General Discussion

General DiscussionWho is the huskar player in dotabuff?

Who is the huskar player in dotabuff? in General Discussion
Red John

    Who is the huskar player in dotabuff?

    Ming (Zufälliger König)

      i am the huskar playa in dotabuff


        no i am


          who is the ogre magi of dotabuff?

          Ming (Zufälliger König)

            vaikiss is the ogre magi of dotabuff


              I'm not the top huskar player here, but I liked him before the buff. Most people don't have huskar as their 3rd most played hero, but I do.

              Ming (Zufälliger König)

                hes not asking for the top. hes asking for the huskar of dotabuff!


                  It was useless before the fix and it is useless now... Poor huskar..
                  By the way i used to play it a lot, and i know what i am talking about.


                    Don't know who is the best Huskar, but I'm definitely the worst. Horribly lost mid against Lich. Huskar is as useless after 6.78 as he was before... Now laugh away at my shame.



                      I know that feel bro, shit happens

                      Moja Moja

                        Huskar rapes all the int heroes with the buff.


                          I don't see him raping silencer.

                          Bad Intentions

                            techies of dotabuff

                            Ming (Zufälliger König)

                              vaikiss is the slark of dotabuff

                              Cykapath 传说中的猫龙

                                LF picker, die in hell.

                                Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                  and this my friend, is the tinker of the dotabuff

                                  Pandamonium(You Died)

                                    Person with the most smurfs is meepo of the dotabuff


                                      its the same person who is the best naix player or skeleton king

                                      Safe Base

                                        Person with the most smurfs is the PL of dotabuff.


                                          im only antimage then with mantas cuz its 3 am bithez

                                          Cykapath 传说中的猫龙

                                            Its voidker please pay more attention to the details.


                                              the huskar player you might be looking for is my friend Etherealz, +1600 huskar matches with 60%win on it, he doesnt instapick it anymore tho.

                                              Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                @safe base
                                                PL is the cancer of the dotabuff


                                                  ^ Etherealz has the exact KDA as my huskar lol. Our winrate for huskar is fairly similar too. I always felt my huskar isn't good because I love burning spears too much (thank god for the new update).

                                                  He plays plenty of huskar, but I was hoping the top huskar player would have higher KDA than mine.

                                                  Este comentário foi editado
                                                  Chen Centaur Challenge

                                                    Huskar had in some weeks, but since patch no longer does, the worst average KDA of all heroes. This week he is up to 2.19. All time average still lagging behind at 1.82, but has jumped up way past meepo since the new much harder to kill huskar was born.

                                                    Este comentário foi editado
                                                    tveni tveni

                                                      Huskar has disastrous KDA due to the way he works, I've also got terrible KDA for him as he was my sponge hero to soak up losses when I predicted them due to shit picks of my team, he was a pretty weak hero as well

                                                      However with the new one you shouldn't have bad KDA as he's ridiculous


                                                        KDA is one thing, but having a 60%winrate huskar in 1600huskar games in the old version is pretty ridonkulous


                                                          ^ you mean 59.69%. Yes, it is very good for old version huskar, but it isn't far from mine which is also old version huskar. We even have the exact same KDA.

                                                          I think top huskar player should be much better, isn't there anyone else?


                                                            grimorum, I think you are misinformed. Etherealz has played huskar 1600 times with a 60 percent win rate, that's far better than yours. You know how low game players have like 80 percent wins and shit like that just because their games fluctuate like crazy? Well that's your huskar playing. If you have like 10 or even liek 30 more wins with huskar than losses, then etherealz has like 300 more. It's fucked up.

                                                            His skill level will be much higher as well, no comparison.

                                                            Este comentário foi editado

                                                              I understand what you are saying Karn, but even so, 59% win rate isn't impressive for a top huskar (old version). Old huskar was bad, but I think one in a million should really stand out above the rest of us.

                                                              @TheVirQ now 70% is more close to what I imagined to be top huskar, but 32 games is not sufficient to conclude an accurate conclusion.


                                                                old huskar was bad ? :D

                                                                u could just go jungle kill rosh at minute 10 and then snowball hard


                                                                  ^ ursa does that job much better than huskar


                                                                    Fuzzy Wuzzy!

                                                                    Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                                      and here my friends, is the ursa of dotabuff


                                                                          but hes trash i played w/ him and hes bad


                                                                            the 1600 60%winrate on the old huskar , you really cant call a comparison to his n yours grim.... kda ratio really isnt much of a factor either... execution/wins matter- it means ure doing something right, the hero is sort of designed to die alot. sorry if you think 60% of 1600 isnt good enough for top huskar player but, he IS the top huskar player.... the only other huskar picker i know that matters might be pansito, he has 63% with +300 husk games... the 60% on 1600 is still far more impressive tho- Etherealz is mostly a soloq player, pansito is a diehard stacker

                                                                            Este comentário foi editado

                                                                              huskar is insanely good now with the new buff. u all just suck check my win rate with him. stop being noobs


                                                                                ^ 19 games is insufficient data to make any assumptions. Post again when you get 100+ games with huskar. Besides, the data we have been analyzing are old huskar. You seem to be the first to nominate yourself for top new huskar.

                                                                                Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                  ursa is insanely good now with the new buff. u all just suck check my win rate with him. stop being noobs

                                                                                  Sōu ka

                                                                                    your so lucky though
                                                                                    the chances of getting 80 dire games in a row is 8.2718061255302767487140869206996*10^-25


                                                                                      u can dodge while in loading screen...

                                                                                      Sōu ka

                                                                                        oh god

                                                                                        Sōu ka

                                                                                          i actually thought he was that 1:1.208.925.819.614.629.174.706.176


                                                                                            new huskar is good, use burning spears and stop getting lifesteal on him retards

                                                                                            phase > armlet > ghost scepter > agh scepter

                                                                                            Throw urn in there somewhere.




                                                                                                You don't know the mechanics behind dire/radiant selection. About 90% of the loading games were dire.


                                                                                                  I thought chances were 1:1 .


                                                                                                    No they are not.


                                                                                                      I think Vaikiss should stfu and get a life outside of dota(buff)