General Discussion

General DiscussionGOAL: 60% WIN RATE

GOAL: 60% WIN RATE in General Discussion
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    IPS, I do believe he was referring to his profile saying he has no friends. He was making a joke.


      my goal was 100% but then i realised that u get to play with russians in ur team


        murs got another account with a violet profile pic, and he got 1600+ games and 66+% winrate, he is a gd player, but this account with 83% winrate is due to stacking, though NOT only bcus of stacking..

        usually when u get some noob Russian, a feeder or so, he starts flaming in russian, whether using voice or just text, so u immediately notice that he is russian and u start flaming him or just get sick of russians as u can easily know if he is russian or not, but gd russian players do not flame in russian when feeding(if its not a gd day for him), so u will never know that if he is russian or not..

        PS, I AM NOT RUSSIAN !!

        Biggest Nipples

          Ya I admit he's probably very good already, not many people can get that high even if they are a full stacks, but if he gets 83% while soloing then he must be INCREDIBLE.

          im so bad at artifact

            >50% is proof that MM works
            No it's not. The goal of matchmaking isn't (shouldn't) be to give you a 50% winrate. The goal should be to make every match as even as possible. Naturally, most people's winrates will be around 50% since they'll have a 50-50 chance of winning each match. But with all these horribly imbalanced matches it's obvious that the matchmaking isn't really working.


              I solo queue or only play with 1 friend and I have a 69% WR.. I just always look to play counters or to fill empty roles usually and it always seems to help the team win.


                ^That will change once u hit 200++ Win matchmaking bracket.


                  @ED^MapzOr: Exactly, most russians cant speak english or very poorly and if they are winning the game, they dont speak. On the other hand, when they are feeding they like to flame and that's why 'russians = feeders' in mind of players.

                  To be honest I 'silently rage' about russians whether we are winnig or not, simply because russian chat/voice on 'EU WEST' is something I can't accept. Even when I join with my friends, we try to keep it on teamspeak, not in teamchat (we are not russians nor native english speakers) so it does not bother others.

                  Not sure why russians rage as hard though, this behaviour is connected in my mind with southern nations (italy, spain, brasil), these have temper, while sucuide nations (uk, northern europe) are generally pleasant.

                  My Leviosa

                    same here.
                    about team mate i not looking for pro or noob but i need team mate that always watch each other back
                    like use stun/slow/silence to save other hero


                      Try to stop flaming... I'm the only person in my group of friends who never flames, and I have the highest winrate. Saying "my team is noob and fucks me over" is the worst, absolute worst mentality to have in this game.


                        Hi Echelon, kindly read through all the posts so you can judge me better.

                        Anyways, I think I may want to create a new alias (or reset my account if that's even possible) to silence all critics. It's true that I'm kind of hot headed when playing and this has really affected my overall strategy and game play not just for one game but probably since those few games before I started this topic.

                        I just want to remove all the negativity and start anew.

                        Cheers! But keep the comments coming, I think good posts are being written here every once in a while :p

                        EDIT: Apparently, there's no such thing as reset so I'll just continue with this one and improve my win rate

                        Este comentário foi editado

                          This rate means nothing, in fact. At least in low level games. There are several heroes, which can be useful in early, mid and late game and in lowskill games and it is possible to own all enemies on yourself.
                          The other way is to play with your stable stack (team) vs weak enemies.
                          In my opinion the real winrate starts from 500-1000 games. Those guys, who played that much are really cool.

                          Este comentário foi editado

                            Play some other mods than AP. And if you bragging yourself like a good dota player - than stay mid lane all the time. Ganks can destroy other team lanes even if they work quite well by themselfes. Also MM doesnt even work until you reach 500 or more games. Let me correct myself - MM actually works, but due the lack of stats its almost pure random. And even when you reach yours 500th, or even 1000th game you are not insured from RANDOM RUSSIANS APPEARS feeding like crazy and ruining your games. Sorry for bad english and hope you got me there though.

                            Im the Bully of my School

                              you all so bad im alrdy at 60% and im not even trying just pubstomping alone

                              Im the Bully of my School

                                hey murs add me :)


                                  Everybody below 60% is bad yo


                                    Currently, I have 47% win rate and 72% DBR.. what does this tell?


                                      murs i am here for u! jk
                                      i got 57 percent so far.. games have been getting better instead of random shit, except that my 10th-15th? last game was fucking shit with me as enchant with no communication in team (me ranting)

                                      i got 150 games, hoping mm do better so i can aim for that 60 percent!


