General Discussion

General Discussionneed opinion on this razor build

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need opinion on this razor build in General Discussion
    this is supposedly in very high skill bracket

    waku waku

      very nice build the power threads add the much needed attack speed and stats, magic wang helps recover health and mana aganist foes like invoker and necrolyte, mask gives lifesteal to replace the lost health, the amulet allows to conceal yourself to surprise enemies and can be built into shadow blade, the tp scroll allows to teleport to towers and poor man shield protects from early harass as well as give stats


        god why didnt i think of that
        your a genius


          Given his statistics, he takes advantage of a flawed system and sneaks into very high with friends.

          Pandamonium(You Died)

            I just played from my twinkie with friend, we got into high, he only plays normal. Got scores like that. So yeah, it might be someone out of their league playing.

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              Never get lothar on Razor. Please stop it. It's not worth it. It doesn't give anything razor needs. All you can do with it link retards and go near them invisibly.


                like being in 'very high' means something.


                  its the closest we have to a ladder so it means something


                    no actually if 100% of your games arent on the first 10 pages you arent as good as you think.


                      too big a generalization, considering the mm decides to fuck you up each time you are on a win streak


                        whatever makes you feel better about it.

