General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do still retards think that winrate = skill?

Why do still retards think that winrate = skill? in General Discussion
wu tang

    LMAO @ Vuk. U crazy for that one.

      please someone check that replay and do something
      fix retards in video games not only in dota 2.....
      that people destroy the games ...


        I usually measure skill lvls of players through their death, kill, assist rates with a specific hero I play, like I check mine, and his, if got better stats and rates, then he is better than me, if not, I am better, it is also in respect to the Winrate with that hero.


          @ Sirfonos
          I informed Valve about your issue. They have just starded fixing retards. They also sent this video for you:

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            Silvers, you dont really understand that ganking and participating in fights also has an influence on your kda, are you that silly?

            PS Vuk is just a butthurted newb who is protecting the broken system cuz it favours him.

            Its ok, go on please. :9

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              I am pretty sure Vuk mentioned alot before that he doesn't like the current MM system, but u seem to bash everyone, thats wut I noticed, I think also everyone noticed


                "lie to me": can you read?

                My very first post:

                "OP is a good player.
                OP is right about that MM IS BAD.
                I'm not sure if MM can be made much better because we do not know how it exactly works.
                OP has serious attitude problems which attracts people who flame him.
                OP is just raging, doing nothing constructive."

                His response:

                "^ Stating that mm IS NOT BAD, though we dont even know how it works.

                A poor retard."

                IS BAD <-> IS NOT BAD

                He won't change soon so there is no point arguing with him. If you show him an example that proves that he was wrong he just flames. I will leave him alone from now on.

                Good luck in Keita League my grumpy friend.

                Woof Woof

                  inb4 fix in 2016


                    @The Terrible
                    "Now I have enough people in friend list to play 5 stack pretty much all the time. It's much better than soloing as you know that chances of getting retarded players on your team is smaller. "


                    Ricardo Milos

                      @Pudge's Sexy Tits
                      "You can just stack or pick an OP hero to win the game. It doesn't show your skill at all."
                      Thats not ok. Almost every hero has its counter, there is no op hero, otherwise we could pick that op heroes on tournaments and win every game ?
                      In my opinion win ratio in pub games depends on skill of 9 players, not your skill.
                      Quick example, pick nyx in pub game and you may see alot of squishy heroes on the enemy team. In that case you will have good kda ratio and one win. Thats not your skill, thats enemies retardness.
                      Anyway, go in solo que and pick that op hero more than 10 games, and you will see that there wont be gg.
                      Simply no one can find out someones skill unless he playes everygame with him.


                        Vuk, you really think that I dont know what sarcasm is?

                        Stop butthurting here and gtfo, you have contributed nothing to this thread except that I saw your bad kda. :9

                        But actually I know you gonna stay and even post something, proving that you have butthurt about your low skill. :/

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                          well if someoen have more then 55 / 60 % u just cant argue that he isnt skilled


                            OP, r u blind?
                            u can't read?
                            He mentioned that MM is bad, but we can't do shit because we don't rly know how the fuck it works,

                            Then u reply, "mentioning MM is not bad, though we don't know how it works"
                            R u fucking kidding me?
                            READ MOTHERFUCKER, u r so irritating


                              Note to everyone. Check Vuk's profile. 282 matches, atleast 200 with supports. He picks what his team needs. Now check lie to me agen fagt's profile. 1000 games, mostly gankers and with them he has <50 winrate. Just look that Sniper with 39% winrate. I can see it allready, useless Sniper on mid that doesnt help his team in ganks.

                              Also, I know I suck. On my real profile I have 48% winrate. But I made this new one and its much better, decided to do that after i won 13 out of 14 matches in veryhigh bracket when I stacked with RL friends.

                              Fuck you nerd ragers.


                                No, he is just a someone who had a rough childhood


                                  RAGE AGAINT THE MACHINE

                                  Ill even extend what you said. People who pick supports most of the time, if not all the time, have a positive winrate. Its sad, but people are selfish, so if you always take a support, your team is at least a bit balanced.

                                  sumstoner  oxx[=======>

                                    WHY DO YOU EVEN USE THIS WEBSITE >>

                                    Minami Kotori

                                      @lie to me agen fagt
                                      How can we seriously talk with you if you ues dotabuff to get better results of your games, but continue to play sniper as your second most played hero, that you have far below 50% win? It´s nice to hear that you stop insulting people based on their win%, but now you talk about kda instead? I´ve just recently had a scrim where i went 20-0 something with nyx and we still lost to pl a bit later. Not because he is OP, but it was my own fault for never ganking him because other heroes just looked so delicious. KDA cannot say much when the game is not -dm, if you even know what i´m talking about. Also, you wrote up there that MM favours some players and (probably) makes you lose on purpose. Ofc Valve said that they don´t force 50% win, and it is much harder to do than just match people with the same skill on average, but that can´t be true because you don´t feel it is that way, right? Vuk gets favoured over you, that´s actually right. Because he plays with and for a team, the one that you need to win the game, while you most likely play against it, flaming, abandoning your teammates in dire situations for better stats et cetera. You´re just a clown, grow up. And stop picking Sniper if you like winning.


