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General DiscussionTips for a Sad Loser

Tips for a Sad Loser in General Discussion

    Loser in however you interpret it. The point being I'm on another loss streak.

    Ignoring the Warlock game in my last six, is anyone willing to give me tips based on what I did?

    It's not fun losing every match.

    P.S.: I dislike playing a support in pubs. Not because I don't like supporting or because carrying is more rewarding, but just because I can't count on pubbies carrying and last hitting properly.

    I assume I'm not a good player. Any tips?

    Ming (Zufälliger König)





          You don't farm enough. That's all.


            You came to the wrong place to get tips.


              Play snowball heroes! If you aren't good with snowball heroes, practice practice practice.


              Search guides for specific heroes you enjoy.



                As an example. What was I to do when i picked Storm Spirit (who is a really fun hero imo :P) FIRST in Random Draft, and then have the team pick 4 more mids and replace me with a QoP who doesn't gank? :/



                  I know. At least Grimorum is constructive. :3


                    i analyezd ur game DARKLY, and i have to ask, why do you play Random Draft perma ??
                    then u wonder that u get team-mates that suck...

                    moreover, u should focus more to keep enemies down from farming ( was enemy doom in ur naix - game ganked a single time )

                    additionally - bad item choices...

                    naix game: mjollner should be AC
                    Storm game: no sheep but dagon 1 ? srlsy do u wanna win with ur team or do you wanna KS so u think ur not as bad ?

                    final word: get some good friends and play as minimum 3 !!!

                    Kappa yolo 39%



                      I'd already given up when I bought that Dagon.

                      Thanks for the tips otherwise.

                      Cykapath 传说中的猫龙

                        When i lose, i play here , you must be familiar with it and if you dont then i am glad i showed it up.
                        Its like a ton of bullshit modes, like radiance with 130 damage burn or global reverse polarity, when i play it, even if i lose, i still dont care
                        because its too damn funny and, makes you forget about trying hard or just the having the need to win after a lose streak.
                        Highly recommended in my opinion.

                        Chen Centaur Challenge

                          The good news DARKLY is your post indicates you are willing to learn and also, watching your game it seems that you have the good fortune to be above average in your ability to control your mouse and click buttons. So as you learn the game you can eventually become good at it.

                          I recommend playing random heroes until you have some idea how all of them work. There are over 100 heroes and you really won't have feel for them until you have played them each several times at least. Don't worry about winning the game too much, just try to play your hero well and understand how that hero wins. It's mush easier to beat enemy heroes when you have played them enough to know when they are vulnerable. But if you want to play just your favorites that's fine too.

                          I decided to watch your storm game to give you some tips. 230470446

                          First thing is, you need to protect your courier especially from a blink hero. AM was bad, so he didn't even try. But he could have killed it before you got your bottle. Deliver items back from the creep line and out of vision.

                          Next you can get a lot more from your bottle charge if you change treads to agility when you use the bottle. You will get more hp and mana. Just make a habit of doing it. Whenever you are going to click a bottle charge switch to agility.

                          Don't port into a tower where heroes can immediately stun you. Leshrac was bad and missed his stun, but its really easy to hit that on an incoming TP.

                          Storm can cast electric vortex and static remnant, even attack and use items, while he is invulnerable in ult form. Its hard to do, but you are fast enough its worth trying to learn to do it. You can pick off low enemys right next to their team if you are fast enough. Just keep jumping and they won't be able to hit you. I'm not that good at it, but its such an effective tactic. Just attempting it I do very well. Currently 9 wins and 1 loss on storm.

                          AM kills you at 23 min because he somehow attacked you when you like 250 range it appeared, very odd, maybe a bug with the new quelling blade giving him extra range. Storm is very vulnerable to AM's ult. Mana void can hurt your team a lot. You should get a linkens first against AM instead of a bloodstone. Linkens would also have been very good against kunka to block X, a spell that hurts storm very badly...this kunka was a nub so he didn't use it. Linkens would also block that orchid they used against you.

                          When you do get bloodstone, you can get it faster by getting mana boots. You can then disassemble the boots to make blood stone for 1000 less gold, and make treads after.