                                        i had 62 percent win rate but i fuked it up
                                        my goal is +60 percent again
                                        but its realy hard for me since i got no decent stack



                                          Rolf Rutin

                                            Every good MMR works pretty much the same way, where the aim is for the player to have 50% wins. You get pitted against better and worse players to put you on the correct skill-level at any given time. Look at it as a ladder, where you climb upp a small pinhole everytime you win, and climb down when you lose. You'd have to be pretty much pro to stay at a 60-80% winrate.

                                            Chex Quest Master

                                              Murs, is this the same murs from wc3ft useast, from clan... Fuck, trying to remember, Clan L2NS?

                                              <- thy_awpre here if its the same one. lets play together again bitch nigga its been years


                                                same here , reach 52% or more and then POFF get in a team with 2 guys with 47 48% other with 8 lose streak and dont forget the last one ... the hater from teh Fat food nation talking shit about america bla bla bla


                                                  u are as shit as murs

                                                  Marie Poppo

                                                    I thought valve somehow forces you to lose and win on matchmaking.
                                                    My first few games was a disaster cuz I am new to the setting.
                                                    Then I get to play against complete noobs.
                                                    However after a number of win streaks I start carrying complete noobs.
                                                    And I do not think I can carry them even if I am a pro.
                                                    Play support with complete noob carrying is a pain.
                                                    Play late carry needs you to farm much faster than your opponent farming your noobs.
                                                    Play ganker can result you getting a huge KDA but still lose the game, or not even the KDA.
                                                    So I dont really understand how do you get to over 60% win rate after a lot games played, maybe you have to be like very pro so you are pretty much better than most people on the server.

                                                    Marie Poppo

                                                      Most people are getting 50%,
                                                      Some complete newbies claim then got 50% as well,
                                                      I dont think thats how the skill distribution should look like.

                                                      Magic mushroom

                                                        @BlackXargon: Record GPM: 594

                                                        Sorry, but I make more frequently, and that's your record...

                                                        You need to improve your skills!


                                                          Didn't know DotaBuff is back!

                                                          Professor Genki, so far, the most logical way to do it is to always play with 1 friend rather than doing it alone with total strangers

                                                          Islamic Fasting Association

                                                            to OP: "one thing I learned, never play "pure support".. this is not like CM game or anything..."
                                                            Hmm, perhaps you would like to speak with ☆☆ , ( ).
                                                            And SEA server sucks, especially when you get paired with some (not trying to be offensive or streotyping) useless pinoy or cheena player.

                                                            Este comentário foi editado

                                                              If you are losing more than winning then you have already reached your skill level. If this happens before you get into high level games when queing solo then you should face the reality that you are not significantly above average pub skill. To improve you must view losses as your fault. Maybe you needed to pick a more fitting hero. Maybe you needed to gank more, last hit better, change your build, backdoor towers, ward more, communicate with the team better. There is so much you could have done diffrently in any game. If you dont accept that losses are your fault, then you will not make the change you need to win.

                                                              Also Murs is very much improved from a year ago. Congratulations on becoming good enough to get stomped by Navi in The Defense. I watched that game and saw that they respected you enough to devote multiple perfectly executed ganks on you to keep you down. Well played Murs.

                                                              P.Rate| Celia

                                                                " There is so much you could have done diffrently in any game. If you dont accept that losses are your fault, then you will not make the change you need to win. " - Relentless

                                                                I totally agree on that. Anyway, who cares about the win rate anyway? There are so many factors you have to consider. Your current skill level in general, the skill level of the current game - just because it's maybe very high it doesn't mean that everyone has to play ultra good, since everyone can have a bad game - right ?

                                                                So learn from losses not from victories. But most of all, do not blame everyone but yourself for the loss, that's just not the truth.


                                                                  @Prof Genki: everyone will eventually get w/l very close to 50% unless (like Murs) they truly are one of the very best players in the entire world. Those people who still have very high w/l after hundreds and hundreds of games are just too good to find real competition most of the time. Its not possible to match them against a similarly skilled oppenent because another player of extremely high skill does not happen to be in que when they play the game. As I pointed out even laning against Navi.XBoct (one of the top 10 pro carry players in the world), Murs was considered fairly likely to win the lane and drew Navi into spending multi hero smoke ganks to give XBOCT the advantage. Most of the time matchmaking cannot find a super elite player to put against Murs so he will still win far over 50% of games indefinately.


                                                                    @OP I also thought Valve put me onto a losing slump also at one point. I loss 12 straight games in a row, and yes it sucked horribly (59%->53%). But I do admit, I also did make a fair share of mistakes also. When I somehow got out of this misery, things became normal again.

