General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do you build on 6.79 alch?

What do you build on 6.79 alch? in General Discussion

    I consider him more of a semi-carry now. The no bonus health means you have crap HP. Previously, rushing BKB or Cuirass more or less made you 'tank' but now you need to get HP items along with them so that means less DPS items... You're much weaker as a hard carry now and going late sort of wastes your huge early/mid game potential.

    I usually build him as a #2 mid and rush acid/unstable concoction. He's a real beast during the early/midgame phase. I prioritize teamfights and ganking a lot more now but I still farm whenever given the chance. That 4 second stun, spray and tankiness are really useful earlier on.

    However, I've been struggling with items... To me he sort of feels like Beastmaster where nothing is really 'core' on him. Any suggestions how I should build his items if I play this way?

    waku waku

      i was under the impression that getting bkb would make him pretty much immortal early now


        You can still build him like before, sb into ac/bkb.


          Its a buff to his mid-late game if you change your build. He is still a shit mid hero that can only "work" against another shit mid.

          He is still a good carry, but an earlier BKB or HoT is required, rather than the (Battlefury) -> Lothars -> AC build, you replace AC with HoT/BKB depending on what you need.


            HP items + armor + DPS = Armlet


              sb is still the same on him, bkb is still a must, just play him more aggressive midgame and not farm as much and call him a semi carry and call it a day


                armlet ftw , solves all ur problems


                  No hp? Den u need to make the good old vanguard-radiance built :)


                    For ganking: Boots, Smoke, MoC -> SB/Dagger -> (BM) -> Necro 3
                    For pushing lineup (you need some levels of Greed for this to get fast items): Mek/Pipe/Vlads -> AC/Necro3

                    But Alch is a great utility hero. You cam almost build anything on him and play him as #1 to #5

                    Este comentário foi editado

                      Recently I tried that oldschool build with vanguard and radiance. Worked fine for me.




                          Alch 6.79 is stronger than 6.78 don`t talk shit when you dont know. 50 hp regen > 250 hp lvl 6. You can build same items as before sb/ac/bkb/basher but armlet can do job too now at new meta,cos sb is nerfed alot


                            Armlet works wonders now. Check out this game:


                              I never said his new ultimate was shit :/

                              Now that you guys mention it, armlet seems great lol.