeah lol has more players cause it's just simpler. When playing dota you actualy play something not just clink some buttons and just move arround watching hero copies trying to impress you, i've been a little mean here but this is the true. So lol has more players but dota is the better game. I don't care who hates me because of this comment, but this is my opinion who doesn't like that is their problem. :D

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                      SMELLY APE

                        i really just think LoL is more popular because it was the "first free" RTS game. Dota never got to the point where there were 50+ million unique monthly users simply because it was a mod of WC3 and wasn't free 2 play. Just the fact that LoL is f2p attracts the majority of the younger population. Also LoL is advertised a lot before it was officially release so the player base grew extremely quick, more than dota within 1 year. Once a game is more popular than the other, the more popular one will continue growing, the less popular will gain and lose some 100000-200000 every month.
                        If Dota 2 came first then MAYBE the numbers will be more even but still most of us will agree that LoL is the "easier" game therefore more will go there.

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                          Yeah sure LoL was the first and more advertising but in the future i think people will realize wich one is the better game...

                          SMELLY APE

                            @ARES_GOD: nope, a large percentage of LoL players know about Dota already but refuse to play it. Dota can still grow, sure, but cant outnumber LoL players. I try to get some of my LoL friends to play but they'll usually respond, "Why don't u just play LoL instead?" Some actually tried it out, i played a few games with them but then they just switch back to LoL.

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                              LoL is very simple and easy game... i have play LoL before when my friend invite me to play LoL and at that time im still playing dota 1 since dota 2 need a beta key. i dont like it.. and maybe the reason why many player here play LoL (sea) is because SG server on Dota 2 is very very laggy... plus valve prefer more cosmetic than the gameplay for dota 2 update.

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                                @DISB[A]ND they are just subborn i have a few friends like that the same thing they play lol i try to get the to dota and they ask me the same question. but that's their choice. The reason those who played lol first then try dota and they say it's worse the lol they only say that because dota is harder and requiers more attention to play. Any i think we should stop and not start a flame war or anything. People are gonna play what they like and that is that. Anyway dota is dota and lol is lol.


                                  The primary problem with switching to and from either game is the simple fact that you have to relearn everything you know. The heroes aren't instantly recognizable, the items aren't the same, in one game you can destroy terrain and in the other you hide in it, etc etc. Jumping ship is hard when there are sea mines, sharks, and snipers ready and waiting to take you out the moment you hit the water.

                                  However, the reason LoL is more popular than dota 2, is simply the fact that it came out first. Most players won't switch because it's too much of a hassle to go through the learning curve again so, yea...


                                    LoL's been there longer than Dota 2. And I think a lot of LoL players find Dota 2 too punishing and hard, I mean there's NOTHING in LoL like the big ultimates in Dota 2 which when properly executed can wreck the whole team.


                                      I've been a huge fan of Dota 1 since 2007 (6.15 was the first one I played, I think), switching to HoN in 2009, when it was still very good and had a hero base mainly consisting of Dota characters. In 2012, when HoN has completely destroyed its own balance with a multitude of "not-so-good" heroes I went do Dota 2, and have been playing it ever since.
                                      I've tried LoL for about a month, no more than half a year ago, and I fully understand the appeal - it is simpler to get in. I wouldn't be too hasty claiming that LoL as a game is simpler - I cannot drive such conclusions without being at least somewhat good in it. Only a professional in both can try to make such a statement, since there is a lot more going on in the game than meets the eye (Both D2 and LoL). But what I really like, is how easy it was to start playing.
                                      The community in LoL is in no way better or nicer, as many people claim, but being a noob in it doesn't feel so overwhelming. Also, the visual style in it can be more appealing to a certain part of population, and design overall seems more unique - something that made Warcraft 3 such a popular game. Graphicswise, I would say Dota 2 is superior, but design of LoL characters and environment makes up for it.
                                      Some additional mechanics like "brush" seemed really artificial to me, but then again, I've been in Dota/HoN for most of my life, it is hard to get adjusted to something new.
                                      Returning to the question at hand: why is LoL has a bigger playerbase than Dota 2, I would go with three main points:
                                      1. It came out earlier.(I think D1 + D2 has a comparable playerbase though)
                                      2. It is easier to start playing. And switching from Dota 2 to LoL is an easier step, that the other way around. Also, new casual players will probably prefer LoL, as it is more user-friendly.
                                      3. Marketing. Riot are really good at promoting their game.
                                      Why would I personally never go to LoL:
                                      1. I've gone through a lot of pain being noob in HoN. That game has taught me most of what I know now, and I'm still really grateful to it for fulfilling the void of "next-gen" Dota at the time, while not being too different to the original.
                                      2. Hats.)) No matter what people say, hats are great. They are a lot of fun and collecting Immortals is interesting) being a huge MTG fan, opening chest was somewhat like opening card Boosters to me, and I've spent a lot of money on it =/ Though, I have to say, that I really don't like the new policy of hats over content... And I certainly don't want to see "unusual effect headcrabs" and "custom animation crowbars" in HL3, if it ever comes out...
                                      3. Limited hero pool + runes/masteries. That is just bad. If you are making a competitive game, be sure that everyone is in the same boat, before the beginning of the match. That's what I really loved about Valve: completely free game client with all options available.
                                      Just my 2 cents..


