General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for team.

Looking for team. in General Discussion

    Hello guys i'm 20 years old. I play dota for 8 years.! I m looking for very good team. My Role is : Support or Offlaner.

    add me to steam if you want test me or ask me for my past. My past in dota is very good (Tournaments,leagues).
    I playing dota every day for 2-5 hours.

    Woof Woof

      I play dota for 8 years
      241 - 245

      Win Rate

      +really low kda

      why lieing be honest people will see that your '8years' experience is bullshit story

      Woof Woof

        if not by stats alone its going to be your gameplay
        gl nontheless


          you think stats make player? if you play alone in public its difficult make a good stats. When i play with my teammates i win easy....Well yes im -4 but for no long.!
          I make the post cause im looking for team. So if someone want test me or here.


            I don't know whether this guy is good or not, but judging people by their winrate on dota2buff is just bs, MM sucks.


              i agree with you coach.


                disagree, i have my winrate from playing solo, + your kda is shit

                and you play in normal bracket

                i call bs


                  normal bracket i play last games cause my winrate is -..... when you are 50.1% you are going in high bracket....


                    i dont make the post for you...and nobody want to say his bs.... I make the post for people who want me test me in 1 or 2 games... ok? if you dont want test me just dont answer in this post. only people want test me.! nobody else. thanks


                      My past in dota is very good (Tournaments,leagues).

                      you are shit, gtfo


                        Its true that u can't tell the "whole" story from ur WR or your KDR...

                        But even playing solo in pubs, below 50% is pretty unacceptable.

                        It means: 1. Ur just one of those people who get in fights and dont want to lose and keep arguing and flaming till games over. (ie high ego)
                        2. U dont consider other peoples picks and just play what u want. Which is totally fine, I have nothing against it.
                        3. Just bad in general but cant admit it because you've been playing for a long time and u overestimate urself. ( I have been doing this myself but changed my attitude. Ive been playing for ~8 years as well, on and off)

                        Este comentário foi editado

                          Rapid you are the shit here.......Just i make a post.! cause i m looking for team.


                            Guys.....if someone want to join in team just comment 1) steam name 2) Role : support/carry/offlaner...

                            1) I m looking for players with high skills to make a good team.
                            2) Need free time, cause every day we must make practise game (2 games minimum).



                              @Rapid, shut the fuck up you only play invoker and your 2nd is sf lol


                                also @the thread starter, judging by your stats you play 0 supports so why the fuck do you think you can support for tournaments?

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  I'm gonna judge you by your item choices. And they suck. Daedalus before Manta on PL. Aquila over a TP. QoP with still no TP. Weaver with PMS and still no TP. Even as CM you don't carry a TP. Viper with Bottle Shadowblade and Crytalis. 43 minutes in, you have tangoes on Ursa. Better than TP I guess. And Crytalis on Ursa as well. Are you really sure you have 8 years of experience?


                                    you looking my public game? well done.! with all nabs in public i make everything i want... when i play with teammates or somewhere i play seriously....
                                    Look my 2 last game... i play with 2 friends and i play normal... if i have 2 more ..... im looking for 2 more ppl for team.!
                                    in public i play everything....
                                    but in tournaments or practise role is support or Offlane. I can play carry but i dont want. I like play support in team games.

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      All your top heroes are carries you know? With terrible KDA's on carries.


                                        yes man.....i know my top heroes are carries. Anyway...maybe i play and carry dont know.! im just looking for team right now.