Riki hasn’t been a part of the meta for a very long time. For over a year he was heavily outclassed by most other roaming heroes and no one even thought of trying him in the core position. It wasn’t until patch 7.12 that people started exploring the hero once again.
The initial community reaction to the Tricks of the Trade changes was mostly negative. Many players assumed it was a nerf and a very unjustified one, but in our 7.12 Quick Review we highlighted how it actually could be an overall buff to the hero. Turns out we were right.
Riki is exceptionally good in lower level pubs, as was always the case. Invisibility is harder to deal with for newer players, who either ignore True Sight completely, or waste way too many resources on it, slowing down their progression. Either way, Riki players are happy about it, maintaining a ~55% win rate in <4k games.
The hero does fall off in the higher brackets, but he is still doing quite well for himself. Even in 5k+ games he maintains a 50%+ win rate, making him a solid pick. He is a drain on support resources, regardless of how effective they are at using revealing items, but lately he is also exceptionally good at ganking squishier solo targets, regardless of what position he is played in.
In our previous blog posts we highlighted how greedier position 4 supports are becoming the norm in the current meta. The likes of Slardar and Sand King are the prime picks, especially after 7.13 buffed Strength heroes.
One common theme with these greedier supports is that they are often left alone quite early in the game, while their team is creating space: early rotations by heroes like Gyrocopter and Lifestealer is what defines meta, even after the tower bounty reductions. Taking objectives still gives your team a significant advantage, opening up the map for further aggression.
This is where Riki comes into play: the hero is exceptional at ganking solo targets come level 6 and while he might have problems actually killing tanky targets like Sand King or Slardar, he can substantially slow down their farm. Moreover, while doing it, he provides very necessary vision and information for his team, potentially allowing them to deduce what the rest of the enemy team is doing and react accordingly.
Greedier support heroes need space and Riki is exceptional at making the enemy feel claustrophobic. Even the psychological impact should not be underestimated: sometimes you won’t farm a wave, because there might be Riki+1 hiding around.
There are other heroes in the game who fill the similar niche. For example, Bounty Hunter remains a superior roaming support for higher level games. He offers a lot less direct damage and direct utility, but his information and economy games are very strong: something stronger players are better at abusing.
What Riki offers, however, is teamfight presence. Bounty Hunter doesn’t deal a whole lot of damage and his utility boils down to a slow and a TP-cancel. Riki, on the other hand, has a massive AoE silence and slow, coupled with a rather damaging ultimate on a low cooldown.
Because of his higher teamfight presence, Riki also scales much better into the late game. Even from a support position, he will have no problem zoning out or killing enemy supports regardless of the stage of the game. That makes for a very organically-designed hero: he slows down the enemy progression earlier in the game and come late-game becomes an extra DPS core on his own, significantly tipping scales in favor of his team.
Unconventional item progression by
One thing almost all players universally agree on is that Riki should max Cloak and Dagger first. Not only does it increase his damage output by a significant margin, but also allows him to remain more elusive in lanes and during rotations.
Interestingly, while this build is generally the most agreed on for both support and offlane Riki, it is not the most successful one: maxing out Blink Strike results in a slightly above average chance of success, courtesy of a much shorter cooldown, which can be used both offensively and defensively. Cloak and Dagger scales with Agility and the real DPS potential of the ability is not tapped into until much later in the game, while Blink Strike gives player an advantage here and now, allowing for easier chases and escapes.
Regardless of role, unless it is hyper-specific position one Riki, all players get at least one point in Smoke Screen before level 6, which should be self explanatory: utility from an extra slow and silence far outweighs the marginal benefits of extra levels in other abilities.
