General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen these Valve shitters gonna fix mm? Feel free to post your one-si...

When these Valve shitters gonna fix mm? Feel free to post your one-sided games in General Discussion
Woof Woof
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      who does solo safe lane, thats rly pure shit, no one goes solo offlane, only if its mind games, ONLY, and that doesnt even happen in CM pubs, maybe in pro scenes


        Solo safe lane is good when you have one jungler and the opponents have an offlaner that is very hard to stop from getting farm/xp.

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          Well one of my baddest games. Got bad ping here in my wife's house cant play really well. We got stomped hard wisp did not even buy chick and ward so playing as ck I did a support role lol.

          Most recent stomp we run a 5 man stack and basically destroyed them.

          So based from this I can say sometimes shit happens. You pick a hero that your not comfortable with and you get matched with complete pros and sometimes you pick your favorite hero and you get matched with uter idiots. MM is little bit inconsistent for me imo.



            MM is clearly broken. I had over 53w% and almost 600 games but I get matched with player who has played 150 games and has win% of 47. He decides to pick Sven and not even taking ultimate before lvl 10. When the game ends he is lvl 17 and still not a single point in War Cry... 1-12 as a carry Sven, what a nice game. (He died almost 10 times because he went solo farming over the river with no vision there)

            Why is it so hard to fix MM so that it puts "noobs" to play with each others... then they wouldn't come and shit other players games who really know how to play.

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              Dendi uses MM and plays with random people mostly. He has 54% winrate. No doubt MM system is stupid.
              Unless you have a good stack, you are going to have a bad time.

              Woof Woof
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                Ken Bone

                  I just hate how it feels like I get Punished for winning a bunch in a row.

                  If I win 4-5 in a row, my next matches won't be fun. at all.

                  I won 4 in a row two days ago. Yesterday I get parried with 4 Brazilians, on an american server. Won't speak to me. only speak Portuguese. horrible plays and decisions the entire game! I can't help them, I just watch the train Wreck. =(
                  Game 2, two people on my team don't know where to put wards, what "pulling" means, or what it means to "deny". our Ta ends the game with phase boots and a vanguard. =(
                  Game 3, Two Spanish speakers, one Russian. I swear they were in a competition to see who could play worse. Spanish speakers tried to win 2 on 5 and the Russian tried to win 1 on 5.

                  I have no complaints with playing up, against better players.
                  I have tons of complaints when I play good players, but with poor ones.

                  And you can't say it's my fault for not playing with friends. I play video games when I want a break from friends.

                  Festive Reach

                    Every single player has his bad days/games. It doesnt mean they are brain dead retarded

                    Woof Woof
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                      Woof Woof
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                        vapour trail

                          This forum and about 200 others: Noobs complaining because they don't get perfect teammates to keep their precious winrate above 50%, and if they don't get carried every game then they create some crybaby thread, trying to convince Valve to fix the "terrible" MM.

                          Maybe if you were actually good at the game, you could carry your team in the worst of situations, but since you suck, you have to cry about how you don't get teamed up with a pro every game.

                          Get over yourself.

                          Woof Woof
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                              @whos this, why u keep saying this shit again and again?
                              when i had only 240 games played, i had a winrate of 51, now i am 53%, i could be higher, its increasing now bcus i stopped playing with noob mates, and i play solo MM, and i have fun alone much more than with friends..
                              i am trying to find friends, found one, but i would never ask anyone on this retarded forum to play with me, cus the community here is fucked up

                              Woof Woof
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                                  If you go on a win streak you'll have a losing streak after. I mostly queue up with friends and ofcourse we get paired up with parties also sometimes we stomp sometime we get stomped. I think its better to play with friends makes dota2 more competetive

                                  vapour trail

                                    @whos this

                                    Actually, I play on high and very high MM and one of the only people I play with when I'm not solo queueing is an IRL friend whom I've been teaching the game to.

                                    vapour trail

                                      P.S. I've played around 135 matches this month and only played 35 games with one friend, 16 with another, 4 with another, and 4 with another. No more than one of those people played with me in any game. That would mean I've played 59 out of 135 matches with one friend, so your so-called "ap stacking" info is false.

