General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat has been the highest no. of denies in a game, ever?

What has been the highest no. of denies in a game, ever? in General Discussion
~ki!L $wIt(H~

    Searched for it but couldnt find. I did 126 denies in a game, just wanted to know where I stood among other.


      That's very high. My highest is 53 denies and that was a game I spent to much time farming while my nub team fed...Most people do not keep denying after the first 10 min or so. Finding the highest deny game of everyone will be very difficult because of the way the stats are hidden. I'll try to give some perspective anyway.

      In dotacash there was a guy name AeonFlux who had 100+ deny games. 250,000 acounts and no one else was even close. That was 2 years ago, I assume he has probably switched to dota 2 by now...this could be him, but I don't know. 73 denies...his stats are off. He has probably got higher records in the past 5 months on other accounts.

      Its possible that 126 is near the world record high, but its hard to say how near or how many are 100+.

      Arx Akmarum

        Spending whole game afk farming and watching your teammates win the game isn't something you should be proud of. Just saying.

        OT: Mine is 33, OD as well ( But at least I made use of my farm, hm?

        ~ki!L $wIt(H~

          I wasnt afk, I have been in the game whole time.. just that after 40 I thought I should make it count.. nvm if u find highest do say.


            I have 48, with OD as well. Before that I had 38 something with Panda.

            #La Mesa

              51 for me on AM


                70 on my main account with morph, but never reached more than that I think


                  my highest deny is 175 with morph

                  one and half gun

                    i dont need to deny

                    Penis Monkey

                      funnily enough mine is also with morph...




                          my highest was with juggernaut after watching a puppey stream of him free farming 20 mins 52 denies i always wondered if that was any good or not

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                            I mainly denied the whole fucking game

                            was fun

                            ╰_╯ GeneraL ♕★♥

                              I deny just to balance the equilibrium of the creeps (i.e. creep control)
                              72 was my highest on this profile, 73 on my others :P


                                I was wondering the same thing... My top is 76 with Sniper, I always found him to have the easiest time denying with an edge over morph because of his range.



                                  65 as lich. At one point team was pushing t3s after teamwipe so i just TP'd to an empty lane and denied while they finished.


                                    44 denies with Phantom Assassin -

                                    I think Morph is the easiest hero to deny with due to his ability to have insanely high damage really early in the game.


                                        I only have 49 denies with a bloodseeker. Although I think there's no reason for anyone to have 100+ denies in a normal game.
                                        I mean, other than heroes like bloodseeker and sf that benefit from denying creeps there should be no reason for you to be denying much after the early laning stages right?

                                        It's like you spent 1 full hour in the game doing nothing but farm in lane w/o pushing and the opponents didn't come and kill you either. #mindfuck



                                          59 denies as Morphling. I didn't do shit that game other than practice farming while watching the game. Nightstalker was winning the game for me, so it was more like I was spectating and lane controling at the same time.


                                              ^ @TehMasterSword to your point of why someone would have so many denies, this was my reason:

                                              I had ~50 denies going mid lane as sniper early game.

                                              By mid game when we lost all T1 towers, it was harder for me to farm, so I stayed at top lane for 10 minutes or so. I constantly denied my creeps without auto attacking enemy creeps so the waves would push out. The enemy wave was constantly coming close to my T2 tower (just outside the tower's range), which made enemies not want to gank me.

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                                                All time pro record is 89 denies. Only 27 games have over 60 denies. Getting tons of denies nearly always indicates that you afk farmed for too long to the detriment of your team. Past the laning stage getting denies is only a good idea for a carry trying to hold the lane to farm...and past 15 min its almost always a better idea for the carry to split push than hold the lane.

                                                If you want to show real skill getting denies when it counts... then you should show denies @6 min against a tri-lane. In this situation getting denies is very difficult and dangerous and has a major impact on the success of the lane because xp is denied to 3 heroes.

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                                                  Orly? We had no idea, thanks for clearing that up.


                                                      i think i had aprox 400 back in the days when clinkz darpact was super short cooldown and u could use it only on allied units

                                                      i spent all games just denying creeps :D


                                                        My biggest one was back in dota 1, on dlg, had around 180 . But ye, mindfuck, if you have more than 50 denied creeps.

                                                        la the yeezy

                                                          relentless isnt posting in dotabuff anymore is he?


                                                            81 with my od. all denies in mid lane, didn't noticed it while playing bec. i'm too focused still we lost

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              ranked mmr came out and he basically quit, I think he was embarrassed all his shit talking he couldn't back it up with rating.