When it comes to item builds, there is one thing almost all Riki players agree on: Phase Boots into Diffusal Blade with an optional Ring of Aquila is the most consistently successful item progression. Phase Boots might seem counterintuitive, given how the hero scales very well with extra Agility Power Treads might provide, but most of the damage the hero deals is done with his ultimate, so Attack Speed is not a factor. Maximizing actual attack damage of each attack is usually the best course of action for Riki. Moreover, the hero has one of the lowest movement speeds in the game, starting at 275 (excluding agility bonuses) and Phase Boots allow him to overcomes some of this issue.
Diffusal Blade shouldn’t be a surprise either. This item has one of the best damage to cost ratios in the game, while giving Riki and extra source of slow, that ensures no one gets out of the smoke screen.
Finally, there are talents. For practically every talent of the hero, there is a clear winner. Early Critical Strikes at level 15 do not theoretically increase the damage output of the hero by a lot, but they can often be the difference between killing a target and letting it escape, especially with Riki’s high natural damage output.
Interestingly, +900 Blink Strike cast range wins the 0.2 Backstab Multiplier talent at level 20. However after closer examination, it becomes clear that the latter increases the hero’s damage output by only roughly 10%, while the former more than doubles the cast range of Blink Strike allowing for initiations from a very long distance.
Finally, at level 25 there is an infamous +400 Tricks of the Trade AoE talent which many players were very vocal about after the ability was reworked. Many people felt that the ability was counterintuitive and would only nerf the hero further, but it isn’t the case. Larger AoE allow Riki to worry less about potential Force Staffs or other repositioning tools used by the enemy and continue dealing damage. This talent almost doubles the radius of Riki’s ultimate and apart from more reliable damage output, it also makes counter-initiations harder: it can potentially damage an enemy inside Fog of War, disabling their Blink Dagger.
Riki is a direct opposite of what Bounty Hunter is, despite having a very similar playstyle. While the latter specializes in accelerating his team item progression and generally doesn’t want the game to get into the very late stages, where the gold advantage becomes less relevant, the former is one of the greediest supports or offlane heroes.
Community currently points out Riki as one of the most annoying heroes to deal with and it is often confused with being one of the strongest heroes in the meta. There were many heroes in the history of Dota which at one point or another were considered completely overpowered, while statistics really didn’t support this claim and Riki is currently one of them. Losing against Riki often feels unfair and makes players feel powerless, but it really shouldn’t be the case.
Ensure early detection, even for laning stage. Try to press any advantage you have and do your best at gaining map control. Group up early and start taking objectives and Riki will not be that much of an issue. He is a greedy support, a comparatively low-utility offlane and doesn’t become a threat until the very late stages of the game. Play fast and smart, coordinate your team if required and take control over the game—this way you will not feel powerless against Riki and will have much higher chance of winning the game.
where those "still no mention of op riki" people at now?
nice work, this is a much more in depth article than usual. I appreciate the extra quality <3.
It's not op.. it's people forget how to play with or against Riki... Bounty is such underrated hero.. he still provide them snowballing effect,but I do agree Riki doesn't need much item compared to bounty..
riki is the single biggest cancer right now is <5k pubs
No hand of midas into battlefury?
At the very least it will give us a chance to persevere through such a pain in the ass in pubs. But after all.....it will never end.....
Y is phase better than pt?
@DĀRTH Because later in the game you mostly use your ulti to kill anyway.. The attack speed PT provides isn't worth the cost. The extra MS Phase gives you + right click damage is better overall.
I'd venture to guess that the .2 Backstab is less favored not only because of the marginal damage output it provides (although 10% isn't really all that low of an increase), but because anything Riki can do to increase his ability to mitigate issues with his base movement speed will go a very long way.
SEA cancers rejoice
Why not tranquils?
Another poorly written article. Don't read this trash if you're looking for actual insight or strategy. First couple paragraphs and I'm already done. "Many people thought his new ult was a nerf" bich what? Few people said that. Now you go claim you're the fucking pioneer of this shit.
Awful dying website I can't believe I even came back to this trash
^guy above had last game as riki and got roflstomped prepatch; NA=salt
People whinning about riki why not ban him?
