General Discussion

General Discussioni bought The International 2013 Interactive Compendium

i bought The International 2013 Interactive Compendium in General Discussion
Why am i surrounded by Pe...

    i have a smeville how do i upgrade them? it said i have no access to the tournment games.


      watch replays..


        Everyone has access to the tournament's free


          If you don't have time to watch the matches completely just download them and watch a min of each and it will count to upgrading the smeville.


            lol i watched ~40 matches and didn't get any upgrade

            Arx Akmarum

              You'll get effect after 65 views.

              Why am i surrounded by Pe...

                i watched 4 tournment this morning :D i know how it works now. thanks guys.


                  w8, all tournaments r free?
                  that can't be possible, or is it only if u have the compendium

                  Why am i surrounded by Pe...

                    you can only watch the easter/west international qualifiers for free. others cant. you have to buy something.