General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy does MM keep matching smurf stacks with bad teams?

Why does MM keep matching smurf stacks with bad teams? in General Discussion

    Valve kinda encourages people to get alt accounts and smurf by giving everyone tons of dota invites. They also feed these smurfs with bad teams. I don't know, maybe they are aiming to increase the number of "monthly unique smurfs" maybe not.

    I wonder about your opinions on this issue.


      you are at 58% which is very high, so the mm will try lower it down to 50% by arranging you with lower % people. i would say it will try to make the % sum of both team to be equal which means you will inevitably be put with noobs. if you want to get more than 50%+ you will need a good stack or perhaps play only solo match.

      Autism is great

        people keep buying hats so there is no problem =


          I know that feel except I'm a solo player and my teammates aren't at the same skill level as me. They die so much.


            Because they keep making new accounts so they are always playing in lower level matches.

            The other abuse is people like that Chris guy who posts here, one of his friends accounts purposely loses a lot of matches, and then he queues with him to get an easy win. Sad shit aye


              @C&M (SEA)
              It is not about my winrate. I usually play with 5 man stack and not all of them are old school dota 1 players, I am just trying to teach them. I can get good winrate with good stack though.

              There are lot of smurf teams with ridiculously winrate like 80-90% and MM keeps matching these stacks with bad teams. That is purely intentional, smurfs don't even abuse the system. The system itself is giving free wins to them. They can be matched with gradually better teams if they keeps pubstomp. Well maybe they get balanced teams after 150-200 games, but that is too late.


                what do you expect? you search with 5 stack and you expect to find 5 solo players lol nice logic

                Sōu ka

                  MM doesn't match you with low WR players to get your WR down to 50%, it's just a matter of MMR
                  MM has to try to get you down to 50% to be decent, that's the fairest way to do things, but some people misinterpret what that means
                  it doesn't give you some really low rated players with like 1-yourwinrate; it will try to match the fairest game which is in itself hard to define anyway

                  lets just think about a scenario where we have 9 of the best players in MM:
                  the best 4 players decide to stack together and the other 5 players form a stack as well
                  so what you have to do now is fill in the last spot in the on average way higher skilled 4 man stack, what do you do?
                  will you try to get the to the same overall MMR which could mean that you take someone who's totally out of place here and will just end up feeding or do you take someone who will according to the database you collected end up making the game have a 50% ratio

                  everything gets a whole lot more complicated when you actually add stacks with wide skill disparities
                  that shit's like literally almost impossible to do and a reason they don't add visible MMR, because people would come and complain about every game and MMR they lost where they might didn't even have a fair chance to win no matter how well they played in that game

                  i don't really think valve encourages making smurf accounts as they are seemingly punished with boring games and little MMR gain
                  the way MMR is supposed to be working is that when the game isn't actually balanced towards a fair outcome the MMR gain for the winner and the MMR loss for the losing team are supposed to be adjusted so that you'll win little MMR for highly stacked games and lose a lot when you lose
                  so if you gain little MMR you'll end up playing in the same pool for quite some time, resulting in unbalanced games but at the same time being little rewarding towards MMR gain (statwhores will obviously not care about non challenging games)
                  so there you have another conflict you have with MM where it's actually hard find a solution that's pleasing everyone
                  if the stacks would actually gain a lot of MMR then these clowns could play in highly rated games when they played alone and actually be totally out of place because they can't actually win a game when they don't 5 man pick and play the same heroes/lanes every game and then come and complain about how broken MM is
                  or these tryhard stacks would end up being matched up against each other all the time
                  which would result in them dodging all the time or mixing in more smurf accounts to avoid that


                    little tip; stacking with 1 person has higher chance to win than 5 stack


                      What is MMR? =)

                      Sōu ka

                        MatchMaking Rating: it is a number assigned to you to represent your skill
                        and no stacking with one person will not give you a higher chance of winning in the long run (obviously depends on your stack but when you want to get the highest possible winrate stacking with 5 is the only way to go)

                        Este comentário foi editado

                          I don't care about MMR. I want fair and balanced matchups.

                          "what do you expect? you search with 5 stack and you expect to find 5 solo players lol nice logic"

                          ^I expect balanced games. Stacks or solo players... As long as matchup is balanced, it is fine.

                          Sōu ka

                            MMR is the thing that matches you and is trying to get you fair games

                            Pandamonium(You Died)

                              Have a smurf account to play with my gf
                              Played like 5 games
                              So boring, like punching babies in the face.
                              Why people would make smurfs, I don't get it, its like playing agaisnt your little retarded brother.

                              Arx Akmarum

                                Valve added solo matchmaking, yet people still complain about being matched against stacks? Seriously?

                                Sōu ka

                                  your problem is that you expect MM to give you a balanced game, which it cannot guarantee in its current state
                                  you can have perfectly balanced teams and still very often the game will not be balanced because people are going into the game with different attitudes, expectations, moods, characters and yes sometimes skillsets too
                                  you'd probably have more balanced games if valve would require you to select a role before you queue but who'd actually want that?


                                    ya one's dota 2 performance does fluctuate a lot. just see your history, i am sure you have your own bad games. even pro players suck sometimes. the current mm is fair enough imo. yeah its not perfect but at least 6-8 out of 10 games are balanced in my experience.

                                    also, sometimes the fact that you doubt the mm so much that it puts you to have a negative mindset for your team mates is the cause of you getting a bad game. yelling and critizing them for small mistakes they make especially to your carry will cause your team not able to function correctly.

                                    i have a lot of experience dealing with people who seem to suck but they are actually good or even better give me the win. if you want to have good games, just put a positive mindset. do not give a shit about others other than yourself.


                                      A fair MM system will force a 50% winrate, if for example, u win a lot, u get ur MMR higher, so MM tries either to match u against better players (if available), or tries to match u with noobs (if better players aren't available)

                                      CASE CLOSED !!


                                        Fun fact: I wish death upon 70% of the people I get teamed with as they cause me to sweat with rage.