General Discussion

General DiscussionTop hated heroes(PL, Drow, Nyx do not count)

Top hated heroes(PL, Drow, Nyx do not count) in General Discussion
The Twisted Light

    Just list the heroes you hate for a reason or without, can justify or not. Just interested in opinions, no flaming pls.
    My list:
    Lucky Ogres(since one guy multicasted me 4X FIVE TIMES IN A ROW)
    Luna's voice(like to play her, have to turn off voice)
    Storm Spirit(a little)


      1. Pudge
      2. Warlock
      3. Slark
      4. KOTL
      5. SILENCER
      So anoying and boring spells

      Bot Tyrone

        Silencer, Furion.

        A lucky Ogre too, haven't encountered one in dota 2 thus far though

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        The Twisted Light

          Oh yeah, I forgot about Pudge XD


            Its funny how no one ever says ursa OP. In the right hands he is a demon.

            The Twisted Light

              Well, Ursa is simply strong and annoying. But easy to gank - no escape, before basher no stun, just go jungle every time he's off CD

              World Emperor

                Lone Druid
                Night stalker
                Also get killed on my way home by sunstrike is pretty annoying too :-<


                  PL and Nyx but they don't count.

                  Furion: So many players play him wrong
                  Magnus: Overbuffed skills
                  Naix: Overbuffed skills
                  Sylla: Can't fight Spirit Bear early game
                  Bat: Flying Vision is too much in Dota 2 (this bug is huge and could have been fixed for months)
                  Wisp: Makes every hero too good

                  Xin and Zet are imba.

                  Jugger: Everybody loves it but I hate his voice
                  Lion: Ugly face
                  Rubick: Model


                    +1 Pzowned88 ;)

                    The Twisted Light

                      Vuk, well , I generally agree about Zet and Xin, but I can't wait for them to be in Dota 2. Would really LOVE to see Zet in here. But I REALLY wish that Techies NEVER. EVER . EVEEERRRRR . enters Dota 2, my TOP HATED HERO FOR ALL TIME AND SPACE CONTINUUM(i may have spelled that wrong, forgive me). And Bat's E flying vision is not a bug as he lifts in the air and gains all properties of a flying unit, as far as I know, that's how it is supposed to work. Or did you mean some other bug ?


                        Techis pls


                          1. KOTL... so annoying with his horses and mana burn

                          that is it ... just freakin KOTL


                            1. KOTL... so annoying with his horses and mana burn

                            that is it ... just freakin KOTL


                              1. KOTL... so annoying with his horses and mana burn

                              that is it ... just freakin KOTL


                                Pudge and Invoker. Whenever someone picks them on my team. They always suck and usually end up feeding. Also, people who play those two always seem to have the worst attitude.


                                  @The Twisted Light
                                  About Batrider bug:
                                  The annoying thing about it is that it was reported more than 1 year ago. It is a top pick. A huge buff for ganks (+600 vision from behind trees).

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                                    Over 15 posts, and no1 has mentioned PL. So ill do it...

                                    Phamton Lancer - so annoying.


                                      Magnus and Tide. They always seem to get perfect ulties when in opposite team, and always seem to suck when in my team.

                                      I don't care about invisible heroes because my team usually can afford a dust, a gem or a set of sentries.

                                      Este comentário foi editado

                                        pl farming in a safe lane with kotl. u can barely get close with any hero thus giving pl lots of farm.

                                        Woof Woof

                                          pl - 2strong on low/mid tier pubs
                                          ns - 2strong on low/mid tier pubs
                                          gyro - 2strong on low/mid tier pubs
                                          nyx - 2strong on low/mid tier pubs
                                          zeus - 2strong on mid tier pubs

                                          The Twisted Light

                                            @Toeffelhelten read the description, Nyx, PL, Drow do not count as many people hate them (and I like PL and Nyx :P) don't play them a lot though.

                                            Chen Centaur Challenge

                                              I hate clinkz. The hero is fine but of all the cowardly, ksing, afk during team fights, jungle while the rax drops nub heros...this one does it the most.

                                              Bad players love to play clinkz because they can run around near max speed invis to escape from their horrible positioning and not feed so much as they do with other heroes (even other invis heroes). But all they ever do in a team fight is set it up with a feed, or run around invis and then feed at the end having done zero dmg.

                                              I can recall hundreds of times a close fight was lost while a clinkz stood invis next to the enemy the entire time biting his nails and wringing his hands and hoping that he would not have to show himself, then after the fight was lost feeder clinkz does 2 autoattacks to the 2nd lowest enemy, didnt get the kill, stunned, dusted and dead.

                                              Crazy Dave

                                                Pl... but he doesn't count.

                                                Furion. Not the hero but the way most people play him (teleport to the jungle cliffs and autoattack neutrals).

