Shadow Blade works quite well on TA.
Refraction > SB > Hit > Meld > Hit > Refraction
+ Mobility
+ Initiation
+ Escape
+ Damage
Still, you lose on awesome stuff that blink dagger has to offer.
Depends on personal preference and situation.
like what he said it comes to personal preference, there have been a few cases where i even go medallion in my build. It all depends onwwhat you like
Depends on what you are up against, if there are many heroes that can cancel your blink I wouldnt recommend it. Also its kinda a hit or miss, if you get a fast blink and then proceed to fail with it you'll be very useless. I personally prefer the racecar build, feels alot more safe.
I always try to go for mobility when I play TA. Blink is always a must for me unless I am not snowballing.
Shadow blade > blink
shadow blade is pretty much core on every character for me, no witch hunt plz
what KING WACOO said
Blink is far more useful in pubs cause it increases your "assassin" potential thus making you snowball harder and less dependent on team, so I rarely consider skipping blink in pubs, but often skip it in organized games.
shadow blade is better alternative if you play against retards
Drums or Yasha/Manta > Blink.
Sometimes I like to get blink first, but only if they have 3 really squishy supports. It's not always the best item to buy first. please look this more legit
The reason why shadowblade isn't that good is because of several reasons;
unlike some juking + refract + blink, invisibility cant help you escape in some cases, like over clfifs.
initiating into enemy base, into enemys with wards/gem becomes impossible.
it cant position you as fast as a blink can (blink meld to a psionic splash).
Biggest drawback: it costs more thus takes more time before you come online for ganks. (1.8k more is A LOT OF GOLD early game)
These four reasons are plenty for not getting shadowblade unless your opponents are plain bad and won't purchase detection or have no idea how to play against a shadowblade.
The only thing I can really see shadow blade doing is have people stand around and attack empty spots thinking you melded.
Which would probably only work once.
Thanks everyone for your opinion on this!
I usually never do drums and yasha comes only after my deso is finished. Can anyone share what the racecar build on TA is all about?
EmZ_, impressive!!
LoL, shadow blade? Ever wonder why pro players almost never use it? Lanaya already has an "easily counterable by 200 worth item" skill but you insist to waste another 3k gold. But ofc if it's in low-level pubs yes it is viable. Dagger > SB
Drums is never a waste. That item rocks on pretty much any carry or semi-carry. Sven? Sure. Lifestealer? Sure. TA? Sure. PA? Sure. PL? Sure. I don't see it on ursa ever, which is kind of funny - he could do for some move speed and str (which boosts his ult+survivability). Luna? Sure. You get the picture.
I understand what you mean, Feeder, in my last game I blinked right into 1v5 situation ... no fucks given until we lost the game :(
Well it's more like, hey I have vision of one support, blink in and allies were in the fog of war.
That 3300 gold is easily countered by 200 gold item.
If your enemies don't have the habit of buying dust/sentry, then just go for shadowblade
Lothars is already countered automatically because of your meld with the use of dust and other detectors. Blink is more superior in positioning your deadly combo and is a good escape mechanism as well, as TA's meld isnt a reliable escape tool. However, I dont recommend blink dagger when you are playing against DoT heroes like Venomancer, until you get bkb of course.
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Hi guys,
Another lame topic started by me! (you can tell I like this community already)
So, my question today is: Yay or Nay for Blink on TA? And why, of course.
If you go to my matches and filter by TA:
You will see that I almost always get blink on TA. I like the high mobility that it gives me as well as the great initiation and the ability to move in and out of battle. I am however starting to wonder if it's worth it. I mean, a blink dagger is half the cost of Desolator. I often find myself missing the mobility when I don't have it, but just as well I've noticed the fact that I often need more damage too.
Can I have your opinions on when should I get it and when I should skip it?
Thanks in advance!