General Discussion

General Discussiondotabuff Ingame Addon

dotabuff Ingame Addon in General Discussion
XyLoNm^ goes !nSanE

    Hi everyone,

    i created a simple but effective tool to browse directly from Dota2 to
    The tool is using the "View Steamprofile" button in Dota2 and redirects the request from to✓&q=76561198030619694

    This tool is completely coded in AutoIT and you can find the code here:

    The tool might be detectet as infected because it changes the hostsfile in the system32\drivers\etc folder. Just take a look at the code to make sure that there is no risk in using this tool.


      nice :)
      but i usually use the "View steam profile" to see inventopry of others
      can you add another button??

      and btw how do we use that tool? where is the download or??



        Looks neat! Hopefully we can make it a bit easier and faster: you can now access a player page by their community id.

        Example: will redirect to

        This should be simpler and faster than using the search function. If you can, please switch over to this method. Thanks!

        XyLoNm^ goes !nSanE

          Im sorry but there is no posibility to add a button the context menu of Dota 2. So we have to use one of the existing buttons!
          Of course you can feel free to edit the 404.html so that you can decide between the Steam Profile or the Dotabuff profile every time!

          You can download the compiled File Here:

          But remember! The executable changes your hostsfile in system32/drivers/etc, so it might be detected as an infected file by some antivirs. Look here for a closer filescan:

          Ofc you can decompile the file to make sure i havent compiled some other code than postes above ;)

          If you'd like to edit the 404.html you have do download the code and compile it with AutoIT by your self. (

          Thanks for the information with the comunity id. I have updated the 404.html and included the new version into the uploaded compiled version!

          Este comentário foi editado

            Thx for job ! I rly love the idea... But it doesn't work for me...
            I can't 'unpause' the .exe : (

            Can you help me plz ?

            XyLoNm^ goes !nSanE

              When you start the tool it is unpause by default. You can see this on the trayicon in the systembar! When you click on the trayicon it pauses the script automaticaly and opens a contextmenu where you can click "Script Pause" to unpause the script again. It is only paused when the trayicon switches between the AutoIT Logo and a red X


                It's not working for me; it says unable to create socket on port 80

                Este comentário foi editado

                  Maybe another process is blocking that port (TCP 80). To check this press win+R -> cmd -> netstat -a
                  If there is any line with Proto TCP and local address or, this is the cause.
                  It's usually used by web servers like apache (did you install xampp?), but also programs like teamviewer can use port 80.
                  You could try and find out which one it is by opening http://localhost
                  good luck


                    xylonm but can you atleast make both pages open... i mean steam profile and dotabuff profile open when i check steam profile? :P that would be nicer

                    because check steam profile is needed when someone disconnect ingame you can tract whether they are online, ingame or not...


                      not work for me. i download file, lauch, open dota 2, click button "View steam profile" and i see user steam profile.

                      XyLoNm^ goes !nSanE

                        At the moment i'm redesigning the tool. The new version should use the "status" feature of steam to track all users in the current game! So you dont have to rape the "View Steam profile" Button!

                        Here is a little demo how it could look like:

                        whatever, the new tool is still under construction and i'll give you feedback when its done! :)

                        Stay tuned!

                        XyLoNm^ goes !nSanE

                          @sm00ch what happens when you enter "http://localhost" in your webbrowser?


                            opening site dotabuff with text "Not Found/We couldn't find what you are looking for! Please let us know if you think it's our error."

                            XyLoNm^ goes !nSanE

                              then the problem is in your hosts file! ("c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts")
                              The tool needs the redirect all traffic from to!

                              When your antivir blocks this editing, you wount get the dotabuff site when you click on "view steam profile"


                                what i must do? i off my antivir but no result. sry my english


                                  nice demo, cant wait

                                  Latour Salon d’Automne

                                    @sm00ch, you have to run it as admin, otherwise it canot alter your hostfile.

                                    but be aware gys !!!!! this tool did delete my host file, could be bad if you loosing some more redirections, like adobe stuff! Now i have to reinstall all adobe stuff and reconstruct the hostfile.

                                    right now i am not sure if this tool trys to corrupt your pc and trys opening backdoors...

                                    so attention, not recommending using it untill some more resources check and confirm the code

                                    XyLoNm^ goes !nSanE

                                      @aphorism.FREE Pussy-Riot
                                      To confirm the tool just use a decompiler and take a look at the code...


                                        hows the next version coming along? i cant wait to try it cause' it'll be even more useful

                                        keep up the gw!

                                        XyLoNm^ goes !nSanE

                                          The new version is in beta testing. So there might be some bugs!

                                          You can get the full AutoIT code here:

                                          And the compiled file here:

                                          How this tool works:
                                          The installation creates two files in the installation folder.
                                          config.ini is the configuration of this tool to tell it where the steamfolder can be found.
                                          dotabuff.exe is the tool which starts in your systray and can be startet with the parameter "steam://rungameid/570" to start Dota directly!

                                          You need to edit your dota config to make the tool work.
                                          Just open the config located under %STEAMFOLDER%\SteamApps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\cfg\config.cfg and include these two lines withot the quotes:
                                          "con_logfile conlog.txt"
                                          "Bind shift status"

                                          When you press shift ingame and open the ingame browser of the steam overlay you can browse to to view the players dotabuff profiles.

                                          For closer informations about the tool you can view the AutoIT code.

                                          Sophie R.

                                            returns with '' in the address bar, and the profile page of pram0
                                            what now? :o

                                            XyLoNm^ goes !nSanE

                                              error=NoArray means that the tool could't find any line including "STEAM_" in the filedump located under Steam\SteamApps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\conlog.txt!


                                                no more update?