General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich server most competetive?

Which server most competetive? in General Discussion

    As title says, and do not just put a certain server just because you play there please ty :D

    My answer is SEA...watched many streams and i realized they arent as competetive


      only played in europe..

      from merlini/tc/fluff/xmike streams us servers looked pretty lowbobish tho

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        Almost the same. Though Rus servers are worse, cause lots of kids.

        tveni tveni

          dont think anyone knows which server has the best page 587 games for u

          Sōu ka

            if you want to practice how to play against awful wisps i suggest you try to play against swiftending on eu

            tveni tveni

              dont remember the last time ive played with my wisp buddy, still u dont reserve the right to call anyone awful sry

              Sōu ka

                how does one deserve that right? is it by playing wisp+ck/something else with 4-5 stacks for like 200 games straight? last time i've checked that's something to be proud of

                tveni tveni

                  like i give a fuck about what you think about ''e-pride'', lmao. even if i hadnt played those 200 wisp games i'd still be leagues ahead of you, but how to explain that to a desperate solo queuer who probably got butt-devastated by wisp one too many times. not to mention playing with wisp is actually extremely useful, it improved my play a lot more than i thought it would

                  why are you butthurt anyway, did i walk over you some time ago or what happened?

                  dookie daddy

                    As many people have hit back at this before.

                    Stacking is not a crime and doesn't mean that a player is awful cause he stacks.
                    You don't reserve any rights to call anyone awful no matter how good.

                    Swiftending stacks so gets team mates he can rely on and a better winrate because of it, there is nothing wrong with that.

                    I don't stack much so I have a shitty win rate and I cycle through heroes like toilet paper so I never get uber good with a single hero and never get higher that 50% WR (52% was the highest I hit and that was a long time ago)

                    Lets honestly face it, there are few wisp players out their who stick to wisp throughout. Most of them (e.g. the top dotabuff player on WR) will play them with the best carries that dotabuff has. Why? Cause good carries know the value of wisp with a person who is a competent carry.

                    You can't hate someone for adding a smurf or a main account of a person who wants a carry to play with, If you were a good carry you would probably have people licking your balls to play wisp with you.....but you don't and neither do I.

                    As an old saying goes "Don't hate the playa" - A. Einstein

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                    dookie daddy

                      To keep on topic, EU is quite hard core competitive but....that being said if you manage to queue high skill for awhile on US there is a chance you will start randomly coming across some of the pro's and their finest.

                      Sōu ka

                        you're fucking pathetic
                        you actually think winrate says anything while you fucking 4-5 man stack for 500 games with the same 4-5 people and 250 games with wisp and get a fucking 65% winrate
                        you really are a god among the wisp-stack players really
                        and that makes you think you can talk shit about someone who got a 48% win ratio or talk shit about me for no reason
                        yeah flame me for not playing dumbass heroes/hero compositions and try super hard in a pub where the other team probably doesn't even give a fuck if they lose or not
                        matchmaking on eu isn't challenging at all if you 4 or 5 man stack with people who aren't completely fucking terrible and actually try to win


                          Kegel hates the wisperrssss

                          Sōu ka

                            i don't actually care, just dont like it when they leave the basement to show off their shiny armor


                              this faggot kegel constatly flames everyone, because everyone should solo queue and pick ds, rubick. because others heroes are for trashs and stackers.


                                Just stop caring and let them do whatever they want, not like you could change it, so why waste energy?

                                tveni tveni

                                  No its just not sucking ass, my stack randoms shit in general but we still win because we can actually play the game. This retard calls me a tryhard while his top played heroes are in order: DS rubick SD bat rider chen, lmao. You've got a severe case of dunning kruger running here, not like the heroes you pick aren't instapick in competitive, what a hypocrite

                                  And don't think solo queue makes you good - no, you're terrible. How can I tell? Because pretty much everybody decent who played leagues, scrims, pubs etc has built up a friend list and has tons of connections, and random pubbers from solo queue who don't stand out in skill and don't get recognized by anyone are still random pubbers from solo queue. Go call competitive players bad because they stack in pubs, what a shitty bitter attitude you have for a noname pubber. Maybe try to make some friends and you wont be so frustrated

                                  Sōu ka

                                    how am i being frustrated again?
                                    and i've never said i was any good, this is where you got your shit wrong
                                    you're being super defensive while i at no point said you were a bad player

                                    and picking heroes while you solo queue, what a shame isn't it, when you get matched with stacks all the time, i usually pick heroes that get shit done but hey play solo queue and pick rubick and play 5 and see how imbalanced that hero is, or play chen while solo queing and see how powerful he is

                                    takes someone really smart to see the difference between picking 1 hero or a complete competitive lineup with potentially heroes that are not even available in -cm

                                    and how many competitive players play in tryhard stacks?
                                    you are really sad, really
                                    which stack of competitive tryhard stackers are you referring to again? i'd really like to know it


                                      typical pub player who can play only ds on offlane, other heroes are too hard :(


                                        playing solo in mobas is like being tortured, dno why you would want to do that


                                          ive played in very high on both eu west and us east!
                                          i can say eu is better but thats just me
                                          there are fucking noobs everywhere

                                          Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                            ph server most competitive

                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                              Most EU games are page 1 because those games mostly include a Wisp-Treant stack. Sometimes SEA games with player from DK, iG etc. playing are the highest level games though.

                                              tveni tveni

                                                Pancakes... tryhard is such a retarded insult and shouldn't even exist. It reads ''you're outplayig me so I'm gonna call you a tryhard''. It doesn't even make any sense, what means tryhard to you? Picking good heroes? Buying wards/sentries? Smoke ganking mid? The tryhard is a term made up by the same scrubs who in dota 1 were saying ''lol u gank me 3v1?? fucking pussies come 1v1 me'', it just makes no sense. The next thing you know people will be calling out others for trying to last hit etc.