                                                KotL. Because he's always put with a PL and the game is pretty much over right there. Free mana for cancer lancer = infinite nukes = infinite farm for him = no farm for whoever he's laning against. Also illuminate. uggh.

                                                Invoker. Once again, not the hero, how most people play him. (heeugh i ken go ecksort i ken get da sonstryks o i misd its chens falt)

                                                QoP, Templar, Pudge, Night stalker. Anti-fun. Nuff said.

                                                Phantom Assassin. I'm playing dark seer, begging someone to help me shut her down, while my team runs straight into a pudge going "how do genk"

                                                Faceless Void. Same reason as PA.

                                                Honorable mention to Sniper, Zeus, Clinkz, and Bounty Hunter for waiting outside a fight to killsteal and contribute nothing else.


                                                  KOTL only


                                                    I'm pretty sure the OP didnt say PL in the first place...



                                                      Only because every time I face one he gets every entangle and I get none whenever I play him :<


                                                        Blood fucking seeker; (Cheapest hero ever!)
                                                        Fucktard Silencer; (FUCKING PERMANENT INT STEALING IS JUST FUCKING RETARDED)
                                                        Drow Ranger; (Shit ult making her op from lvl 6 to onward)
                                                        Phantom Lancer; (Them pesky illusions)
                                                        Warlock; (Stupid overrated ulty winning every teamfight!)
                                                        Nai'x; (Just boringly op that I no longer can play him)
                                                        Troll; (Well, he's a troll...)
                                                        Dark Seer. (Can't play him (kda 1))

                                                        Its how much I hate playing against them from most to least. (Dark Seer included, I hate him for a bad reason)




                                                            @Narandza, do you know what overrated means?


                                                              Treant Protector. He gives a huge amount of survivability to the glass cannon heroes (like Leshrac).


                                                                ohhh, treant is one of the most annoying heroes, that day i was playing sf, tried to push the lane and get a tower, it took me 10 minutes, and i didnt even take the tower down, and i failed miserably


                                                                  Lone Druid/Sylla....


                                                                  ENTANGLE... FIRST... FUCKING.. TIME..

                                                                  ... EVERY FUCKING TIME.


                                                                    Pudge, BH, Void... on my team. Pudge always doesn't have farm, BH doesn't track and Void gets carried cause in best cases he ults ONE hero from oposing team and like 3 from mine.

                                                                    Clockwerk is number one - freaking cogs.


                                                                      -PL never annoys me because he's so easy to counter.
                                                                      - Nyx is annoying and overpowered, needs nerf. Accels at the support and teamfight role way too well.
                                                                      - Magnus ult is annoying as fuck. The stun duration is too high and CD is too low.
                                                                      - Treant is annoying in the early laning phase but is easy to rape later
                                                                      - Gyro is way too overpowered. He has amazing early, mid, and late game presence and needs a nerf. You can't be one of the best early game mids/bots/offlaners and one of the best late game carries, just an annoyingly overpowered piece of shit.
                                                                      - Troll because he makes retarded team comps viable and gives shitty players a chance because of LOLULTI, his ult CD needs to be much higher.
                                                                      - Wisp only because whenever I play against him he's a pro but whenever someone uses him on my team all he does is feed and doesn't know what the fuck he's doing. Obviously an exaggeration but I cringe when our team gets a wisp pick/random since only like 1% of the player population knows how to use him properly (I don't know why, he's so fucking easy).
                                                                      - KOTL because he's just a douche.

                                                                      Andrew Bait

                                                                        i know pl doesnt count but oh well here is my list
                                                                        #1 PL- have to pick a whole team (or atleast 2 or 3 good aoe's) just to counter a good pl player
                                                                        #2 PL- i mean c mon why not
                                                                        #3 naix- farm and kill for 30 mins, get armlet, get skullbasher, and then dominate.... unless up against a farmed and fed pl of course
                                                                        #4 PL- i mean seriously name one hero late game that can take pl on. example: lets say pl has all his items and hes lvl 25 and put him up against any other hero 1v1 that has all his items and is lvl 25.... pl wins (or lives) regardless of what hero it is
                                                                        #5 riki- when youre supports play like retards

                                                                        Andrew Bait

                                                                          let me rephrase that... for #1 i meant to say "just to somewhat counter a good pl player"

                                                                          ❤ Ashley ❤


                                                                            [Dota2VN] Ka-El

                                                                              Im quite surprice why nobody say anything about Obsidian destroyer?
                                                                              He is very annoyingg with his astral.Doesnt matter which heroes is againts you
                                                                              Just with his passive and astral I can say OD dare to get the most annoying hero in Dota2.

                                                                              Have you try to play obsidian destroyer againts kotl and pl?

                                                                              I picked few times to solo hardlane againts kotl and pl.

