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    Im the definition of a crappy pub player, but my go to in pubs when i need a win is always BS Mid.
    I have to link my BS mid Dotabuff profile (which i have keyboard macroed) showing 70% win rate so the other 3 scrubs who "mid or feed" cede it.

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      I would give every single "buff" this hero has had over the last 13 patches back if Icefrog would just change bloodthirst's scaling back to 100-25. If you don't have a team who keeps the enemy at low HP in the laning stage the hero can't snowball and then he gets outcarried by like 90% of other carries. You also used to constantly have like +10% extra movespeed and extra damage all through the mid game since several of the enemy heroes would usually be at 80-85% hp while they are jungling. Now he only gets extra damage during teamfights - and it takes until an enemy hero is at 75%hp before he even starts getting a single tick of extra damage and movespeed. How great a carry is that he needs the enemy to be at 75% before his steroid ability provides a single bit of use.

      Gone from a 70% winrate on him in 6.84 to like one win out of the past 10 games since.

      I'm sure another bloodrite cooldown is on its way.

      Kenny Dope

        Damn this hero is too good, I always play him offlane and I get very good result (I went 15 - 3 since around 3 weeks ago when I use BS frequently). Mind you that im only 3k scrub but I think this hero is very good for fellow 3k who want to raise mmr