General Discussion

General Discussionerhmargerd

erhmargerd in General Discussion
Ming (Zufälliger König)

    elder titan too stronk

    spirit's stun doesnt wake enemies upon damaging

    thats a full 5sec stun there

    only spirit's stun. if u stun without spirit, enemies wake as usual

    ❤ Ashley ❤



        I warned Valve about this issue and a hotfix can be expected.


          The channel time is awful though, it almost feels like he needs it. Although I guess with his ulti it would be pretty op to get a double stun off and then the ult damage on top of that.

          Messing around with him in private matches, I honestly don't think he's OP, the opposite actually. The channel time on his Q is so high that it can't be used as an initiate, especially without being able to shift + blink with it. This means you essentially need a 5 man stun on the enemy team to get it off and even if you do get the double stun off (with the spirit) you only probably do about 300-400 damage all up, which is entirely negated by a pipe. His ulti has such a long delay (3.14 seconds) that once again you need a great set up for it to be effective and it does barely any damage as well.

          This hero is basically a 'follow up initiate', because he can't initiate himself and he needs stuns to get his abilities off. I suppose with the armour reduction etc. of his passive and the radiance style damage of the spirit you could do some damage in a team fight, but if you get stunned during your channels, you're completely useless.

          I feel this hero is pretty lackluster overall, but time will tell. Maybe if they reduced the channel time on his Q and upped the damage of his ult he might be useful, but I just don't see him being a prime pick for any team lineup.

          Este comentário foi editado

            ^Its not about that, its about that he is bugged, if he lands a stomp on an enemy unit, this unit should wake up immediately when he gets hit (by hero in dota 1)

            Here he doesn't wake up, so its like a 5 sec stun for a lvl that has a very low cd and a big AoE

            Its a bug