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43 comentários
Guilty Spark

    first. newbz


      second :(

      [IR] Colitas

        another special kid saying first...




            5th 6th 7th

            Magbalugtong Jr.

              Elder Titan, Earthshaker, enigma, Magnus. these hereos make the game balance/or as the blog says gives natural order


                ah im happy to be one of those 3% that can play the hero, when he first came out i immediatly loved the hero it was hard to start playing him but when i started getting results with him i got really happy.


                  I played noticed the high winrate of the hero just yesterday... I got a reshresher in the offlane for the lawls :v


                    was nice to read this article.


                      pretty sure dragon blood actually increases dk`s base armor.

                      while (!"false");

                        Kinda surprised and a little depressed to see this big guy takes a backline support role in pro meta. The addition of echo sabre, along with those buffs on blademail, armlet, and silver blade, make him such a hard-hitter.


                          my alltime favorite hero!

                          Lets Fly Fly Fly!

                            Elder Titan should be played what he sounds like - Titans are all powerful and god-like

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                              A bunch of stupid kids saying 1st, 2nd and 3rd again. Ow well...Anyway. Elder Titan is a cool hero against agi carries I think he is very strong.

                              Nero Scarlet

                                Would you recommend a Hand of Midas for the quick levels?

                                Dr. Banana

                                  "another special kid saying first..."
                                  You mean autistic.


                                    Wasn't there a post somewhere saying that Elder Titan's biggest counter is his teammates? That is the reason I don't play him.

                                    You sleep the enemy for a combo but NO, your team's Zeus has to cast Arc Lightning.......


                                      Echo Sabre synergies well with his 2nd skill.


                                        I strongly, STRONGLY question the common supposition that his win rate is so good because he's picked so little, thus only played by specialists. If you look at the other least picked 10 or 15 or 25 heroes, very few heroes even have positive win rates- in fact, that's generally where the most abysmal win rates are found. In the last month, in the least 12 picked heroes, not only does ET have the only win rate over 48%, but he is one of only 3 heroes that even reaches over 45%. In the least 25 played heroes, he is one of only 3 with a positive win rate at all. His current 55% in the last month sticks out like a sore dick.

                                        Wouldn't some of these other heroes experience the same effect if this were true? Furthermore, I would consider other heroes in this range, such as Chen, Visage, Meepo, Broodmother, and LD far more 'specialist' heroes than ET. But the win rates for all these heroes are not only outstanding like ET, but in fact quite awful. The... I'll dub it the 'specialist win rate inflation theory,' appears to be quite incorrect. We see the exact opposite results in the data, in that least picked heroes are usually the biggest losers.

                                        No, I suspect that ET wins so much just because he is really that good. And although he's soared to new heights since the last patch, he's been the one outstanding hero among the least picked for a very, very long time. Sometimes you see Beastmaster or Warlock or Treant dip really low in the pick rates too, but over a long period of time ET has been one of the very few winners amongst the least picked.

                                        Sicilian: Pterodactyl Def...

                                          EZ REFRESHER EZ RAMPAGE


                                            et offlaner = EEEZ free farm carry ULTRA EEEZ free kills; et supp = EEEZ to harass the enemy carry, i see no reason to pick him, the hero needs very special conditions to work, much like shadow demon, i think his high win rate must be atributed to his low pick rate


                                              I disagree with Titan being a support / utility. Ive played lots of titan games and have noticed that the support role leaves some potential in titan.
                                              His Spirit greatly gives additional damage when it hits several units and returns to titan.

                                              A Semi-Carry role would fit better


                                                Tried picking him in a match noting that he had a high winrate.

                                                My safelane Gyro+shadow demon fed a double kill the the solo offlane axe 2 minutes in while the offlane weaver (wtf?) with me did nothing to harass back against the witch doctor safelane support (so WD would just get off auto attacks while weaver would stand there tanking them and then running. I obviously couldn't do anything, had to rotate top to try and help stop them axe, enemy safelane gets lots of farm, enemy jungle nature's prophet gets lots of free farm, Axe gets a tonne of farm, our gyro is running around with fucking phase aquila and drums at 30 minutes.

                                                Easy fucking gg. Pretty shit hero, he needs his team to win the early game or he's fucked, and given the team mates you will usually get paired with you will always be losing the early game.


                                                  Not a specialist hero, you could Master him in 10 games, the specialist heros have a shit winrate because noobs go watch their montages and get high on hormones and try them without any knowledge of them, examples include Meepo, invoker, Chen etc. ET isn't a specialist hero at all when compared to the above.
                                                  Although the thing is witht he above mentioned specialist heros, the specialists barely lose.

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                                                  Guilty Spark

                                                    Looks like some people are angry I commented first. "Special kids" insult other people in the comment box of dotabuff... big guys, big tough guys. :p

                                                    Titan's soul in thailand

                                                      As one one the most dedicated ET player i appreciate the focus on that hero.
                                                      the joy of a 5 men stomp is as good as a blackhole

                                                      Mooster Nitrogen

                                                        Surprised there was no mention of Aether Lens. The extra cast range on your spirit and ulti lets you play way safer as well as a nice damage increase on top of your natural order.


                                                          no way


                                                            I miss the old symmetrical spirit.

                                                            objet petit a

                                                              @KawaiiSocks first of all, I beg of you to simplify your English writing, a problem recurring from your previous articles. There is absolutely no need for overly complicated sentences or choices of words to make your point come through! In some cases, it doesn't even make sense. For example: "It is, however, generally not the case—the perfect teamfights are rare in Dota..." Not the case, in what? In the safe bet? Not the case in rare, perfect teamfights? Reread your sentences, and try not to use sentences you might not know how to use.
                                                              Also, you abused too much stripes '-', whereas it makes more sense and more comfortable to read if you use colons, ':' in your sentences.

                                                              I gave criticism in the way you write because I take deep interest in the topics that you usually discussed, and understand that you may not be a native English speaker. Hopefully you can improve it some more as it also regards to the brand image of DotaBuff as a whole. Oh and, get an editor and credit them in the article, if you haven't! Will help you review.

                                                              With that aside, Elder Titan was always a mysterious hero for me to grasp and to know how to use. Having an article explaining how he works is simply great, and by having more understanding will hopefully lead more players (including me!) to try him out. I'm not particularly an expert in the game so I won't argue much about the content of the article.

                                                              Este comentário foi editado

                                                                Pretty good against Agility carries like Slark and Morphling.


                                                                  indeed, but, morphling is in most of cases, a normal carry (much gold, he is good, low gold, he is shit) not a 3 stars carry as he is supused to be (like troll with s&y and bkb, or PA with basher and bkb, or even CK with armlet and drums..). I mean, there is no reason for pick et in counter of morphling IMO

                                                                  Shinobu Oshino

                                                                    Played this hero for less than 20 games and I was Snowballing! Don't know if i played it right but my win ratio on it is 74%

                                                                    Pointy Shoes

                                                                      This hero is a combination hero. It combos extremely well with Void, Magnus, Earthshaker, Jakiro, Enigma...

                                                                      A successful utilization of ultis of these heroes can destroy the enemy team in less than 10 seconds! :)


                                                                        Watch ?


                                                                          Играю на нём очень силён отвечаю


                                                                            team pls dont hit them while ulty is under ty


                                                                              I Like Elder Titan

                                                                              Guardian of the Light

                                                                                Elder titan has very high dmg output potential if he has used correctly by player since the ultra reduce health by percent than number.


                                                                                  You know, it would be nice if everyone gets how you SHOULDN'T EVER HIT sleeping enemies BEFORE the ult pops or before the duration runs out. Would be really nice.