Riki feels too slow, and too weak early on to get those crucial early kills boosting to level 6 (where hopefully you can manage some solo picks). I'm surprised the article didn't talk about battle fury, something I've seen several rikis in my games pick up (yes I am 2k scrub and I love my community). Especially with the new function of his ult, I feel that getting fast cleave could be beneficial in team fights. Getting items is extremely hard as riki and, even if given just the space for a few creep waves, battle fury could make a net worth difference. Regardless, anyone picking Riki or Techies receives a ban post-game by yours truly.
In other news,
Currently the Enchanted Mango has a 35.24% win rate. This is unacceptable. It is our duty as fellow gamers of the DotA 2 community to put this item in the position of power it deserves. It has been there for us when we needed mana for reincarnation, when we had that clutch nyx stun saving our teammate's life, and when we accidentally used it in fountain before the runes even spawned. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
The problem for pubs is always coordination, and playing against a Riki requires two people to coordinate against him in lane, and usually 3 to deal with him after that. .... I'm sure high level pubs can do it, but not mine (if the Riki is any good).
whatever first ban
Need Morph on Riki
alway ban riki especially when u smurf in archon or guardian bracket , riki cant be countered in lower bracket cause thy ignore true sight and dust
Countering Riki is kinda easy: just pick Techies and everything is fine :)
Bombs in good positions all over the side of one lane you wish to protect. This way your carry can farm unhindered,andevllg anksar e doomed to fail. works well against rikis low movement Speed, and thus it decreases the area where he can effectivly roam.
So your Supports dont Need to speend so much Gold in true sight and so on.....
people think the reason why riki is op is because he is invi all time, guys, the problem is his ultimate: an insane amount of damage, and insane duration, he is invulnerable while using, and insane low cd
Riki is by far the most cancerous hero. U get some noob and feed, u lose all the momentum. If got pro riki, team just gets carried. Autoban, autopick riki and zeus, thats the meta.
For this patch one reason why intel heroes are buffed is because other heroes cant make use of spell amp. Intel cores like lina are now coming into meta
all yall are noobs in divine 0 riki is so nice 1st every one buys sentrys for safelane and mid then you either get ur sentrys and bait theirs or just leave the lane and now their supports is in the minus for buying sentrys and dust and they dont have the lane sentried, then you steal their bountys Lmao.
drives them crazy.
yeah, I see supports tilt regularly when you leave the lane and go for their jungle rotated core or collab with mid for a gank.
How did LFY. Ah FU learned ult lvl 2 on hero level 11 not 12?
@NekoTheSpook he skilled it at the same time as you can see (26:49), so he probably got 2 lvl in a very short time by a won teamfight for example. He was already level 12, but skilled it as 11th ult and then smoke, you know?
I feel like the one thing this article missed out on was mentioning Riki's Aghs in teamfights. With this you can move inside a tanky target while your ult lasts a whopping 10 seconds. The mileage you can get from this is insane
@Blueye to be honest the aghs i see rarely built, If we are talking about late game rikis i usually see a diffusal + mini stun builds from skull basher into abbysall and MKB. Reason being is it prevents any escape, and the extra damage from the items tends to kill even the tankiest heroes. No point in building an aghs for an ulti that has a cooldown of 30 seconds. Especially when team fighting. As the riki will be in his ulti your team has no other choice but to burst the enemy heroes that can be targeted, now after a bunch of you have died and killed the others, your skills are on cooldown and riki then comes and destroys you.
If you are versing a line up that is decent throughout all stages of the game early-mid-late and they also have a riki, it's worth-wile destroying him early and possibly building into an abbysal and initiate/destroy him late game as it will be necessary to prevent him from using ulti during team fights. This means you need to build initiation and have wards everywhere so your team can spot him on the map anytime anywhere. So yeah pretty aids hero. His Ulti is cancer this META.