General Discussion

General DiscussionRUINING GAME

RUINING GAME in General Discussion

    WR went to dire towers and die specially

    P.S it wasnt lowpriority game


      I am taking up arms and rampaging through the streets in protest. Hope that helps.

      dookie daddy

        Stab it the dark here, maybe this person got upset cause of bad picks and team composite.

        Looking through an observers glass here I would be pretty pissed if 3 mins were picked and one jungler leaving an offlaner with nothing to count on.

        If I was in the offlane I would do the best I can awaiting rotation at about the 10-12 minute mark to help me control the lane and my guess is that this never came for WR and it can be fustrating.

        While this is no reason to throw a game, with your picks the game was thrown long ago.

        Did you lane like this? Just curious.

        Pudge - Mid
        Tinker - Stacking Ancients
        Ursa - Jungle
        Magnus - Safe Lane
        Windrunner - Offlane


          Did you really have to make thread on both PD and DB?


            Shit happens


              Whining here won't make any difference :D