                                                In my last games I've had a lion zone me out on mid with an illusion rune for 2 whole waves so TA could take every cs, and then I've had spirit breaker charging me 2-3 times. Should've I died 5 times and called them tryhards or actually accepted they're putting in effort to shut me down and if I don't feed them they'll lose out on other lanes? If you tell yourself ''heh they were tryhards i couldnt do anything so my bad play is justified'' and give yourself an excuse then you're never going to improve.

                                                And about the pro stacks, well you can see that almost all of them play pubs with some kind of stack of high skill players or friends. Idk what's tryhard for you there

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                                                  pancakes is an ugly nerd scum who calls better looking guys tryhards in real life

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                                                    hey @Swiftending back in teh day denying was tryharding, though we really didn't call it tryharding then. anyway it's just like you say - a bad excuse from bad players not willing to acknowledge some people are better than themselves

                                                    Sōu ka

                                                      For me playing wisp+ck/slark/alchemist for 50 games straight is considered trying hard.
                                                      Whatever problems you have with the implication of the word really isn't my concern and for me personally it's not an insult.
                                                      I'd actually do anything in my games to win, but playing 5 man stacks with wisp+partner, while usually people on the other team don't even give a shit, sounds kind of saddening to me.

                                                      And I've never called stacks of competitive players tryhards, on the contrary I asked you for tryhard stacks of competitive players, because they usually don't pick Wisp every fucking game and try to do everything they can to abuse the fact that they are playing -ap. That's actually frowned upon by most decent players.


                                                        I found 0 Wisps in the last 7 matches of Swiftending.

                                                        Sōu ka

                                                          and he won 3/7;
                                                          are you implying he can only win with his wisp friend?
                                                          you all need to get a fucking idea, how statistics work or not fucking use them

                                                          Chen Centaur Challenge

                                                            At the very top I really think USeast is the toughest server. But its an artificial comparison. The players on the top NA pro teams, Liquid, Dignitas, and EG almost all have played a lot of pub games for years and they still like to do it. They are often on there on main accounts and smurfs and so the potential is always there to run into world class players. The pros in EU and especially in Asia spend far more time playing inhouse so your 5 very high stack is unlikely to face actual pros very often. Also the best EU players are playing on US east not infrequently as well...and whatever excellent South American players there are also play USeast. Its just a matter of a central location.

                                                            For instance, watch any random Swiftending game and he will totally outclass everyone in the game...but on USeast that may not happen because someone will secretly be a pro player.

                                                            Pubwise I think EU is stronger than NA servers, and I've heard SEA is stronger than both, but I have not played any SEA games so I can't be sure.

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                                                              bitch pls u get pro player atleast once in 3 games not to mention usualy its few in ur team and few in enemy team

                                                              Chen Centaur Challenge

                                                                Yes, that is what happens to murs almost every game. But not you or me. We see them more like every 10-20 games. Or maybe you are considering pros anyone who has played 1 game in a tournament?

                                                                hmm, you could be right by that standard.

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                                                                tveni tveni

                                                                  Indeed karake

                                                                  So basically picking strong heroes for you is trying hard? Well wait, I can't fix valve MM allowing stacks to be matched against 5 solo queuers. Wisp is pretty hard to play around in solo queue, but that's a balance design issue and the fact that it's a hero it's easy to stomp with. If you're playing stack vs stack then you should have no problems coordinating good enough to counter wisp and beat him. You can completely avoid wisp by solo queueing or queueing a mode other than AP, but you want to solo queue into wisp stacks and beat them? That's hardly going to happen

                                                                  Look, wisp is just one of the many ways for a coordinated stack to beat pubbers easily, that's why you call it ''tryhard''. In fact you could probably do like 10 more different strategies without wisp with a organized stack and win 90% of the games - vaikiss did the lvl 1 rosh with push lineup + drow and won games in 10 minutes. Ursa lvl 1 roshan, a pushing trilane with chen etc will all stomp pubbers at all levels but you won't call it ''tryhard''... because everybody plays wisp for easy games and not these strats since getting 20 kills is funnier than razing buildings I guess

                                                                  Also I've got like 100+ last games without wisp and I'm pretty sure I won more of them than my current win rate so there's that as well

                                                                  Chen Centaur Challenge

                                                                    ^besides that wisp is really very hard to play well. If it was easy to win all your games with wisp+1 everyone would first pick wisp every game...but they don't because its too difficult to execute.

                                                                    Sōu ka

                                                                      If it makes you feel better i don't call people "tryhards", and you can play however the fuck you want to.
                                                                      I don't know why this word hurts you so much but whatever.

                                                                      All i was saying was that you were trying hard. What else do you want me to call it when you obviously try harder to win the game than your opponent, because that's where the problem's coming from.
                                                                      People have different expectation, motivations and even different structures (stack, solo queue) and as a single player you might not be able to do anything at all, that's where the problem is originating from.

                                                                      And solo queue MM is fucking awful, same as queuing gamemodes other than -ap for the most part, as there are barely any games with decent MMR, I much rather play against people who play together.

                                                                      The thing about the statistics is that you have no comparable data to base your opinion on.


                                                                        Sry Pancake. I was tired and didn't notice you're trolling.


                                                                          I am being called tryhard everyday swift :c


                                                                            you play too much ursa dude


                                                                              IKR, but ursa is so much fun when you are mega stoned.

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