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Al Goyim

    we need that buyback gold penalty back!

    Brünk Hüll


      We might have a lot less issue with him now that Grimstone is in the pool. Overall though I've seen a lot less reliance on bloodstone for SS, Kaya did establish itself as a great goto for similar heroes.

      ♏mikeeCS ツ



          Heroes that need nerf - Brood,Enchantress,Spectre,Drow
          Possible nerfs - Weaver,PL(my fav hero),ArcWarden,Brewmaster,Phoenix,ES,Mirana,Clinz,Invoker,Kunka


            Its so pathetic when ppl talk about "op" heroes you guys need to learn the fucking game.
            If a hero has a high winrate at ti its not because hes "op" its because the best players played that heroes and won with it... Since 2 years theres not a single hero that you cannot deal with. The only exception are a few lastpicks like brood but even she isnt "op".

            муэрта=мать шлюха

              hello,is this room for waiting the new patch?)

              PUBG LEGEND

                Ok it's a great deal to fight like this with so much brain strategy


                  remove brood pls


                    storm is actually fukin broken and didn't get nerfed. volvo explain?


                      @Alluvion Oración ppl ignore this SO ACCURATE comentary, indeed, pa will get 4 dagger, bristleback will be inmune to break and earth spirit a crystal maiden will be nerfed