General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to improve on mid-late game decision making?

How to improve on mid-late game decision making? in General Discussion

    Here is my DB: (Don't mind the PA games I used to instapick him every game when I first started and lost tons of games)

    I am a Normal MMR player, and I would like to get to at least High or VH in the near future (not that I would know now that Valve hid that too). I have not been playing for too long, only a few months, and about 400+ matches. However, I feel that my laning stage is fine, as I pretty much always win my lane, which is mostly mid, and at worst break even. However I play mostly dominant mids like puck, timbersaw, invoker, huskar etc., so that's not too surprising.

    But as much as I can win my laning phase, I tend to fall behind during mid-late game stage, due to poor decision making, maybe spending too much time running around the map looking for kills and not finding any, or over-diving enemies due to me being slightly ahead.

    I would like some feedback on how to improve my gameplay, and any replay analysis would be very helpful.

    Here are some of the replays where I feel that I did somewhat badly once the laning stage ended : - Storm Spirit - Invoker - Timbersaw - Anti Mage (Farming safelane, had a great start but i feel that team started falling behind)

    Any helpful comments or general tips would also be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

    Woof Woof

      quit dota 2 nothing will improve your mid/late real life more


        You don't need to have any decision making in dota that goes outside the first 3 minutes of the game in current matchmaking. Stomp or be stomped.


          lol you lose when god let you lose, try hard won't help :D

          Let em wonder how we got ...

            For your invoker game, you didn't win during your laning phase at all. Going midas first against a razor is never a good idea, and there were so many chances for you to kill him (sunstrike -> snap + 2/3 hits enough). Also, you gave him another free kill when you were busy trying to sunstrike top and forgot about your lane totally, you need to have more awareness!

            When it comes to your mid game, your decision making is questionable at times (overextension and bad positioning), you also keep forgetting to use your items like force staff to escape/initiate. There was a teamfight around 27:50 replay time, where you had tornado and ghost walk invoked, and you chose to replace ghost walk with meteor, which is perfectly fine, but then you decided to use tornado and meteor without the blast (because invoke was on cooldown), which hit almost nothing! Waiting 12 seconds to get invoke off cooldown to land a tornado meteor blast combo would have been much better. Shortly after, you could have saved lina with your force staff too. (forgetting to use your item again)

            Your late game is abit better, better spell execution but positioning is still not up to par. Also, why did you even buy a hex and skadi if you didn't even use them at all? You really need to remember to use your items.

            Mistakes aside, your last hits were relatively good, you tried to rotate to gang early game as well which is good as well. Though if you want to get into high bracket, you cannot make those mistakes which i pointed out earlier.

            Este comentário foi editado

              So basically I need to have more map awareness, better positioning, and remember to use my items. I will keep that in mind next time I play :)


              Woof Woof

                what ???? did you ignore my response?


                  No one listens to hobbo's, my friend.


                    I agree with Volvo shield me plz


                      Not really gonna go through all those games buuuuuuut......

                      The primary reason people why people tend to perform worse mid to late game is because:

                      1. You no longer last hit or control the lanes. (i.e you lose gold or push out then lose potential gold)
                      2. Map awareness dulls. (i.e you go too far out or farm alone when everyone is missing, then you die)
                      3. Doing stupid things. (i.e chasing them so damn far just for a kill and this move can cost you games)
                      4. Incorrect item builds. (i.e not building bkb against a spell intensive lineup)
                      5. Farming too much (i.e not being there in fights, not ganking potential targets)