General Discussion

General DiscussionTeam O.S.T is Recruiting!

Team O.S.T is Recruiting! in General Discussion

    Hey Guys & Girls!

    Team O.S.T is recruiting! We are a Semi-Hardcore team of players aged around 20 looking for a final addition to our team. We are all veteran DoTA, HoN, LoL, DoTA 2 players that have played for many years in the MoBA world. We are based in Sweden and Germany so we are in the CET Time zone and play on Europe West server. We all attend universities so we are online from late afternoon onwards to late night (mostly from 6-12 CET). We play most weekdays and also on weekends. We are a fun bunch of guys who are always up for a laugh and having fun in DoTA 2.

    The final member we are looking for:
    • Should be able to play Carry Role in DoTA 2 with heroes such as Luna, Naix, Faceless Void, Sven, Anti Mage, Chaos Knight, Gyrocopter, Cancer Lancer and Lone Druid.
    • Should be able to join us at these times (6-12 CET).
    • Must understand and speak Passable English.
    • Should be Experienced/Veteran MoBA games player.
    • Should have Teamspeak and a Microphone.
    • Should be willing to learn new things and taking criticism well, follow the Captain’s order and take active part in Group discussions (we all make mistakes and are here to learn after all).
    • Should watch live games, streams and be in touch with the pro Dota 2 scene.

    Our Goal as a Team is to improve ourselves and the Team. In the future we want to compete in some Amateur/Semi-pro Leagues and Tournaments. So if this is something interesting for you then please add/contact me in Steam -> DJ Sudi

    Current Team Status: Due to recent changes in our roster and the lack of a 5th man, we are currently improving our Personal skills, coordination and team play in AP’s and Scrims. This is temporary, as once we find our 5th man we will be returning to CM and TMM as soon as possible.

    NOTE: Please read the above information CAREFULLY before applying using the form provided below. Post your application as a reply to the thread and we will read it.

    Application for Team O.S.T
    Steam Name:
    Signature Heroes:

    What days are you available:

    What times do you play until:

    Tell us about your gaming experience (games, guilds, teams, etc):


      em up add up for further details yooo


        Steam name :hellrabbi8
        age: 19
        country :india
        signature heroes: carries mostly can play support and offlane aswell (basically a team player)
        days available :just tell me ill be there !
        time available :you call the shots ill find time :


          been playing dota for 5 years now! quite good em a team player looks to improve always "you re not born a pro you become one "


            Hey. Just add me Steam and lets have a Chat. ID is DJ Sudi.

              Este comentário foi excluído

                Steam Name: Volex
                Age: 18
                Nationality/Country: Albanian
                Signature Heroes: I play hard carry
                I ve had 5 yrs exp in dota 1 .. i have had a clan Thedeadlegion .. now 1 year dota 2


                  Steam Name: Schretze
                  Age: 20
                  Nation: Germany
                  Signature Heroes: Hard Carry or Support
                  Days available: i go 2 universtiy, 2^^
                  Times i play: evening/ night/ late night
                  Gaming experince: Dota 1 since 2007; started Lol; Dota 2 for 1 year (other games: played wow long time but stoped; css, bf3 ....)


                    Steam Name: ReGuardz
                    Age: 20+
                    Country: Turkey
                    Signature Heroes: Hard support/initiator/nuker also I played a lot naix, sven, pl before
                    Days : I am available most of the time (unless it is period of exams)
                    Times: evening and night
                    Gaming experience: Dota 1 since 2005 (6.12 map) 2 years on wepla, 2 years on eurobattlenet servers. New on dota 2.

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                    Ray Mears

                      Application for Team O.S.T
                      Steam Name: Just Waiting for a Mate
                      Age: 21
                      Nationality/Country: England - native English speaker
                      Signature Heroes: Mirana, Storm Spirit, Faceless Void, Anti-Mage, Phantom Assasin (I love carries, but can play other roles if needed)

                      What days are you available: Every day, most hours.

                      What times do you play until: as above, I can play any time, I have just finished Uni so I have a LOT of free time on my hands.

                      Tell us about your gaming experience (games, guilds, teams, etc): over 500 hours on DotA 2 (since September) on various accounts, current account plays in the Very High and High match-making pools (got there in less than 40 games).