                                      Three out of four of those people are pretty much noobs, and it's not like it's easy to stomp "retards" when you've got retards on your team as well. Tbh it's actually worse playing with lower skilled friends than solo queuing because mistakes are more common, bad hero picks, etc. I do it because I'm a genuinely nice person that wants to get someone into dota. I'd probably have a higher winrate if I didn't play with them, but this is one of those things that proves winrate is meaningless.

                                      Dick Trouser, MD

                                        ... why does anyone care about pub games? It's a pub. If you want guaranteed good games, join an IH group/league, or as many people have said before, stack as 5. Remove your balls from your purse, be proactive, figure how to make the game fun for you, and stop bitching. So hard.

                                        Dick Trouser, MD

                                          also, for all you AMG EVERYONE ELSE SUCKS WHY AM I SO PRO kiddies,
                                          we were all the same way, at some point in our dota playing...

                                          -Bee- for 3.5

                                            im curious. when you guys whinning about the mm system.. whats your best/average winning/losing streak(solo que)
                                            i had 7 winning streak/8 losing
                                            and i see some of my friend had 11-12 winning streak(solo que). so.. its not that everymatch is unbalanced
                                            but yes i do feel when i had 5th winning streak the 6th will be pretty unbalanced(solo que)


                                              3 wins in a row, and guess what?

                                              Nope, ure wrong, I won 4th one, but with shitty invoker. Matchmaking is afraid that I gonna win too many games and already trying to give me a forced loss.

                                              Dont mind levels, radiant were fucking tryhards with a trilane and going as 5 only.


                                              PS Animu, I carried practically solo like 30% of my games and got carried like 5%. Problem?

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                                              Woof Woof
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                                                  ^Give us link :D

                                                  Woof Woof
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                                                    Woof Woof
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                                                      Woof Woof
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                                                          You have to be reported by your team and the other team to go down in one game. Or all of your team twice in a day. I've had games where people were mad at me but never low priority in over 1000 games. When I get an obvious troll player, like a tiny who tosses allies to the enemy --- everyone on both teams reports and I get the "thank you" message next relog for sure. I have reported ppl probably 50 or 60 times and 30-40 of those, next relog "thank you" message was there. If you randomly report everyone its just wasting your time, but usually real game ruiners or morons who rage in all-chat go down immediately.

                                                          I don't know exactly how is accumulates, but it seems like something near to 9 ppl reporting you on a given day sends you to low priority.


                                                            go english matchmaking only, anyone who speaks any language other than english, if not with his mate, like u ask him some question then he answers in russian then just report him, if he is communicating with his russian mate, then its ok, as long as it doesnt offend any player on ur team


                                                              I knew I should not have trying to play with fewer than x3 stack after getting 50 wins over losses.

                                                              Asap I got complete retards lina and chen in team.

                                                     - ofc this shitty lina is another 2 kda retard on 49%, which means he is that bad that even shitty mm cant drag him to 50% as intended.

                                                              This game is just unplayable without x5 stack.

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                                                              Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                                So don't play without x5 stack, problem solved.


                                                                  ^ The problem of why then solo queue even exists is not solved for me or for anyone else.


                                                                    haha ;)


                                                                      i always solo que, and i am happy :D
                                                                      i made a smurf account just to play with my friends (low skilled ones), and there i have fun, here i go antifun

                                                                      Woof Woof

                                                                        inb4 thruth by user on dev dota 2

                                                                        "in every other competitive game getting better means: playing with better player against better players.
                                                                        not in dota2. you get better? play with worse players against better players. lets see if you can carry/ support this team.
                                                                        oh, you lost all your games? you cant carry 4 headless chickens? here you go, stomp some scrubs.

                                                                        seriously, i cannot tell when i last had a "GG". and by gg i mean a actually balanced game where both teams had a 50% chance to win.
                                                                        win = you stomp.
                                                                        loss = you get stomped.


                                                                          ^ So true.

                                                                          Woof Woof

                                                                            ^ there might be a hope

                                                                            only 12 days left <3


                                                                            cant wait for those games without retarded griefers

                                                                            Este comentário foi editado
                                                                            Woof Woof

                                                                              last 'copypaste' from dev dota forum

                                                                              "another thread on the marvels of the matchmaking system.

                                                                              I personally am able to enjoy the current matchmaking system. I am now able to predict my wins and losses with a high degree of accuracy.

                                                                              As a result of this, my phantom lancer has twice wins than losses.

