I'd like to join your team :)
I prefer the hard carry/farmer role as well as mid/ganker if necessary. I specialize with heroes such as Luna, Pudge, Gyro, and i play a decent Chen.
also i prefer using Skype
add me on steam if interested
I wanna to join team not to create new one :) So if anyone have team and need 5th player i can join , last my matches was 4500 rating - http://dotabuff.com/matches/179924554 it was lose but they playing over 50+ matches together :)
Yup i trying something with items builds :) And like we all know most of retarded ppls plays this game . You cannot find normal match even on high bracket .
Ur main role is offline... so you are offline everytime? Or you are raping trees with a quelling in your garden?
It's a joke because in English offline= not playing, try using "offlane" to show your main role is soloing a side lane.
ty for update , many web or bla bla community says offline some offlane or bla bla . just hardlane :)
hey my team is looking for a new support player. we are looking for players around the 4000 team MM range so add me in game and lets talk
@ReflectionS did you see how i'm playing and my skill in game ? not so stop trolling ...
Carry's might have high KDA, but can you farm? Doesn't matter if you have a high KD when the other carry has double the gear.
I'm sure there are more good farming games there, he can obviously farm.
http://dotabuff.com/matches/140155874 is this good for you ? its easy to farm if you have 2 supports in 3 lane ? or i'm just wrong ? normally i can farm even if i play hard lane . or something like this http://dotabuff.com/matches/180389407 ...
we need a solo offlaner, we are new but we are gonna practice so hard to improve.
If you are interested add me.
TWR retarded team bad attitude and ragers , kids from 12+ years playing in team ... avoid them nerd kids .
You didn't play with the team, you played with friends and you were awful, the '12' year old rager is a kid who plays with us sometimes, not a team member.
I got angry at you for failing so hard in games, kicked you from ts and now you moan in forums? and we're the ragers? ok dude.
funny, on your profile all your teams have 0 ratings, so i'm not sure where you're going with that one.
mad and bad retards ... and blind ahahah where did you see that my heroes have only phase boots and orchid ahahah liers ... kiddos go play football at school or something .
The difference between you and reflections is that reflections is good at the game.
You had to keep remaking a team because you lost almost every match in TMM.
it depends on what u play against.u can play vs 2700 rating and win or u can play vs 4.2k+ and lose.
so thats not a good parameter to look at
+1 !!! My main team - http://dotabuff.com/teams/363693 and new one after LAN in Belgrade - http://dotabuff.com/teams/613523 ...
Other fun teams what i create all matches played in 4000+ rating!!!
The TMM rating system doesn't rate u at 4000 if u win the first games, it rates u depending on the Team's player hidden MMRs, so a bunch of very high players (when they solo que), should be able to get at least 4000 Team Rating, teams with low skilled players like mine would get a Rating of 2800
because it was our first few games as a five, and our offlaner really didn't work with us, that's why i'm now trying to find another player
pffffffffff ahaha lol they think that 90% win games is offlaner :( omg omg , if you do yout jobe as 3 lane or mid yuo can win without 5th player (offlane) ...
Mbrain, add me if you would like. Had a couple games with you that were pretty fun so wouldn't mind playing it out more.
Por favor, se conecte para postar comentários.
Need some team to play TM , i'm 25 years old and my main role is offlane , but i can play hard support or carry in 3 lane . As you can see my most played heroes are carry's and they have good KDA . My teams mYstic and paranoic are playing matches at 4000+ rating .
I can use Skype , ts3 , rc communication programs .
For any other info's you can ask or add me on steam .
Cya in game .