                                        EZ GAME
                                        F2P no beta invite, so a lot of players that would have tried dota 2 back when it required an invite would have gone to LoL instead
                                        EZ GAME
                                        Good "ranking/league" system


                                          "Though, I have to say, that I really don't like the new policy of hats over content"
                                          I don't understand this complaint at all. Once the system for customization is in place, the only thing needed for new "hats" is just the artist/modeller doing their thing. It has nothing to do with programming at that point. All they need to do is add it to the drop list/chest/event and it's done, not even 30 seconds of programming time.

                                          If you really believe that making hats is on the same level as new content, I don't know what to tell you to convince you otherwise. I'm sure by new content you're probably referring to the remaining heroes? Return of Diretide? Remember just about every hero has a unique mechanic to it that is not shared with any other that must be programmed and debugged before even suggesting the addition to beta. Let's also remember that it's a model from scratch that will go through MANY versions before seeing the light of day. If you're talking Diretide, assuming they made no changes from last year, the thing is that it didn't release last year until the 30th, it's only the 28th now. And if you're asking for something else beyond these about you wait until we're caught up first for at least 3 months before complaining(even then that's a little soon). I don't know about you, but when I finish something I like to take a breather from it for a while if I can(bugs).

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                                          Woof Woof

                                            i forgot to add that riot didnt abandon their own game

                                            LUL REKt

                                              Volvo add Legion Commander and Dota will be the most played game


                                                Not all heroes have "hats support" at this moment, and this part must be made by Valve. Wondered why there is no set for Luna or Jakiro yet?

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Dota2 is pretty hard to get into if you're new to the genre.


                                                    I'd be willing to bet it's still mostly on the shoulders of the artists. Figuring out what can change, and then breaking the model apart into smaller models that can be swapped in and out, and putting it back together. A programmer still has nothing to do with this process. Unless they're making the programmers do something they're not supposed to be doing, they aren't part of that process, they would come in at the end to create the lists, and make the interface interactable later on after this whole process, but again, it's only a matter of a few minutes of work, not hours/days/weeks.

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                                                      - When and why did CoD overtake Arma in playerbase


                                                        volvo make all heroes female then i play dota 24/7


                                                          Wat ? really ? I always thought DOTA is the more popular one ?
                                                          ... and wtf is HoN ?

                                                          Woof Woof

                                                            i do my best to decrease dota 2 playerbase and improve mm that way but those stubborn fucks keep coming back for more abuse

                                                            Woof Woof

                                                              hon is heroes of niggeria

                                                              Woof Woof

                                                                you have 100 niggers with diferent powers kinda like dota 2 but instead of destroying base you go for oil fields


                                                                  fried chicken...


                                                                    LoL has more skill shots and feels like a game where you throw skills at each other and actively dodge,alot of kiting but there isn't much beyond this.
                                                                    Dota has more strategies,splitpush,item choices and less farming.
                                                                    LoL more action and dota more strategic.

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      HoN is like a really fast paced dota. A lot of the heroes are nearly identical, same abilities, same roles. HoN has a lot more maps but still has the classic dota map as well. But the biggest difference when I played HoN (and I only played a couple games) is the animation speed. Stuff in HoN happens instantly where in dota 2 there's different last hit speeds per hero, spells usually have an animation, it's all more laid back and flows. HoN feels hyperactive to me and I had trouble keeping track of what was going on. Also as limited as dota 2's graphics are, HoN's are even more out dated. The only thing HoN really has over dota 2 is a better rating system.

                                                                      Russian FEEDERation

                                                                        You can play LoL with a shitty PC compared to Dota 2.

                                                                        That's why.


                                                                          Have you made any "hats"? If not, you may want to actually familiarise yourself with the process and what is involved from Valve's end, instead of continuing to flaunt your ignorance and perpetuate baseless myths.


                                                                            It's been out really long so a lot of the DotA community who wanted something fresh moved over to LoL when it came out and it caters to more casual players. Also I've heard from some of my friends who are LoL players that DOTA is too intimidating for them so they stick with what they know.

                                                                            It's pretty obvious I don't know why people keep asking this, it's just bound to cause little fights and people talking down on each others games.