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General DiscussionLooking for a team

Looking for a team in General Discussion

    Sup guys i'm looking for a Dota 2 team ***Us/east Us/west***. i've been playing dota over 8 years, I use skype,ventrillo well anything for team speak.

    this my dota 1 account:

    Rank/ Score/ Games/ Wins/ Losses/ Kills/ Deaths/ K/D Ratio/ Assists
    247/ 147.8/ 418/ 350/ 67/ 3503/ 1124/ 3.1/ 3341

    95% of my game are with random people, that explain some lose, was around 2700 elo idk why they take it off but w/e now it tsr.

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        Wut elo?
        I don't remember elo in DotA, at least mention the platform u r playing on, like if it was DLG, then top players at DotA times were 2200(before Dota 2 release)
        on RGC there was hackers with 5000 points, and can't play dota (I had 1600 maybe, in other words, LEAVER, or noob), I played much better
        on Darer it was something top 2000's, so I think u mean Darer platform probably, I was a total noob at that time, and I had 1970 points, 800 ranked out of, was it 90000 players?


          No he is from dotacash and that would be a top ten score out of 250,000 accounts, back when ELO was still used at dotacash over 2 years ago. After TSR was implemented maphacker smurfs took all the top spots...he must have stopped playing dotacash a long time ago.

          But I don't recognize his name. He must have changed it...or actually stopped playing maybe 3 years ago before I knew dotacash people. Or maybe I just forgot.

          What have you been doing between dotacash and dota 2? It seems like there must be long gap if you just started dota 2 4 months ago and are still thinking about ELO the dotacash dropped from use 2 years ago.

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            Well i know a lots of dotacash people too what was your name, i finished in top 10 of thr player if you remember it too had a stack team on that league that was easy, Justgged,Scholed,Tea.time,St4rburst, and i pass more, i was playing with those people. but im still looking for a teeam :P


              I played about 2.5k games on dotacash as Nova1 or FearTheGhost and maybe another 500 games on other names. Later I switched to Relentless for the last 500 games or so before I went to dota 2. I did not play much on ThroneIT, maybe 200-300 games. The que took too long for ThroneIT tier 2 games.

              Dotacash was all about stacking in tier 1. But Tier 2 was shuffle balanced like ThroneIT. I was never close to the top ranks in dotacash or throneit but I remember playing against the top players from time to time. I was usually ranked above about 95-98% of players so I ended up as the weakest player in the top games sometimes. Universe, 1437, TidesofTime, Aui_2000, Demon, Fear, Murs...and many others used to play on Dotacash when I was there. I remember getting my butt kicked trying to lane against each of these players.

              But I don't remember everyone, "dreams" doesn't sound familiar. Dotacash erased all my stats long ago in a server crash...which is actually what prompted me to go ahead and switch to dota 2.

              St4rbust I do remember as a very dangerous player. The others I don't remember....vaguely remember the name Justgged also.

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                add me! steam (2gap1h)


                  add me for tryout

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                    Add me if u like :)


                      Add me for tryouts/scrims steam ID - FishyMonstERR

                      Fazenda Cruz Albino (Thya...

                        itching for team Matches, add me!


                          I use to play dotacash back in the day it was so rigged every game was stacked lol anyways I'd like to play with relentless and dreamz


                            I would like to enter the team if its possible. I always wanted to play competitive gaming. I am willing to improve myself and become better. I can take up any role. If you want to try me out just add me in steam. Server US west and east

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