General Discussion

General DiscussionWeaver solo mid viability?

Weaver solo mid viability? in General Discussion

    Last night I randomed weaver and went solo mid. Under normal circumstances I would have gone the usual bottle rush build, but since I randomed, I went bottle first. It worked exceptionally well, using shukuchi to harass and LH at the same time. I went gank crazy and roamed 24/7. Here is the Replay ID: 222651272.

    What is your guys opinion on Weaver mid?

    I would have changed my build in hindsight, and gone bottle, boots, MoC and phase...

    ANeMiA GRaViS

      Who was your opponent mid ? Sniper ?


        No, I faced the Windrunner. Sniper would have been a pushover I think.

        ANeMiA GRaViS

          Dunno , i mainly go weaver offlane ... I went mid once , against Sf ... but Sf was bad so i cant rly judge ....


            thanks for your opinion man, I'll try it some more later tonight, with my new build and lets see.


              its not that bad for a mid but u don't reallt have enought space to move with sukuchi unless u get rid of tower early somehow


                same tactics as vs lanaya
                1 sentry = gg


                  I just did another game as weaver mid, this time no random gold. Went up against bat rider, killed him easy a few min in. Rushed MoC, I then hit like a truck. Problem was, mid game he is very squishy, Linken's is still core I'm sad to say. But we won easy. Good KDA ^^


                    tell them you are going mid before going mid so that they can be prepared... that way it will be harder and is it should be even though they are noobs!


                      Lol, inb4 they pick TA or Viper and get sentries ^^


                        He's not a bad mid, because of Bottle + Shukuchi, but he isn't that good either. If you're going mid, that means someone else that might not be suited to the offlane role has to go to the offlane.

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                            dunno why akasha in that game didnt go mid. looks like you are really newbie.
                            >gondar bf
                            >darkterror MoM


                              like what other said, 1 sentries and weaver is done

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                                  mag cant do shit vs weaver , qop maybe , puck can't do shit in some competitive game some known player got raped bigtime by weaver as puck (demon from eg i think) , bat has no chance against puck until lvl 6 and later on still hardly , ns no chance ever kthxbb


                                    Why not?=)


                                      but why phase ?
                                      just grab some mana regen and enjoy max shukushi ms


                                        one of the best mids in the game atm ur all fucking retarded plebs


                                          look @ my weaver match history every tiem i go mid as weaver i win

                                          i only lose with weaver if the other team has a tree because all ur damage is mitigated or im offlane weaver. hero is broken.

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                                            ^^100% correct. Weaver is excellent mid wins almost any matchup...only reason pro players don't put weaver mid is the defensive ult is not ideal for ganking.

                                            Lasse Finishen

                                              18 hours ago
                                              same tactics as vs lanaya
                                              1 sentry = gg

                                              so u r going to tell me that lanaya rly cares bout sentrys? ;)

                                              Moja Moja

                                                LoL, that must have been one shitty batrider if you won mid lane w/ weaver.


                                                  Weaver wins alot of lanes solo, which is why he is one of the best solo laners in the game. I personally love to run weaver mid, but then again, i run every hero i play mid :P
                                                  but yeah, Weaver mid is always great. Easy to last hit, easy to gank, decent rune control, and can easily solo kill your mid opponent.


                                                    nova and fluff
                                                    lets go 1v1
                                                    i pick sf and you pick ether lanaya or weaver
                                                    i will rape you!

                                                    and by lanaya i means specifically qop (vs lanaya) but i can do it with sf too!


                                                      lol i rly thought it was the real fluff and nova
                                                      just happens it's mason and a wannabe nova!