General Discussion

General DiscussionWhos your favorite Dota hero?

Whos your favorite Dota hero? in General Discussion
Jon Snow

    Invoker!I dream to be like Grimorum :D


      Meh. I don't really have a favorite.

      I sort of just get in the mood for a certain hero and play it a bit and onto the next. My flavor of the week is definitely belongs to Spectre, because 1v5'ing the enemy team with a hero that can't die is hilarious.

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        nothing feels better than landing a well placed sunstrike


          SF, when u land all 3 razes, feel so good


            INVOKER ERRDAY!!!

            . I suck with "easy" heroes like sniper, drow :/

            Invoker, pudge and mirana!!! lol

            waku waku

              Rubick, i love stealing torrent and assassinate as him, could use more skill with the hero though.


                rubick = have the most spells? or potential to have most spells in the game

                Lazy Reaper #StoneD

                  no love for phantom lancer/lycan?


                    leoric - there is something in this hero.. He was my first hero, but I still sometimes play it and I just like him.

                    And SD, just too good hero.


                      favorite hero mirana and weaver/invoker


                        favorite hero mirana because im the best mirana in the world


                          I love Dazzle. An early/mid game Dazzle is just very fun to play, late game it's alright too as your ultimate will slowly (but surely) turn the tides of battle while you make sure your carry is alive via Shallow Grave and heals.

                          Huskar? I didn't even kno...

                            What about Kunkka? Nothing feels better than landing that perfect torrent or that team fight changing boat, while following it up with huge cleave damage!


                              Tinker ofc

                              COYOTE CÓSMICO

                                Favorite hero: Cant decide between Timbersaw and Dark seer
                                Most successful: Omniknight
                                Best support: Omnikniht/Dazzle
                                Best carry: I actually dont like playing carries, but, Alchemist
                                Best mid : Puck
                                Best teamfighter: Undying/Dark seer
                                Most fun heroes: Timbersaw
                                Fastest farmer: Alchemist
                                Scare-the-crap-out-of-noobs: Ursa

                                another thing, I don't really understand how people can like right clickers, really, what's the fun about that?

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                                  Well my all time favorite has always been tiny. He's the first hero i practiced a lot with way back when i was still playing dota 1. Recently though i've got rather greedy playing with him and felt like i can "RAMBO" the enemy team 5 v 1. lol. Also, the time got Storm Spirit from SD, he became my instant favorite and i got like a kill score of 26 on my first game with him. Dragon Knight too has really appealed to me, i probably have the highest win ratio with that hero only losing 1 game, but it's only been a few games and i'm mostly playing normal bracket.

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                                  la the yeezy

                                    Rubick is my most loved support . Idk but I just keep winning games with him and he has a really big impact in the game as a support too.
                                    Storm is just to fun to play mid. But depends when enemy team lacks stun or silence
                                    Timber is also a fun snowballing hero
                                    Luna best carry <3 nooooova

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                                      it's a tossup between Enchantress and Spirit Breaker.
                                      But my favorite is enchantress, a nice complete hero who fits varied situations


                                        CM, good cc and lane sustain + flexible skilling order > Wyvren, good late game scaling for a support and amazing sustain > Legion, amazing buffs and good damage potential with or without ult > Brood, good sustain and secondary dps > PL, hate carries but have played him for years and love diffusal blade > Medusa, hate carries but have played her for years and snake + purge are both foolproof dominance skills.

                                        dont really care for any other hero. new pit lord is neat and oracle is fun but high skillcap. where's xin? might fall in love with him after his buffs.

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                                        Click Clackin' Crackalackin'

                                          Favorite hero: Phantom lancer - because winning
                                          Most successful: phantom lancer
                                          Best support: Dazzle / tidehunter
                                          Best carry: phantom lancer
                                          Best mid : Shadow fiend
                                          Best teamfighter: tide hunter
                                          Most fun heroes: mirana
                                          Fastest farmer: alchemist / shadowfiend
                                          Scare-the-crap-out-of-noobs: ursa / spirit breaker