                      Also, I queue solo 90% of the time and have over 55% win rate. I broke MM.

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                        Steam name: Veltzu
                        Age: 19
                        Country: Finland
                        Signature Heroes: phantom lancer, luna, juggernaut, dragon knight. but most of the time i have randomed, so i am capable to play any hero.

                        What days are you available: every day, any time.

                        What times do you play until: i ahve just finished my school and done with finals. So i have a lot of free time.

                        Tell us about your gaming experience (games, guilds, teams, etc): i usually play like 150 hours - 200 hours in 2 weeks. now i have only 580 hours of dota2 because i needed to read my finals. i have more than 2000 games in Hon and it is nearly the same game as this. so i know moba games pretty well. But Dota2 has bigger scene and i like it better. so i am very interested to play competetive with you guys.


                          Thank you for you applications. If you have not done so already, then please add me DJ Sudi on you Steam friends list so We can have a chat and play some trial games.


                            Hey Team OST. Sign up to my tournament. There are lots of players who are looking to make teams. If you don't need members then just sign up as a team and have fun. There is prizemoney, potential sponsors and the tournament will be casted by various youtube personalities like Pyrion Flax.



                              @«|DNG|» ShadowProphet
                              I have registered our Team there. However we are only 4 atm so is it ok to use a Standin as the 5th man? Also I tried to access the TS but its requires a password.


                                I might be able to play your 5th. What are you missing?


                                  Steam Name:uoɔɐq is beast
                                  Nationality/Country: US WEST, Portland, Oregon
                                  Signature Heroes: Storm Spirit Natures Prophet Shadow Demon

                                  What days are you available: Mon-Sun anytime that is necessary.

                                  What times do you play until: I usually play late till 2/3 am

                                  Tell us about your gaming experience (games, guilds, teams, etc): I have played many games well. too many to name. No real competitive experience but I'm trying to change that and hopefully find some people who recognize my talent. add me :3.


                                    stand-ins are allowed but you cannot change standins half way through the tournament unless it is a exceptional circumstance.


                                      Steam Name: Keldri
                                      Age: 19
                                      Nationality/Country: Denmark
                                      Signature Heroes: CK, Slardar, TW, Viper -(Thats what i enjoy the most atm.)

                                      What days are you available: Everyday mostly.

                                      What times do you play until: All night if possible.

                                      Tell us about your gaming experience (games, guilds, teams, etc): My gaming experience so far have mostly been with LoL. Its been a month since i switched over to DOTA2.
                                      And I'm enjoying it really much. As well as the transformation from LoL to DOTA2 has been abit hard tbh. but I'm starting to do pretty good compared to a month ago.
                                      I have close to 2k games in LoL. And played a semi high rank, never had the right people to play with so it haven't been to much more then for the fun, but i would like to take it to another level soon.

                                      Add me up and lets talk Sudi :)


                                        Steam Name: kdelivuk
                                        Age: 25
                                        Nationality/Country: Croatia
                                        Signature Heroes: Druid, Pudge, Bat, Gyro (can play any hardcarry, but prefer Naix , AM, Luna)

                                        What days are you available: almost every day after 18:00

                                        What times do you play until: until i get sleepy

                                        Tell us about your gaming experience (games, guilds, teams, etc): played dota1 for 8 years , hon for approx 2 years, and now dota2 for almost a year ...
                                        watch pro matches daily
                                        know todays meta, cons and nerfs of every hero and how 2 play it ...
                                        never played professional ...

                                        SinnER v2.0

                                          Name: saif ali
                                          In-game Name: mohsin_samuru/boobs seeker
                                          Age: 19
                                          Region: SEA
                                          Wins: 1399+
                                          Preferred Role: carry /only carry*damn good at it)
                                          Experience: 3 years / 3k+ hours
                                          Favorite Heroes: anti mage, lifestealer, weaver
                                          Steam Profile:

                                          trust me on this, i got some previous experience too with pro games(more or less locals) and with perfect team i am unstoppable....
                                          contact me if you wish and i bet ill make it worth your while
                                          i recently left my previous clan cause they sucked...and dota is like my only passion and the only thing m good atleast 7 games a day or else i feel like 'suffocation' :D
                                          u know what i mean....

                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!