General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do people blame heroes?

Why do people blame heroes? in General Discussion

    Don't get me wrong, sometimes your lineup is plain disadvantaged against the opponents.

    E.g. your Furion against Clockwerk or Templar against Puck.

    Yeah sure, but don't blame everything on your hero. You're Puck vs a TA mid? I understand lesser CS but dying 0-3 in 10 minutes? Thats not cause of the hero. Its cause of you doing stupid things or being really really horrible =_="


      Sometimes it's inevitable. For example, you're a Shadow Fiend mid vs TA and the other team has a Spirit Breaker. If SB charges you, the ONLY WAY to survive is counter tp from your team - which usually doesn't happen in solo queue

      one and half gun

        how is templar weak against puck?


          I'm pretty sure he was talking about Puck

          Btw, you're another no stats abuser? zzz

          Este comentário foi editado
          Dire Wolf

            Because in solo queues people pick beyond retarded all the time. You'll be doing AP and someone randoms bounty hunter, then another randoms say luna. Next three picks are drow, riki, nyx. Or sometimes people pick ok overall teams but with no regard for lane composition like picking nature's or ursa and calling jungle when we have no solo off laner or stacking double melee like AM and and tide in a lane. Another thing I absolutely hate is when people do random draft and don't pick in time on purpose so they get a random pick. If you want to random go AP and random! Draft is so you can draft a good team! And my final gripe, people never repicking in all random. I know all random is probably for noobs, but I enjoy it sometimes, but you have to know if you get a team of all ints vs AM you need to repick that crap. It's still a crapshoot as the repick is also random and you only get one, but I've had games where it was like outworld, shadow shaman, shadow demon, silencer and filler vs spirit breaker, anti mage and filler and no one repicks.


              I understand sometimes its downright impossible like what you said about SF against SB or a team of INT against AM but its often NOT the case. Especially so in Captain's Mode where if you lose horribly in the beginning, its blamed on the draft.


                Well, isn't it obvious? If someone blames the heroes when it's clear that the draft wasn't the problem, it's someone who doesn't want to have the blame put into him.


                  That's a good question. I also wonder why people blamed bankers and security rating agencies for the financial crisis of 2007. What morons.


                    I always thought that if you were facing a hero that counters you, it's still your fault, because you picked him? I mean, say, if someone instapicks a Pudge ... would it really that surprising when someone on the other team picks a Huskar or something?


                      Exactly what ihaveaname said.

                      If you instantpick Sniper or SF, do not wonder if people pick Bara or Od against you. If you instantpick pudge, even an ursa/naix/jugger can rape you mid. Same goes for a TA against Huskar oder Viper. Some heros are just situational.

                      Puck still should not die 3 times in 10 min to TA. But the other option is getting harrassed out of the lane.

                      The most evil pick in current meta is Bara. He can gank every low HP from lvl 3 on, has nearly 1000 Hp and sick armor. He is easy to counter with proper TP reaction, but even in very high bracket there is nothing like a tp reaction, if you do not stack with 3-5.

                      waku waku

                        sometimes i feel like if i picked a different hero i would have done much better
                        but the other times i feel like i could not have done better if i picked someone else so it's ok


                          it's kami


                            feeding with heroes like SF pudge so on is explanable. because they have no escape, gank means death. but feeding with heroes like puck and weaver should be not.

                            Dire Wolf

                              Sometimes you lose because of the draft but it's very situational too. Like you pick a balanced team with a tank, two supports, a pusher and a hard carry. Other team has 3 hard carries and 2 supports. If the game stays pretty even and goes late they will probably win and your team is like gg should've had another hard carry. So it's easy to blame the draft, though the truth is you probably should've out played them early and ended sooner.

                              A lot of teams make good picks but then just don't play to their team's strengths too. What is the point of having enigma and jakiro as your supports if you never team fight? If the other team is full of gankers and you don't five man push to force the team fights it's your own fault, though draft gets blamed.

                              Dire Wolf


                                This is why people blame heroes. I randomed Omni, next two picks are faceless void and ogre mage, last two are spirit breaker and alchemist and we're against jakiro. That's just beyond stupid, picking all melee carries when we have void (makes his ult pretty bad use) and vs an huge aoe'r like jakiro. Our team played pretty terrible too, alchemist started 0-5-0, probably didn't matter the picks, but those are really bad picks.

                                Pandamonium(You Died)

                                  ^Serves you right for randoming in AP.

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    u blame your team picks when your opponents hard carry is a broodmother?

                                    Retard Security Detail

                                      I like President Obama blame George Bush for my shortcomings and inability to do anything at a competent level. We picked the wrong hero for president, Russia totally counter picked us.


                                        ^This is why people are afraid of internet forums (well, that and the flaming, I guess).

                                        Ples Mercy

                                          sometimes you can blame the picks, if you have a team based on splitpush against a bara, you cant do shit.

                                          Mostly people are just retarded though, usually when you are 2 stupid 2 draft, then you usually are 2 stupid 2 play.


                                            thats why its always fun to first pick sf! and i hate all those motherfuckers that last ick him and get so easy wins (as the chances for that are much higher regardless of skill)