General Discussion

General DiscussionI am going back to League of Legends

I am going back to League of Legends in General Discussion
❤ Ashley ❤

    this mm is horrible

    le charismeur

      me too

      Bot Tyrone

        >play shit and win = -
        >play good and lose = cry

        you have a negative KD in 12 of your last 20 matches

        Este comentário foi editado
        TikTok Uncle

          mm is awesome, makes me win so many times


            Thank you for leaving this community and good luck


              me2 lol im comming 2 uuuuuuu


                Dont like lol, but still dota 2's mm is a real shit.


                  lol too hard, i can't even install that game

                  dookie daddy

                    The match making can be punishing but there are ways around it and you need to be a bit smarter of how/when you play.

                    1. Don't play with low level mates unless you know they are good or either they will get punished or you will pound the living shit outta some new players who will give up and "go back to LoL"
                    2. Try and stack as many friends as you can into a game, a lot less chance for error.
                    3. Shit happens and if you are losing a lot more than you are winning then tough, you might not be as good as you think or they may just be better. If you won every game then what would be the point.

                    You have to learn to lose with grace just as much as if you were to win.


                      too bad op isnt srs and is going to stay here and post shite

                      Click Clackin' Crackalackin'

                        Lol is for plebeians


                          Is that an 0-28 enchantress I see?


                            Hey, can I have your items?

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              You know what? Nobody cares what game you are playing man. Go play whatever you want and be happy.


                                I have played lol for about 2 years, now I´m into Dota and I´m liking it.

                                There are many differences but... mm here is shit and in LoL is even worse. At least here they tell you if they ban who you reported and if someone leaves u can leave too, and control his hero... LoL has to improve that

                                le charismeur

                                  valkiss i have recently started playing on eu west

                                  all i can say is that this server is very filled with bronze scrubs

                                  i am wondering if u are perhaps bronze too since u r only 56%



                                    haha, ok murs, everyone knows that US servers r full of either bronze scum bags, or purified diamond stackers, like when I watch some stream(sometimes u r in it), for example Aui_2000's stream, I see that his enemies r always stackers, either DeMoN stacking, merlini, inphinity, etc

                                    le charismeur

                                      tbh i actually think eu west is more skilled on average than us

                                      its just there arent really many purified diamond stacks on this server

                                      its very fun to play ;)


                                        I get the impression that US pro players play their stacks against pubs and each other in public games far more than EU and eastern teams. EU and eastern teams seem to play a lot more private games against each other only.

                                        big dick player pussy slayer

                                          murs dendi has a wr of 54.5 so according to you he is a bronze scum.P.S eu server are way above us skill wise.

                                          le charismeur

                                            yes dendi is bronze scrub


                                              You guys really should play in SEA. Player skill pool is much better over here. If you can get past the ridiculous ping, you'd really enjoy the games.


                                                League of Legends ranked is even worst in the fact that there are no hard carries since cc is op in that game and rapes even the most fed carry.


                                                  You're such an ungrateful bastard, do you know how hard it is to make a game like Dota 2? All you do is whine on this forum like a little bitch, you don't have to post some shit on here and waste people's time just for some attention, I'm sure most of the people here would be happy if you we're to leave, that way, you can piss off some LoL players.
                                                  Also, you pick Drow and therefore have no conscience and don't deserve an opinion.

                                                  Este comentário foi editado

                                                    Calm down orange. I do give it to valve that making a game like dota 2 difficult but still there is no reason to have a half baked matchmaking that requires stacking if you have a slight win streak.

                                                    ❤ Ashley ❤

                                                      orange, get at me brah

                                                      Sugar Show

                                                        LoL have any pony hero?


                                                          ^Sejuani rides a boar, but she is trash. nunu rides a yeti kind of like alchemist he is still competitive.

                                                          Este comentário foi editado

                                                            The only well known stack on Europe servers is that wisp whore, all other stackers r smurfers, play 200 games, get into top 50, enjoying being a boss 8)