                                                                              How to reduce the number of extremely imbalanced games?

                                                                              When you realise that a game is "meant to be lost", FEED HARD. However, apologise to your team and never rage, so as to avoid reports. Do not feed too obviously. This requires practice.

                                                                              Never attempt to carry a game that is meant to be lost. If you tryhard with a game that is meant to be lost, even if you lost it, it will still cause you to have more bad games. No joke.

                                                                              Never pwn too hard with a game that is designed to be won. Never be the MVP. Let others have the killstreaks. Just focus on taking towers and raxes.

                                                                              NEVER, EVER, win more than 2 games in a row. Seriously NEVER. After winning your second game, MAKE SURE you lose the next one. To avoid getting reported into low priority, practice "subtle feeding". That is, feed without making others realise it. This takes much practise. Basic tenets are: never rage, apologise constantly, do not actively feed yourself to your enemy, instead wait for a team fight or gank and perform poorly. No one will report you for mediocre play. Eg. support not warding, carry not farming, support stealing last hits, etc. In fact if you pwn a five stack too badly they might just report you into low priority, as I have suffered many times.

                                                                              Doing these will prevent huge fluctuations in your MMR. From my readings, Dota 2's MM system uses a variant of the Microsoft Truskill system. This system is designed to punish smurfs and to identify skill level quickly. Therefore, if you pwn hard in a game, it will cause a HUGE rise in your ELO and you will be expected to carry nubz. If you tryhard with a "meant to lose game", your ELO will remain inflated and you will continue to clusterfurk wif nubz.

                                                                              When I get pwned hard in a game and get fountain camped, I always attempt to defend the throne and in the process, feed the enemy. They might be getting a lot of joy from the fountain camp, but I know that they will soon be punished real bad.

                                                                              When you own or get owned in a public game, try to invite the "good players" to party matchmaking with you. This MIGHT increase your win rate. However, many times you find that the "MVP" in the previous game is just another nub who merely snowballed with the rest of the team. "

                                                                              url to original thread


                                                                              i highly recommend reading Ranaki`s and Enai Siaion`s posts on devs forum

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                                                                                @KILL ME PLEASE, u forgot to close the " " :D
                                                                                and yes, wut u said or wut dev staff said is completely true, either u stomp, or get stomped

                                                                                Woof Woof

                                                                                  check old mm feedback thread that devs unstickd and let it die

                                                                                  Woof Woof

                                                                                    told enemy premade of 3 "fuckin mm abusers reported"(we-my teammates- all were solo) +1d to my lpq <3

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                                                                                      Just got this piece of trash in team


                                                                                      Venge getting only stun and + first, no cour, no wards, nothing.

                                                                                      I went mid and got this shit by myself (I just didnt up the cour). Thanks to me and troll we won.

                                                                                      How the hell this trashcan can be matched with me?


                                                                                        Yeah, Venge was the worst. And her items are hilarious too.
                                                                                        Some other funny things from Score board and Skill builds:
                                                                                        - Troll getting Mjollnir over Raw damage items or BKB
                                                                                        - Morphling not levelling ulti
                                                                                        - Lycan not getting an early Howl
                                                                                        - Radiant still winning -> Dire had even worse players


                                                                                          OMG. When will u finally commit a suicide to stop this river of tears?=D


                                                                                            Vuk, so the thing morph not leveling ulti but rapes a decent team means he is worse than average one? Get some logic, idiot.

                                                                                            Dart, svali mydak.

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                                                                                            Woof Woof
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                                                                                              Woof Woof

                                                                                                what a surprise 2 of 3 are anonymous while 3rd one has 48% and he had to pick mid hero ofc


                                                                                                  @lie to me agen fagt

                                                                                                  Tell me where I said morph is worse than an average one. I said that winning without levelling a great ulti is funny.

                                                                                                  Are you oversensitive and have to call others idiot for no reason? You should be in a comedy series. You would be my favorite character. Keep on the good job and post your games. It always makes me happy :D


                                                                                                    Vuk, if you are that mature then dont point out the facts that are not connected to the discussion just only to make a useless attempt to make someone looking wrong.

                                                                                                    Got it I guess?

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                                                                                                    Woof Woof

                                                                                                      next game and again idiots and game ruiners from russia with 600/700wins ofc main one even got nice item