                                                                              Its quite funny when pl has so low int or kotl, at 6lvl just few hit and ulty u canbe sure u will get a kill.

                                                                              Just try it.

                                                                              Go offlane, buy yourself ward, let kotl horses charged few times, when u got upper hand at lvl.
                                                                              You can easily beat them both.

                                                                              One of my favourite counter againts kotl+ pl combo!

                                                                              Este comentário foi editado


                                                                                Woof Woof

                                                                                  y i forgot to add ld that fuckin spirit bear with his broken rng

                                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                    How the fuck everyone hates Drow? She can't even get close to AM at all. Also fuck TA.


                                                                                      1. silencer
                                                                                      2. silencer
                                                                                      3. silencer


                                                                                        idk why everyone hates PL, in my matchmaking lvl, antimage is way way more scary than PL..

                                                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                          @MαρzøƦ very high? Both scary as fuck.


                                                                                            1. DROW RANGER
                                                                                            2. TROLL WARLORD
                                                                                            3. RIKI
                                                                                            4. GOOD NAIX

                                                                                            Chen Centaur Challenge

                                                                                              For this past month...

                                                                                              AM win rate 40.35% PL win rate 53.88% AM vs PL directly, PL wins 58.29% 1,391 games

                                                                                              AM win rate 41.21% PL win rate 54.59% AM vs PL directly, PL wins 60.20% 11,163 games

                                                                                              AM win rate 42.07% PL win rate 55.93% AM vs PL directly, PL wins 59.9% 15,839 games

                                                                                              AM win rate 43.67% PL win rate 56.42% AM vs PL directly, PL wins 59.12% 16,809 games

                                                                                              AM win rate 45.88% PL win rate 53.82% AM vs PL directly, PL wins 52.76% 635 games

                                                                                              Exaggerated Unreal Skill level (mapzor only rating?)
                                                                                              AM vs PL directly, AM wins 65% 0 games

                                                                                              So really AM does gain some ground on PL at the highest skill levels, but still PL is stronger.

                                                                                              Este comentário foi editado

                                                                                                AM is shit in lower level games because even with complete free farm shit heads can only farm battlefury in like 25 minuets. I played an offlane weaver against an AM once (tri-lane), so obviously I couldn't really do that much, and I did even die once during the end of the laning stage. He fucking built his battlefury in 20-22 minutes or something, I don't even understand.

                                                                                                Anyway, AM is only a good carry when he farms extremely well, he needs to have an early battlefury and farm at an incredible speed for him to win, similar to alchemist in that respect.

                                                                                                If you look at other heroes that don't require farming skills to be effective, you also see Troll and Naix up there too.

                                                                                                edit: also fuck lone druid, played an IH the other day, every fucking time entangled on first hit

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                                                                                                Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                                                  The more I play the more heroes like PL don`t seem as much of a threat.
                                                                                                  PL can`t really do much on the lane, he can spam his lance, go invi. Not really that dangerous, since many other heroes have better laning abilities than he does. It takes him at least 25 minutes to get any kind of core item(i.e diffusal+threads+some other item). That is considering that he is free farming. What that means is that you play 4x5 for 25 minutes. If you are playing with friends/have ok communication with team, there is no reason why you shouldnt win practically every fight 4x5. Yea sure at 25 minutes he gets his items and starts split pushing/joins fights, but at that point your team is simply TOO STRONK. PL can't engage anywhere without his illusions, i.e he can't accept fights outside of the lane/creeps, as he can't make illusions. When you push into enemy base, sure he can start hiting and making illusion, but the total advantage you gained over other team should be enough to shit on other team, PL including.
                                                                                                  PL gets more or less OP about 40 minutes, when game goes meh for both sides. In that case, yes, you gonna have a bad time facing him. But on that note, if enemy team managed to stale you pretty much 4x5, that pl could have been alchemist/doom with much better items raping your face just as well.
                                                                                                  Not to mention, if your teamfight is not that great for some reason, early ganks on pl pretty much shut him down for the next 20+ minutes. 20 minutes is enough to get most of the towers/roshan and let your carries farm/your team push their racks.
                                                                                                  PL is only OP if you let him be OP. Free farming alchemist is much more dangerous, as facing alchemist with Cuirass/abyssal/threads/something else at 25-30 is much more dangerous that facing PL with heart/diffusal at the same time.


                                                                                                    1. Pudge
                                                                                                    2. Sniper
                                                                                                    3. Templar Assassin
                                                                                                    4. Phantom Assassin
                                                                                                    5. Riki
                                                                                                    6. Phantom Lancer A.K.A the Cancer Lancer
                                                                                                    7. Zeus
                                                                                                    8. Witch Doctor - especially as a melee on lane. stun stun stun stun stun stun stun.


                                                                                                      i say spectre, that pure damage + instant global ult is scary. even worse once she gets radiance early.