                                                                    And no... I solo queue most of the time, my specialty is pure support, and that's what I pick most of the time, due to the team lacking this role. If you really let someone free-farm and that person knows what to do, he will win you the game (In most cases). But as a support you will also have to truly fulfill your role, in order to let the carry win the game. (Ex. Stacking camps for the carry/Warning ganks/Making ganks happen when the carry farm. etc.) Don't get me wrong, I'm just an average player trying to learn more about the game. But when people lose the game and blame the carry, as a support. That person has to ask himself first, did he truly fulfill his role as a support for the carry.


                                                                      I thought of another way you might attempt to raise your win%. I currently have 32 heros with over 60% win rate. 16 of them are over 70% win rate. I like to try to play all the heros some and 500+ of my games are random. But if I focused on only my best core heros I could get my win rate up a lot. In the long run though I would just increase MMR until my oppenents were tough enough that I dropped back down near 50% win.

                                                                      )-( (_) ) (

                                                                        has anyone expereinced an improvement since the last patch? Ive had very good games at close to my skill level for both teams and it is a marked improvement over before where some were close and others were utter stomps. I think valve has listend and actually improved their mm formula.

                                                                        maybe its just me...hope not


                                                                          Hi. I'm looking for friends to play with. Hopefully to achieve 60% win rate as well. But I'm more interested to learn and play better rather than winning. I only have about 1900 rating (Platinum). Do bump me a msg ingame.

                                                                          Fire Hydrant

                                                                            50% win rate is ideal. It means that you're being evenly match so that you're winning half your games and losing the other half. Having a higher win rate means that you're too good against the players your playing against. So if you have a 60% win ratio, I'd say that dota MMR has failed.

                                                                            Generally, if you're winning more games than losing, your MMR will be increased until opponents become tough enough and you return to winning half and losing half. While you might not get a higher win rate, you will be in a higher skill bracket.


                                                                              Actually, W/L ratio doesn't mean anything, if you play a lot of games it will balance out to 50%, unless you're playing always with a full team. The stuff that actually matters is DBR which got removed. I'm a good example, I've been playing dota for 4 years and here I've got 49% W/L ratio, but my DBR rating used to be (until it got removed) something like 1613 (better than 90%) and I don't have the option to play with full premade team because: a) I only have a few friends who regulary play dota b) they don't have enough experience.


                                                                                Another way to look at w/l is as a measure of whether you are currently overated or underated. If you are just above or just below 50% you are playing games close to correct MMR. But if you are far below 50% it means that you are being put in matches to far above your skill level. If you are far above 50% it means you are still moving up in MMR and should be in harder games than you have been so far. So in that sense it is just a measure of the success of the match making system. The only players who wont get close to 50% win after hundreds of games are the very best and very worst since its hard to find comparable opponents.

                                                                                I think MMR is working very well. I'm at about 90th percentile DBR and typically near 51-53% win depending on what heroes I played recently. It seems only the top 1 or 2% of players are not leveling out to 50/50. I would guess the bottom 1-2% of nub feeders are also far below 50% win but they don't come and tell ppl their stats so it's hard to be sure. But this system makes it so that something like 95% of players get a good experience with an equal chance to win or lose every game.


                                                                                  53% winrate here, 2135 DBR. guess that makes me noob? im confused.

                                                                                  GOTCHA HAT!

                                                                                    you can get noobs in your team only if you are bad, if you are carrying all games you will go only up in brackets

                                                                                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                      I noticed it too. I was 51.5+ % ... then just few days ago I noticed the skills of the bracket I'm in are very low. Also most of new players (under 200 games). Currently under 51.3 atm... My all time high was 53% a year ago. WIn rate wil probably just go down until I hit 51.0 or the god aweful 50% mark.


                                                                                        I don't get why you think it's awful, it's only fair that all players get to win and lose the same amount of time.
                                                                                        Simon says: Victorique ♥
                                                                                        Winrate is supposed to be around 50%, but your DBR is quite high, definetily above average.
                                                                                        +1 :)


                                                                                          murs played against Na'Vi??? which team was he?


                                                                                            3 games from 50%, progressing slowly from 47%.. 11% more!


                                                                                              bahaha only gets harder the more games you play win/lose :P set the goal a lil lower and you'll get there . mind you my goal is 60% also but I keep ranging from 55-57% ><;


                                                                                                set your goal to 70% win rate so you can reach 60%


                                                                                                  Why not just set the goal of making pro then?


                                                                                                    good idea. except pros focus on dota a lot. and i think this is something you just do for fun.


                                                                                                      wana play for win > easy but holy shit boring
                                                                                                      find pro wisp // kotl and play ck // tiny with wisp or pl with kotl
                                                                                                      stack gather and dont get bored with picking same shit over and over again
                                                                                                      or little less boring find pro mid player and u go play sup bottom/top hero who gank mid every 3 min :P