The last day of the group stage is going to have less regular games, but there is always a chance of tiebreakers, so we have to factor those in. Luckily, some of the top fantasy earners are also among the players with the highest chance of tiebreakers.
Ame is the only player featured today who has no chance of appearing in tiebreakers, but his average is so good and his team performs so well, that he is definitely worth considering for someone who wants consistent results.
That said XG.Paparazi灬, who plays PSG.LGD and Beastcoast tomorrow, scores almost as much as Ame, while having good chances of appearing in a tiebreaker. For similar reasons
NOUNS.K1 Hector is also a good pick.
Raddan isin this category as well, but his overall fantasy performance was considerably below his opponents.
Overall, any two of the four mentioned players are a good choice, depending on how you feel about their performance tomorrow.
Jankowski and < are the top performers in the group with guaranteed two series and the former performs on average ~7% better than the latter, but it isn’t enough for us to not gamble on the possible tiebreakers. Similarly, you can go for
AR.Somnus, who is only slightly below Chris Luck, but might have better chances of a tiebreaker.
YapzOr, once again, would have been an obvious choice, if it wasn’t for Tiebreakers. Team Secret are very unlikely to give up their upper bracket seeding, so our next best options are
bc.stingeR and
AR.fy, who we are going to slot in.
You should definitely go for Yapzor if you don’t believe in tiebreakers, however: on average he scores ~15% above both Stinger and Fy.
I have yet to make all the maths for tomorrow, but I can say at least for supports LoA should be considered, he's got a very high average (5th overall amongst supports) even while going 2-10, and tomorrow Quincy might even win some games vs SG, and also even get to tie breakers for LB/Elimination
For the cores MATUMBAMAN is also a solid pick, while he has low chances of playoffs his average is high.
OR you can go for the BIG TIEBREAKER in group A, potentially 4 teams could end up 10-6 tied between 2nd and 5th position.
is scofield:KAT worth considering at all? since he is in beast coast and might get a tiebreaker
so where did u end ?? today
1534. total,
t1, happy for them ad sad for myself.
they shit the hell out of everyone 6-0 !!!
521 for the day 1597 total
RTZ 2nd and Monet 4th core, but I hope just a few people played 23 (1) and even less Yatoro (3) since 23 average up to yesterday was around 11.5 and Yatoro only had 2 series today.
Bryle 2nd mid, but that's a wash since I think pretty much everyone played him, Karl average was about 4 points lower before today.
Dubu Whitemon top 2 supports.
So for day 4 ur going for tz monet bryle dubu and whitemon? @antani
No that was day 3.
Tomorrow I'm going: eurus - ame/k1 - nisha - yapzor - loa, but keep in mind that's also based on the bonuses on the cards I have.
Nisha and yapzor are 100% worth playing even if they likely won't get a tie breaker.
Then LoA is very very high average even if Quincy is sus, so it's worth playing plus Quincy could still get a tie breaker for last place with SG and maybe even Fnatic.
eurus is top carry by average point by a metric mile even while going 6-6 plus he can still get a tie breaker so he's a no brainer.
For core 2 I have ame and k1 very close in points, ame is more safe but can't get a tiebreaker. If I'm top 100 I'll go ame, if I slipped out I'll go k1 and pray.
I could also play MATUMBA for core 2 he's safer than k1 but has less chance for a tiebreaker. I'm not playing him though because I don't like fielding 3 players of the same team and it's not worth playing MATUMBA over nisha or yapzor.
Depending on your cards YMMV.
Edit: I read on the day3 if you're 100ish points behind you need to risk it man, main stage gives way lower points per day than group stage, and it's really difficult to come back. I'd go max tiebreaker lineup like in the guide, if you get tiebreakers you have a chance if you don't well you were out anyway. Top 10% for 6k compendium points is a given anyway.
@Antani nice conclusion on QC.LoA, thanks. Then the rest ill pick the what you call "tiebreaker lineup" haha then ill pray
So for my position being 100 something points away what should be my lineup that has maximum chances of tiebreaker and strong scores.please suggest @antani
Right now i have selected the exact same lineup of @kawaiisocks
Edit only instead of fy i have LoA so should it be like this or should i change the lineup.
It's currently as k1 eurus somnus LoA stinger.
