General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat the hell is this?

What the hell is this? in General Discussion

    Check his latest matches:

    112 / 1 / 20
    123 / 1 / 21

    Seems legit?! The guy queues solo matchmaking, both on US East and South America, and apparently, in every game, there is a MYSTERIOUS feeder in the other team who is, at minimum, 0-29. Unless they all feed, which happens in one of the games.

    How is this possible? One game, maybe, that could happen. 7 games in a row? I call bullshit. He found an exploit.

    Spinach Rag

      Is having 3 Mantas even viable? 6 Illusions?
      And it seems the entire opposing team ...fed.
      Maybe he wants to be on the top Leshrac users or something.



        This is the feeder. Check the matches in dota 2: it's always this guy.

        50% winrate

          someone mad because he feeds


            Are you serious? Do you realize that, according to the exploit thread on dev.dota2, this guy ruins around 20-30 games per EVERY game that he is matched with his feeder account?

            Add that to the actual game that is ruined by the feeder, and that's a whole lot of unhappy people seeing their matches fail to load, or their mid feeding 0-40 in 5 mins.

            If you encourage that, you deserve a ban as much as they do.

            edit: ROFL, you are an exploiter too! Lmao. Well, I can see now why you encourage that. I hope you get banned one day.

            Este comentário foi editado
            50% winrate

              what am i exploiting? playing the game? stay mad brah, not my fault i'm too good to kill these scrubs one by one


                i do that all the time

                tough coockie

                  lol hamburgers with coke pro slark user haha

                  50% winrate

                    thank you friend


                      lol noob slark picker l2p

                      Arthas 2

                        i dunno how people like hamburger, could play 70 games with an account to help feed him in each game....

                        i know people play either for fun, or as a competitive sport....

                        that guy there, just afk-kills a feeder in all his games... even super mario/tic tac toe / childhood games are way mroe fun than that.. lmao


                          hahaah wtf

                          50% winrate

                            maverick, can you repeat it in english please?

                            Arthas 2

                              LMAO... almost died laughing..

                              even with a feeder account implanted in the opposite team, he almost lost a match...
                              @hamburgers with coke Question of the day: Do you know how to play dota?

                              Arthas 2

                                for those legit guys who dint understand what i told,
                                read this again


                                  Loled nice idea

                                  50% winrate

                                    "feeder account", wut? I play the game and win cunt, of course you're a pinoy, you wouldn't comprehend such thing

                                    Arthas 2

                                      every1 of your games, theres an sf whos score is 0-50-0. Explain?

                                      happy to see you mad =D

                                      btw, im not a pinoy, and i can bet even the noobiest pinoy is better than you.

                                      Arthas 2

                                        you cant lie when the whole match history and its statistics are public.

                                        50% winrate

                                          every game of mine? I've faced SF like 5 times only and I have 70 games, the fuck are you even talking about?


                                            :) Don't deny it you make it even more redicolous :) Anyways it's a nice unlisted feature of the game which is hardly fixable. I hope valve focusses on this more than on other stuff.

                                            Arthas 2

                                              anyone who knows how dota is played, will know that you cant get 85 kills with a slark in a 15minute game.

                                              50% winrate

                                                I'm just too good.

                                                Arthas 2

                                                  luckily these exploiters are currently only in EU and RU

                                                  50% winrate

                                                    winning a game = exploit

                                                    Arthas 2

                                                      dude do you realise that you are making a fool of yourself atm? any1 reading these will checkup your match history. The first page is enough to show what nonsense your up to.

                                                      even bot games are more fun than the games you play imo.


                                                        The first thing that came to my mind the first time I saw this was:

                                                        "Somebody figured out how to take bot games online"

                                                        Because that's what it looks like. Anybody with a clue of how to play Dota knows that you are exploiting.

                                                        50% winrate

                                                          yes I agree, valve please make sure nobody can win, I believe as a loser, we should aim for equality

                                                          Arthas 2

                                                            lols i just figured out that your a hopeless person without a conscience.
                                                            cant be arguing with people like you...
                                                            G' night. Hope you get some sportsmanship somewhere in the near future.


                                                              who the hell cares man, let abusers abuse

                                                              50% winrate

                                                                #equality #valve #gabe #feminism
                                                                It's a privilege to win which is something I don't have, please do something!


