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Z ballz

    first !!!!


      Second! Go EG!


        For the people in the back of the casters step up the memes pls :^ )

        Banana Juice
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            ^Such a shame. You look like a natural first...

            I'm DADDY

              What turn around? Bulldog cant even drop a ravage on a perfect position besides the rat does not exist, see midone?
              Eg vs ehome: must watch? Lol no. The second game is so boring and ehome knew they can't take out sumail's meduda coz iceiceice got countered by void and drow.
              The must watch here is wings vs mvp. The combo, unity and everything is just satisfying to watch. The void fought 1v5 on the rosh pit and still manage to kill 3 without dying. Iceice stun pediction is so cool.


                Edit: -> Fourth sentence in, I think you mean to say 'content' instead of 'contempt'.

                Banana Juice
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                  dodging love w moves like...

                    @fsociety, no the must watch is EG vs Ehome game 1, not the whole series. If you saw the game, you would understand why. It was probably the greatest game in the history of TI, comparable to game 5 of Alliance vs Navi TI3


                      You are not even going to mention the fact that EG fought and won against MEGA creeps? That's like the highlight of game 1




                          Okay okay calm down guy, fsociety or whatever your name is. Why so butthurt, respect another one'e opinion. Every game in this TI is good man. EG and MVP series is best series so far, by the war etc tc. MVP and Wings are good, yes. Calm down


                            I mean Ehome


                              Evil Geniuses for the Aegis !


                                GO EG GO :-)


                                  I was literally on my feet jumping up in down like during a big basketball game when someone makes a huge dunk.

                                  There were so many amazing plays towards the end of the first EG-EHOME game.

                                  That game was the beauty of Dota. The pressure, the calculation, positioning, strategy, and quick thinking all culminated into aesthetically great Dota.

                                  I'm DADDY

                                    I watch every game on this tournament and i can undoubtedly say that eg vs ehome was a fucked up game. Both teams are doing numerous mistakes like walking through ward vision, staying on a place for too long, throwing/not looking up on each other. Professional players shouldn't be tolerating this kind of acts. I already mention the second game before. The thing is casters most of the time, they over react to situations and not just focus on the analysis.i pick wings vs mvp coz the game isn't orthodox unlike what most of us have seen on some past ti. You can see how wings play the game so carefully including that one clash on game 2 i believe that they wipe mvp without losing any of their team mates but just leaving each of them a critical hp. This is what i called looking up on each other and not playing selfish.


                                      ^ only blue stareed ppl have right to cooment the match

                                      Earendil the Mariner

                                        @fsociety Eg vs EHOME g1 is just pure tension. I watched the last 30 minutes and I can safely say that is the most tense, thrilling, awesome match ever. EG made an aboslutely resilient highground stand and EHOME lost because they are too anxious to end the game. You say they are not looking up on each other, yet zai's disruption saves EG many, many times. Old chicken kinda throwed at the end to rush radiant throne, but unfortunately he just can't do it. To be fair, both teams gave their max, props to EG for coming back from megas. The teamwork and teamplay needed for that is just over the ceiling. Universe made absolutely perfect Chronos. LaNm saving the team when Universe 3 man chronos Fenrir, chicken and eleven is awesome too. TI3 Grand Finals g5 par or even above it.

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