Correct me if i need some other cards for tiebreaker lineup so that i can fill the gap for top 100
I think your lineup is good, Kawaiisocks guide is legit, I'm still top 100 (even if by a small margin) so I'm going with Ame
what about team spirit? I dont have silver or gold cards for bc secret or lgd. I wanted to put nisha. but i have gold card for tokotoronto.
TORONTOTOKYO is 9th mid overall, but can be a good pick if you believe he ends up in a tiebreaker. However, if he ends up in a tiebreaker, it means at least one other team ends up in a tiebreaker. They are competing vs. Beastcoast, Elephant and to a lesser extent Secret for UB, so if risking, why not risk it with, on average, better fantasy players.
@Antani: how much does Silver/Gold influence your decision-making? I am pauper-drafting this year, compared to priori years where I typically had all players in gold. I don't see a significant difference in terms of getting into top90%. Does it make a difference for top100?
@Kawaiisocks I take it into account when I'm checking their average point. I use this app limiting data to TI games set the card bonuses so I can get how many points they are averaging FOR ME.
Then I go through a process very similar to the one you present in your guide. But for example today having extremely good cards for both Nisha and Yapzor is a huge part of my calculations.
For top 100 I think good players selection is better than any good cards you can have. This is the first year I got into top 100 and I've got very poor cards compared to the previous years (but I think everybody does, not many ways to acquire packets without paying for them), the difference is I'm fielding very good teams, every player I've selected was at the very least top 3 for the day for his role with the exception of notail on day 1 who ended up 6th (but he was 4th for me with the cards I had).
And still I'm about 100 points behind top spot, and ony 12ish points above 100th.
And ofc this is the day Secret decides to shit the bed vs Fnatic. FML.
But that also means they now have better chances of participating in tiebreakers, though. Elephant vs. LGD was also kind of sad. Lower bracket run to 3-2 grand finals vs OG it is, then.
That's true, but overall I feel like Nisha and Yapzor subpar performances will spell doom for my permanence amongst the global top 100
100% previous day
@King that's BIG dude, I think you're one of the very very few that went with Karl.
And as of now, Yatoro takes the lead in the core role and might as well get a tiebreaker game. Dota is unpredictable just like what happen in Secret vs Fnatic series xD
At least Yapzor and Loa are 2nd and 3rd supports so far.
Ame is 2nd core
eurus - nisha kinda sucking though, I hope they can rebound and maybe get a tiebreaker, Secret losing to Fnatic could be a blessing in disguise
Elephant ate something weird yesterday. Did not expect them losing to QC. *Shrug*
Just so people know how badly i've read this TI =/
Who knows, though. First in history lower bracket run?
Anyway, chances of tiebreakers are close to nil right now, they hinge on Beastcoast upsetting PSG.LGD
just wait and watch me come back to eat crow...
@Antani hey how do you know where the players are ranked?
@Marjiton i use
@Antani wow, thanks
But keep in mind that's only for raw values without card bonuses. For those you need the link I posted earlier.
With Beastcoast losing game 1 vs PSG.LGD there is now no chance for any tiebreakers.
Shitty day in the end eurus and Nisha were huge misses for me, Yapzor and LoA worked wonders, Ame too, but with only 318 points for the day I don't expect to be close to top 100 when the numbers come in.
Sad to say but we dont get tiebreakers haha. Elephant didnt do well today, atleast i we get more points for putting Somnus :D though i didnt put Ame in coz of the tiebreaker myth. Had Eurus and k1 not too much points haha i only get 291 for today. Sucks
Yeah, I am oin pretty sad 265. Hopefully enough for top10%, but doubt it. As Doom says: "I gambled, you lost" =/
That should be enough for top 10% though, I got top 10% on disastrous days in past years.
So prize is same for top 10% and how can we know we are in top 10% or not bad day for me too ,no tiebreaker was on spot only got points because of loa, got 289 for today total 1272 points will i be in top 10%
top 10% is really easy to obtain btw, you can check the day by day in game.
Well for me it was as follows for days
39.6 46.4 58.6 0.0 so will i be in top 10%?
10% of the overall points is too far ahead. You can check your "points log" in dotaclient just next to your BP level. You get 200 points at 50%. Since were at 10% every day, they give us 800 compendium points.
Guys what are your bracket predictions? And for day 1 main stage @kawaai and @antani
GOT REKT hahahaaha