                          In general doing long jumps is almost always a bad idea. You can get a lot more done with lots of short jumps.

                          When you attack in a team fight with storm, you should try to jump to the back and kill a support with a stun or a silence first. Often the enemy heroes will be looking at the front anyway and won't even know you did it. The support hero will die quickly and not be able to contribute to the fight at all. If you attack a carry hero or a tank in the front, they will not die and the support from the back will counter stun or silence and kill you.

                          There is a lot you could learn by watching a good player play any hero you want to know about. The best way I think is to watch a pro player in a tournament game by buying the ticket and watching the replay from the Point of View of the player. If things are going to fast or you want to back up and see how he just did that!!!? you can easily do it in the game client.

                          Este comentário foi editado


                            Thanks for the tips! :3



                              I only played storm spirits about 8 times, but I am pretty sure the skill build is
                              remnant, vortex, overload, vortex, vortex, ball.
                              is that how you level your skills?

                              Also, do you know you can attack/use items during the ball?
                              So attack during ball lightning, then vortex, attack, remnant, attack.

                              Safe Base


                                Builds are situational but I think in more situations it's better to go Rem, over, vort compared to rem, vort, over.


                                Most important thing is to build a bigger pool of friends to play with.

                                -Naix game, epic feed by everyone and you still did ok.
                                -Naga game, slark snowballing and doom decides to semi-rush a radiance and goes 1/11??
                                -storm game 2, overall a balanced looking game then went down to 1 bad late game team fight. However if pudge wasn't so bad it wouldn't have to go to that.
                                -Necro game, alch??

                                and some other recent games there's sensely feeding. Dying does not equal feeding, but 1 or 2 player in each of the games looks like they are either matched badly by the dota 2 MM or playing one of their worst heroes and ended up feeding uncontrolably.

                                Simple examples in a game you actually won.
                                Your team won and dominated the game 50-17. You were crystal maiden hard support and still ended 6/4/18, your doom is 8/8/12. This guy would feed out of control if your team didn't dominate this much.
                                Another winning example.
                                Your lina game 4 days ago. Your team stomped the enemy team and your skele king is 0/7/7??? You had a shadow shaman + naix offlane against their omni/drow, they had a furion who died to neutrals cliff jungling less than 2 minutes in. 30seconds later omni just stood at secret shop and died from full hp to naix/shaman without even moving etc etc... Your SK was the safe lane farmer, Lvl11 and 22 last hits as safe lane farmer and at least until 22mintues he was still playing. He looked like someone in another game could feed 0/30 as the hard carry without intentionally feeding.

                                Penis Monkey

                                  I play Europe West and I'm in top bracket, if you want to play with me and learn some then add me.

                                  Woof Woof

                                    stay bad or go to lol/hon in dota 2 players that want to improve or are good at the game arent welcome

                                    srsly if you arent going to stack every game just quit and save your sanity


                                    keep playing bad
                                    dont give a single fuck about improving
                                    think how can you play worse
                                    and then its like u hit home

                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                      did you just imply hon is a casual game

                                      Woof Woof

                                        but hon/lol are less casual than dota2

                                        Este comentário foi editado

                                          more casual u mean


                                            @Safe Base

                                            Thanks. I've been trying. I really only have 2 or 3 friends that I trust to play well, and they're in different circles. I think I need to work on this.




                                              Anyways, this:

                                              I need new friends...maybe.

                                              Este comentário foi editado
                                              Chen Centaur Challenge

                                                It looks like Zeus must have been drunk.. forgetting to do things like press buttons.


                                                  That Zeus is your friend? Why?



                                                    I honestly have no recollection of adding him or him adding me. Probably my fault for playing with him in the first place.


                                                      Looking for someone that knows how to play Visage well :P




                                                        play mid role more, like qop n ta they dont need awespme farm but they can farm veey well. it teaches you the importance of wardong for yourself in the lower brackets because the supports probably wont. and it teaches you map awareness as well as how to gank. you dont have to play mid for forever, but getting good at it could imprpve your skills


                                                          fucking typing this out on a smartphone is gay