                                        @ Silvers

                                        Yes I know that, thats why I pick that Gyro so much, cause I can start as a support, gank in mid game and farm a bit and then carry in lategame. So far I have realy high winrate on other hard supports. Gankers are also fine, you can protect your carry in mid game cause enemy team has to deal with you all the time if you apply enough pressure on them.

                                        @ A SHARK

                                        Sniper's on mid are most selfish players, if you didnt notice that.

                                        Crazy Dave

                                          I've lurked these threads you've made for a little while now, lie to me, and I just have this to say...

                                          Wow, you are a whiny one. Do you really expect to win when even you won't pick heroes that your team needs? Instead of picking a farm dependent carry like alch when your team has another farm dependent carry like Lone Druid, pick something that you can help your team win with, like Tidehunter or Earthshaker if you really care so much about winning. I'm guessing you're bitching about players who like having high winrates because you can't get their yourself by not helping your team.


                                            How can you know that Im a bad sniper and I go mid as sniper if you never saw any of my games?

                                            Kiddos, please gtfo internet. You can at least play dota 2, it is made for guys like you.

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                                            Chen Centaur Challenge

                                              A SHARK! clearly understands what is happening here, maybe you can give some insight into a different mystery.

                                              Normally I hesitate to derail a thread, but this one needs some derailing.

                                              I noticed that the team "Liken wers Kennt" is 0-6 but has over 4K rating. The vast majority of teams (maybe 90%) have wins and ratings of zero. In fact all the teams that defeated "Liken wers Kennt" but one also had zero rating. Only the last one ICPS was rated 3327. Can you tell us anything that might help this rating make sense?

                                              Este comentário foi editado
                                              Minami Kotori

                                                I think the players MMR is taken into account for the Team Rating. Some pro team was in #1 for a loong time, with only 2 games played, whereas some other teams already had like 15 games, with only 1 lost game, and still they were rated lower. I cannot think of any other explanation.

                                                THe other teams most likely have a rating of 0 because they changed a member and did not play all 3 matches neccessary to get rated again - See my other team, Alles ist deine Schuld

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                                                  Its the players MMR, it should be the average of them, or some hidden formula, but its about MMR, low skilled players who form teams and 20-3 (W-L) and might still have 2900 Rating, its because they r low skilled, Dota 2 won't use luck or chances to match u against for example iG, it won't unless the team players r skilled enough, and when u win u gain ratings, u lose, u lose ratings


                                                    The one thing I dont really get why Valve cant make mmr public, or at least let the owners see their mmr.

                                                    Chen Centaur Challenge

                                                      "THe other teams most likely have a rating of 0 because they changed a member and did not play all 3 matches neccessary to get rated again "

                                                      This sounds right but you also said

                                                      "Some pro team was in #1 for a loong time, with only 2 games played"

                                                      I recall finding teams which had no games listed and a non-zero rating also. Maybe it counts private games for the rating and does not show them?

                                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                                        i know one thing, youre garb at sniper


                                                          Fuck, I meet professional players in the SEA server once in a few games hence my winrate aint high. Nooo I am a noob that gets to play with pros LOL


                                                            Simplifying what this guy says:

                                                            If you win more than you lose it doesnt means you play better than the people who lose more than they win

                                                            ...Duh? lose most of your games yet you compare yourself to people who win most of them?


                                                              I've just started playing dota 2 recently again how does one get to play with more skilled players? I usually 5 stack with my friends but we never play in the very high bracket. Thanks.

                                                              le charismeur

                                                                ill 1v1 anyone wiht a lower winrate than me

                                                                Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                                  im 49.95 8D

                                                                  Chen Centaur Challenge

                                                                    btbruno you have 7 games in Very High already.


                                                                      oh you're right, from what i can see it only puts me in that bracket when i'm playing with 1-2 friends not with a whole group of 5 weird.

                                                                      Chen Centaur Challenge

                                                                        That happens because some of your group are much lower MMR and bring the average down. Also most likely none of you are are solidly in Very High, but you get pulled up to fill out a balanced match against a team with a couple lower MMR players. If you were solidly in Very High you would get there a lot more.

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