The update with this nerf will happend the 23rd of september D:
"weren't even easily abused and required some skill to execute"?
Actually it was not that hard to abuse the Chen/Pudge combo - definitely too easy for a safe kill.
While fun to watch, it is just not fun to play against such a mechanic. Good move by Valve imho.
P.S.: There's nothing about Kunkka's X Marks The Spot in the changelog, as far as I see. How should it be used for a fountain kill, anyway? Kunkka's position is not relevant for it.
Still no invoker bug fixes since April 2012. I'm starting to think the invoker bugs will be there forever.
"Beginning soon, users will be suspended from Dota 2 for 30 days when external tools attached to Dota 2 are detected by the Valve Anti-Cheat system"
This and armlet toggle nerf. Any idea if people were using tools to toggle armlet between dot ticks?
I'm wondering if pudge/chen combo will be replaced by wisp/magnus, or will be fixed asap:
(first fail)
It's not a nerf wtf. It's just a fix. And this is probably the best patch in months.
I think the OD bug appeared few months ago. I remember people were using bottle when they were low intel and had full mana after stacks were expiring.
"Upgraded Items can always be disassembled within 10 seconds of the combine (same rules as sell back)"
That's the fix for the infamous bone7 rapier??? Volvo pls.
all these casuals crying about "fountain hook" when none of you could pull it off and armlet toggling didn't require a script, it was a console bind and the sad part is, valve knew about the console bind for many years but they decided to remove it now
valve has no structural management at all
*Added a button to choose to be captain in a Captains Mode or Captains Draft game
been waiting for this, captain's mode might become viable as a pub mode
I will go with deeper explanations.
So with currend astral imprisonment.
when OD casts it. it takes away mana equal to 13*int taken. i.e. you have 20 int with 200 mana (missing 60), he will take 10 int and leave you with 70 mana (missing 60 to maximum)
( Imagine if this was true with slark, he would have 19 bonus pure damage per hit)
but when the debuff expires, it returns mana proportionally. i.e you have 10 int with 100 mana (missing 30), when you get stolen 10 int back you will have 20 int with 200 mana (missing 60 to maximum)
In this situation. a smart guy can get some mana potions from arcane boots and bottle before the debuff expires, which will proportionally mean more mana after that. and casting spells while under debuff will cost you proportionally more after the debuff expires.
so with current rework. getting mana potions when under the debuff or casting a spell will not mean anything(good or bad).
because it will still return mana equal to 13*int taken. I'm not sure how much this is abuff or a nerf. probably time shows. Now it's just rework.
probably it's a buff for pro matches and nerf for pubs, cuz they will still cast spells under the debuff and will not get punished for it.
Did you play against an OD lately? What you described is how it should be, but right now I think after buff expires you get no mana, or anyway much less then you should.
if it takes away mana like before and does not return it neither proportionally nor 13*(stolen int). it would actually be a huge buff. but ...
"Outworld Devourer: Fixed Astral Imprisonment not restoring the RIGHT AMMOUNT of mana after the debuff is removed."
You don't know what to expect when valve employees are talking about what is right.
That's what I'm saying: it's not buff/nerf, it's a fix!
Right now if you have 200/200 mana, od casts imprisonment on you, you remain with 60/60 and then after buff expires you remain with 60/200 or something much less then 200 anyway. It's not intended, it's not since forever, it's just a bug that appeared few months ago.
"Timbersaw: Fixed Timberchain not being interrupted by stuns"
"Fixed Shadow Blade revealing only when the attack hit the target rather than when it was launched"
Wait, what? That is pretty retarded.
"The quality of the item drops you are eligible for is now tied to your Dota profile level. You can see your current drop level in your profile page"
Wtf why would you fuck them for that Timber bug? I fucking hate that hero. At least now he is kind of nerfed.
Nothing is a bug they could fix them anytime if they wanted. everything is balance change
"Lone Druid: Fixed Level 1/2 Spirit Bear having 1800 day vision instead of 1400"
why is it fixed. spirit bear having 1800 day vision on level 1-2 was a unintended bug? k.
This game mode randomly selects 8 str, 8 agi, and 8 int heroes that both teams can choose from
Each team's captain bans 2 heroes (1/1/1/1) out of that list
Each team's captain selects 5 heroes (1/2/2/2/2/1) out of the remaining list
There is a 150 second total time pool for each team to complete all of their bans and selections
"This game mode randomly selects 8 str, 8 agi, and 8 int heroes that both teams can choose from"
can someone help clarify. does this mean captain just got fucked?
it's just like captains mode, except that instead of the full hero pool you are given a 24 random hero pool.
once picking starts the rules from CM apply,
It's a new mode. Regular captains will still be there, this is like random draft and captain's combined.
@what kind of invoker bugs are you thinkin of grim?
Since May 2012.....
These bugs are killing my fun and cockblocking my rampage
Lul'd @ Grimorum wannabe. Real Muromirg here
even copied all his names loool
wow 1k games of invoker :O im sure orummirg is the same grimorum im thinking of though :O
@ Deekay
I don't use my first account anymore. This is my main acct now. My KDA and win rate should be enough evidence to prove that I am not an imposter.
^oh damn. u play other heroes now!!! more medusa games than invoker!
Not really. I was just in a phase where I was interested with other heroes. However, it was so boring, I strictly only play invoker again. I want to be the first to hit 5000 kills with invoker on my suit lol:
unfortunately, the stupid counter isn't accurate. It often counts 2 or 3 less.
Where do u see the updates? I cant seem to find them in the client under "updates" and i dont see any mode called "Captains Draft" now either?
First Sentence: "On Monday, September 23,..."
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Pudge: Meat Hook now pulls the target to the initial hook position regardless of where Pudge is
appears upcoming update will nerf foutain hook, kunk hook, and other combos.