General Discussion

General Discussiondoes pros like dendi use autoatack

does pros like dendi use autoatack in General Discussion



      He uses.

      My computer is shit

        auto attack on is better when you're laning 1v1


          Dendi does
          I think u don't need it unless there is a blood seeker against u, only reason in my mind, it's easier to juke with autoattack off, much much easier, Dendi once tried to juke by hiding between trees, he ended up attacking the enemy by mistake (auto attack on) and caused his death


            You get greater control of movement with autoattack off and greater control of attack animations with autoattack on. Some pros use either depending on what role they play. Generally you want it on if you are trying to cs and off if you are support.

            Sōu ka

              or you can just toggle it on and off


                I play many carries, and I have it off, I am not that lazy to right click or press "A" then click on creep
                I am a dota 1 player, when I first turneed off auto attacks I suffered a lot but insisted to learn, I am more comfortable with auto attacks being off, and yes I am lazy to keep clicking here and there, or spamming "S"


                  wouldnt even be intresting to play w/o animation canceling which is impossible without autoattack on

                  Sōu ka

                    you don't need autoattack to cancel animations


                      orly ?

                      Sōu ka



                          How do you toggle it off and on? I was actually looking last night as I normally play with it off. Granted I just did a quick check through options but I don't recall seeing a setting.

                          Sōu ka

                            you have to create an autoexec.cfg file in the same folder where your cfg file is and type in something like:
                            bind "a" "dota_player_units_auto_attack 0;mc_attack" //Attack clicks leave passive stance
                            bind "s" "dota_player_units_auto_attack 1;dota_stop" //Stop leaves aggressive stance
                            bind "c" "dota_player_units_auto_attack 0;dota_hold" //Hold leaves passive stance
                            you have to type exec autoexec in the console at the beginning of every game though


                              What are the advantages of auto attack on? I turned it off some time ago and really liked it


                                Thanks, isthathowyoulikeyourpancakes.


                                  Personally I like to leave autoattack on and then just use the "hold" command whenever I want it off temporarily. I have my hold on "h", which I think is the default.

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                                    I turned it off because i've failed remaining hidden a few times.

                                    When you blink into the trees with 50 hp, you don't want your hero to start attacking nearby creeps :P To avoid sitting and doing nothing in team fights, i always attack ground after finish casting my spells.

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                                      im a pro and i dont use auto attack


                                        @u mirin?, still not the top player with the 92% winrate

                                        And Vaikiss, I spam "A" and "S" to or right clicks and "S" if I want make it feel like auto attacks are on

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                                          The funniest this about autoattack on happened to some Furion (not me) that was on hg and he saw Centaur and started to attack him... He cancelled every attack... But cent had his return ability skilled. Furi died really fast (for those who don't know return damages you before attack animation).

                                          Nonetheless I have autoatack on =\

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                                              terrible fuurion nuf said


                                                Auto attack is essential when using illusions or minions. Turning it on/off doesn't effect cs that much.

                                                Don't mess with the pro.


                                                  Why does everyone insist it's a "0" and not an "O", why ?!?!
                                                  MapzOr not Mapz0r -.-'

                                                  anyways, sry for messing with the pro-es


                                                    I have it on because hold stops auto-attack until you move or attack something.

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