General Discussion

General DiscussionBuilding Team

Building Team in General Discussion
Ples Mercy

    Sup guys, i wanna create a new team, in other words i want to tryhard with 4 other scrubs like me.

    So yeah, i basicly need scrubs on my level who are able to use teamspeak and speak english. First off playing some pubs, later on playin some teamgames and when the team has some scrubstrats and synergy i plan on starting on small tournaments so we can show the world how good we are at failing.

    Basicly what i need is:
    1 scrubcarry
    1 scrubofflaner
    2 srubsupplayers

    If you feel scrublike enough then pm in this thread. I dont want pros with a winrate below 50%, since they are just 2 pro for me.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention i play on EU/US East. Do not need pros with 500ms
    EDIT_V2: Also, if you are interested then just add me after u wrote here.

    Kanye Best

      'me mid'

      Ples Mercy

        im the feeding mid.

        Woof Woof

          i jungle really well as kunka when can u try me out?

          Ples Mercy

            sounds good, i prefer junlging pudge more but hell, kunkka sounds not bad

            Woof Woof

              wish i had time and willpower to play tmm <3 nontheless gl2u

              Ples Mercy

                np, i still luv u bcuz your avatar is an old rapist.


                  I'd love to take a shot as well to joining this team, im truly getting annoyed of the all before mentioned. Have mic and not retarded ;)


                    guess u dont need me then :/ u seem like a nice guy tho so i would have loved to play with u.


                      I would like to join but I'm too pro for you.
                      "I dont want pros with a winrate below 50%, since they are just 2 pro for me."


                        I will try to get that one win and impress you

                        Jay Ashborne

                          Oh god Blunt made a thread. -tunes in-


                            u try everyone out? D: try me out pls how can i add you?

                            Autism is great

                              Can stand inside out

                              King of Low Prio

                                Feed for everyone

                                Ples Mercy

                                  I edited my topic abit, so ya, u knovv it!


                                    Illl play a support role. Add me


                                      support / offlaner
                                      ADD me to discuss


                                        add 1st role


                                          i got the offlane covert dont worry

                                          Ples Mercy

                                            ima bump for more trafic for my friendslist.

                                            Penis Monkey

                                              let me play i'm really good and we synergise really well


                                                Check me out if you wanna recruit me

                                                Ples Mercy

                                                  just add me.

                                                  New PMA Attitude

                                                    Id be willing to try out. Tell me if I should add you.


                                                      can i try out?

                                                      Ples Mercy

                                                        @kluu & uncles:
                                                        Go ahead, just add, dont ask beforehand. Noone dies adding other people :'D

                                                        Ken Bone

                                                          My name is Brian,

                                                          I'm 24
                                                          I play 1-3 times a day
                                                          Mid is the only role I can't play.
                                                          Best heroes: Lone Druid, Windrunner, Mirana
                                                          I've only been playing for less than a year but i'm still pretty smart. So I have the perfect blend of knowing how to do things, and not being able to do them.
                                                          Dota name: Stache'd (Because of my mustache, though less epic than in years prior)

                                                          I'm looking for a team that has a regular practice time from 7-11pm central time.

                                                          Ples Mercy

                                                            just add and write a pm @ steam.


                                                              Steam Id: Yamahia
                                                              Offlaner, and supporter



                                                                Ples Mercy

                                                                  happyscrubleader, ty


                                                                    u'r trash

                                                                    Ples Mercy

                                                                      if im trash, what are you mr 2-2 failsmurfaccountofd00mwhocantplaydotoandisscaredofwritingfromhis45%wrmainacc?


                                                                        because i can nigger



                                                                          It's funny cause the meepo guy is called Blunt. heuahueahue scrubblunt =D