General Discussion

General DiscussionF> people to 5man stack with daily

F> people to 5man stack with daily in General Discussion
66 i think im at a point where im desperate for a stack...I can play any role you want me to on every game as long as you're good at the game and know what you're doing....the reason for why i want a stack now is because of one single reason that i wish not to state here so yes....just leave a msg or something


      You should also mention in what region and at what time (timezone) are you available.


        rite thanks love ...erm i play in SEA and i follow the SGT time zone


          SEA = noobs go die ^^

          Ming (Zufälliger König)

            261 matches with sf, 2.77 kda. impressive i must say
            and yeah drow picker

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              With those heroes i don't need to rely on fucking noobs to win. I can literally win alone so why not pick them some??

              Besides i haven't played drow in like 400 games

              Ming (Zufälliger König)

                "i dont have to rely on fucking noobs to win"
                sure 2/11 mirana w/e you say


                  ^ delete me lol

                  vapour trail

                    @Ming nice 1/18 Doom bro

                    Ming (Zufälliger König)

                      obviously i fed intentionally coz i hated pinoys and viets



                        Ming (Zufälliger König)

                          your 1 word replies arent funny. at all

                          Este comentário foi editado

                            add me if you want to I just don't want to play with retards that ruin other peoples games like the wisp in this match that just relocated us to the enemy fountain and cliffs (


                              you're fucking stupid stop playing dota.


                                lol ming your wrong, i'm austrailian and you like to assume instead of asking lol.


                                  i love the way you assume im pinoy or viet when i'm speaking proper english rofl.


                                    ok n1ght

                                    and benao....1st u have a fcking retarded game...2nd sea is the most competetive server out of all of them 3rd fk off and make ur own forum post and talk to urself


                                      you cant find any good players here

                                      Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                        what?? i didnt say anyth abt u lol. i was referring to benao



                                          trying to say you are better than me? pls make me laugh more! come on reply you stupid cunt
                                          my win% went down from 60 when i started getting banned(low prio)/muted


                                            Its like youre threatening me to play Drow so that i can win all of my games :/ i used to do that shit got boring......dont talk shit your winrate was probably like that....and tbh i could care less abt winrate :) i know im btr than you in many ways considering you only play SF


                                              just so you know i'm a support player
                                              problem is this isnt like dotalicious where i can just stick to that role and have np.
                                              people are so bad and stupid here that it is just a waste to pick support. Instead of getting easier games i get harder games! mby u r used to playing orange/brown so that it doesnt affect affect you much. I on the other hand am often on the top and as people cant farm properly when given the chance or get kills when given the chance (me), i get turned to a useless creep having to deal with 2 or 3 hard carries in the enemy team without the means to take them on!
                                              better to just pick smth i can win with alone. ofc this would all get fixed when they implement a good MM system. when that gets done picking support (with my close ELO team) will truly impact the game!

                                              D 先輩
