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      Immortals is mostly known for their LEague of Legends and Counter-Strike teams

      Sorry, I'm OCD. I gotta point it out.


        I wonder why 2 spellchecker programs didnt flag it tho...

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          Sleight of My Fist In You...

            322 is legit


              "The tournament organizers behind Manila Masters are currently auctioning the chair that EternalEnvy infamously fell off of. Bidding began at $322."

              This is the reason why Dota 2 hosts multimillion competitions.

              Brünk Hüll

                I REALLY think Valve is making a mistake by only determining 8 of 18 teams via regular season play. It certainly guarantees that players will fight tooth and nail to win as many points as possible, but it also means that only 12 or so teams will ever be in the running for spots by the halfway point.

                Over the course of a year, when big teams compete, big teams win. We can expect the big teams to participate in nearly every tournament now as points are precious, meaning we should expect the same teams to win tournaments over and over. This is compounded by the fact that only the top four teams receive points at all, meaning it is entirely possible to qualify for every single tournament and get zero points at the end of the season.

                What this says to me is that teams will give up on trying to get one of those 8 spots quickly, and as such are more likely to drop out of tournaments to hide strategies, rest up for the big tournament, etc. This defeats much of the purpose of having a pro circuit, and likely makes a lot of teams feel like nothing has changed. One could argue that this makes the scene more cutthroat instead of less.

                I feel like most of the problem could be solved simply by only having 4 qualifier slots and 14 to points earners. Teams would slowly ramp up their play over the course of the year, with tense, satisfying tournaments happening at the end of the year consisting of teams on the cusp of an invite, instead of the lions share of teams giving up on earning a slot by January, leaving us with a few teams that lazily play without any fear that anyone will catch them.

                 uhm

                  ^what he said :3


                    @Brock Hall

                    I don't think any team has the stamina to play all the minors and majors of the season, and definitely not the skill to finish top 4 in all that they compete in, so there's definitely room for everyone to succeed. There is a small spike in potential qualifying points to be earned in the mid-season (January) where one minor gives more points than other, and the end of the season, where the same happens with the last major. Also, the points not only determine direct invites, but also invites to regional qualifiers, so they've got that going for them.

                    There's more info here:

                    Btw, can I add you in-game? Would like to play a few pubs with you sometime.

                    Brünk Hüll


                      The points only partially determine regional qualifier invites, and I strongly disagree that there are enough points to go around. At most we will see 12 or 13 teams truly competing for direct invites, and everyone else can relax knowing that there are 10 qualifier slots to be filled, meaning there are TONS of qualifier invites to be handed out.

                      At this point it's all prediction, and I see how you are coming to your conclusion, but all of it is prediction and both of us are likely to be wrong in some aspects. It's like trying to make patch predictions, you just have to wait and see.


                        COURIER 322 congratulations to your 1st place

                        Vos Lotte

                          I wish admiral bulldog and singsing will have a new team!

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                            VOLVO FIX PH

                            주 롄양

                              how u get fps like in dat video, when i play i never get that fps even if i set lowest quality

                              Belu double b

                                ALGUIEN SABE EN DONDE ESTA EL BAÑO?