                                                                  > son of mithrasless than a minute ago
                                                                  > who the hell cares man, let abusers abuse

                                                                  Shut up, you play with him.

                                                                  That makes you as much of an exploiter. And no, we should not let abusers abuse. In that logic, let rapists rape because it provides them enjoyment? You guys are the worst kind.

                                                                  50% winrate

                                                                    winning = exploiting.

                                                                    are you really comparing rape to winning? jesus christ, how misogyny of you


                                                                      incredible trash player, I mean you have to be so retarded to do this shit, I can't even believe it
                                                                      I knew these balkan is retarded but not so retarded, you should be banned lifetime from this game on every accounts

                                                                      50% winrate

                                                                        1-0 smurf acc calling anyone trash




                                                                            Easy to deal with it. You have unlimited Steam reports. Report the guy, attach some evidence (match IDs). Don't forget to write a detailed description of the exploit.

                                                                            Valve will take actions if enough individuals report the same person with legit reason.


                                                                              Hi Vukt!


                                                                                Hi Ursa-master!


                                                                                  I have faith in Valve, they'll surely do something about it on this week's update.
                                                                                  But for now I'll just stack with friends to avoir this kind of people.

                                                                                  Safe Base

                                                                                    Valve will almost certainly not do anything about it in this week's update, they almost never do anything that fast. In fact most big gaming companies don't.

                                                                                    I hope valve will do something about it "quickly". I think the main and smurfs should be perm banned, along with any mules they have for holding items.

                                                                                    If it gets fixed in 3 months it would already be quite fast.

                                                                                    Read that topic for example, some guy self feeding to try and get to top hero score for kunkka. (He and his smurfs are very low MMR)
                                                                                    This type of self feeding is not new, and requires very little intelligence to figure out.

                                                                                    Here's a match a month ago, the guy is so dumb he gave his smurf the same name and avatar picture. Without doubt he would have been reported. Nothing has been done since then, the exploit is not fixed and that guy continued to play more games.
                                                                                    Actually im surprised people didn't disconnect without picking heroes when they see that in the loading screen...

                                                                                    Este comentário foi editado
                                                                                    ViL (Europe)

                                                                                      Lol trash smurfing taken to the next level. Virgin nerds have too much time on their hands, too little skill and too much e-pride at stake!

                                                                                      Valve ban them all k thx.


                                                                                        I find it sort of offensive that you took me as example in your thread Vukt :C


                                                                                          In which forum/thread? I don't remember having an own thread about this topic. I remember I posted you as an example (playdota/dev.dota2) of this early abandon dodging nonsense. That is a wrong way of playing. I hope Valve will change his early-abandon system.

                                                                                          If you did the level 1 rosh strat without dodging the fail rosh attempts then it would be ok and a good strategy. And I must admit that you are getting better and better with this strat and now you rarely have to dodge matches. When I posted you as an example you were doing dodges far more frequent. Sadly there are still a lot of players doing this dodge technique.

                                                                                          I consider game dodging only dirty and unmannered and not cheating. However this Hamburger guy is report-worthy.

                                                                                          Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                            ofc volvo would do nothing


                                                                                              its cauz valve dont have ranking/rating so every1 care to make winrate. Its normal its the only thing left to motivate a player! If they add ranking/rating every1 will stop playing with smurfs. Its simple as that but valve is shit company.


                                                                                                I am with you in this one Vukt, you're right it is sort of dirty. But what is not dirty? We did improve the strat to it being unstopable if you aren't tping in or surging in, so the rate got much lower.

                                                                                                Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                                  When I first saw your strat I thought after a few wins the MM will match you with only the highest rated players (probably only other high rated 5-men stacks) who will definitely recognize the early Rosh attempt and gank you. This is not the case so I think the MM does not work as it should.

                                                                                                  I wish you more successful games but please stop dodging those few fail games.

                                                                                                  And my previous name was Vuk.


                                                                                                    We were matched with some pros a few times (when I solo qued with my wisp only and a dodger), then we included some more people with a lower mmr to avoid that.
                                                                                                    But even the pros don't find the rosh attempt, we played against 3 of the 4FC stack once and they didn't spot it neither. People just don't expect it in pubs I guess.
                                                                                                    If you check our current games, there is basically nearly no chance that they gank us. They tried it yesterday but were not in time even tho they started running directly. And yeah, sorry for calling you wrong all the time :d