General Discussion

General DiscussionDear carry players,

Dear carry players, in General Discussion

    If I pick support, and play well, and do everything right: can you have the decency to play seriously enough to win?

    Just had a game as KOTL where I bought smoke, and wards, and courier - did everything I needed to do for a good, fun game. So what does my Gyro do? He goes S&Y, and doesn't get a BKB. So despite us getting middle rax, we still lose late game fights, and end up losing all our raxs and throne.

    What does he do when I mention this? Him and his friends all laugh at me and troll me!

    It's just disrespectful. Get over yourselves. Because if you don't do YOUR job, than you're just a poser.

    Solo queue hell... I'll never get my winrate in the positive, because this shit just keeps happening to me.


      The soloQ life sucks m8, ive had like 2000+ solo que games, and ive sat @ 50% the whole time.

      I have my fair share of poor performances, but when you're up against co-ordinated stacks and you get given hopeless idiots who bring their trash friends into the higher tiers it isn't fun at all. literally 49% of my losses have been due to poor communication/lack of ability, the very small percentage of games where it was even on both sides and hard fought wins/losses.

      The match making system is fucked, peoples general intelligence is fucked, everyone wants to be the hero of the match so they go mid/carry and just straight out fucking suck. No ones perfect when it comes to dota, but i will never intentional lose or give up. The amount of fuckwits you have to deal with is wrong.

      Woof Woof

        valves match maker

        Chen Centaur Challenge

          Add me yoshiba. I see you like to play KotL. You are only what? 14 wins short of 50%?

          We can fix that. You play KotL I will play PL. I am a support player, because I prefer it. But I can play most carries and I am quite good at PL. My win rate is 77% and my KDA is over 10. Give me a good start on PL and I will win every game.

          Este comentário foi editado

            Noobs love rushin AnY and Vlads, at least he knows vlads doesn't work on ranged hero.
            You'll just have to accept this and move on.
            Or find people to play with.

            Sōu ka

              joke's on you SnY isn't even a bad item on gyro


                I think that game had a lot to do because of your opponents' picks also. Ravage and Sanity's Eclipse alone would screw you over and it looks like all of them were quite fat too. But I know what your point is. I prefer to play supports more and expect carries to play to win. Easiest way to get win rate in the positive would be to play with at least 2 others you know you have good teamwork with. Going alone is quite a risky thing (imo..though I do get very good team mates at times too).


                  That's because valve sucks cock. need more proof? Look at the retarded mute system!

                  WAHHH I called someone a flaming faggot. Mute.

                  I pause and say "DIVINE MIRACLE" mute.

                  I rape homos with my dagon laser beam up the butt. Mute

                  Gabe is a faggot fat piece of shit. Mute

                  Valve sucks cock. Mute

                  I hope valve dies and makes zero money off this shitty ass game. Mute

                  Valve ruins dotabuff and DBR. Mute

                  Fuck valve. Mute.






                    MUTED for not trying. They need to change the arrangement of the report icons because people report others for communication since its the first thing to click on.


                      if u want a decent cary to play with,u can add me,only if u play -cm

                      Sōu ka

                        i admire people who can play -cm matchmaking and don't want to kill themselves

                        Spinach Rag

                          Yeah, if a support out-carries the carry, there is sum ting wong.


                            Why would he get a BKB? Its not like there's OD or a Tide on the other team. Pfff noob pls