If you follow our blog, you may have noticed that we tackle a lot of meta related content. We like breaking down heroes that are relevant to both the pub and the professional scene. And the higher the skill, the more do picks and behaviour mimic those of the pros. It is not simply a one-sided relationship though. While pubs do try to learn from the pros, it is the pub scene where new strategies, picks, and builds are usually born.
Looking at the most successful heroes in the 5k+ MMR bracket, we can see that most of them are also popular and successful in the pro scene. There are, however, a few outliers, most notably Omniknight. The hero has consistently topped the charts of the Pub Tier Lists these past patches and is consistent in both win and pickrate across all brackets.
So why is he, amongst other heroes, very much outside of the meta?
Before we talk about that, let’s look at Omniknight’s pub statistics. Across all brackets, he sits above 56% winrate, peaking at 61% in the 3-4k bracket. He may not be as popular (33rd overall), but is still amongst the top 15 most picked heroes in the 5k MMR bracket.
We have covered other heroes before that are very situational, but in those situations they are likely to be key picks that can break the game--a Clinkz or
Slark for example. Much like these heroes, Omniknight fills a niche. He is best utilized to assist your core, often so that said core doesn’t need to purchase a BKB by himself early on..
Unlike Clinkz or Slark, Omniknight has no designated lane. With the other heroes, you know they need to be played as cores, since they need the farm to excel. Only rarely will you see them outside of the safelane. Omniknight, on the other hand, is a difficult case to make. He needs xp to be able to contribute, but is not a hero to apply pressure on the map or the opponent, simply by reaching a certain level. He’s no Clockwerk that you need to look out for once he hits level 6.
Heroes that share these downsides are Venomancer and
Necrophos. Both heroes are quite successful in higher level pubs (52% and 54% winrate respectively), both heroes are rather niche picks (3% and 6% pickrate), but neither of them is the knock-out punch pick that immediately turns a draft from even to outdraft.
Much like Omniknight, neither hero excels in a certain position. While Necrophos certainly requires the farm and xp that comes with a position 1 carry, he doesn’t acquire that farm easily and his damage output is rather weak early on. Venomancer is plagued by the same issue. He needs the xp and farm to reliably be in teamfights and maximize his ultimate’s potential, but similar to Omniknight, his presence, or lack thereof, on the map only rarely causes a sweat for the opponents. Yet, his primary laning options are among the core positions and yet again he doesn’t necessarily excel at either.
Omniknight and Necro share yet another common downside: All three have issues itemizing properly. Part of the reason why Dota is such a complex, yet appealing game is because, in the right situation, any item is viable. Some heroes are usually more straightforward and some heroes are really flexible, like Juggernaut.
These two heroes however are in an awkward position. There are items you need, like the Aghanim's Scepter, but you can’t always rush it and what you build afterwards is up in the air. Neither Necro nor Omni farm particularly fast enough to rush an Agh’s and call it a day. Usually you see an item or two before that, for utility purposes, such as
Drum of Endurance,
Aether Lens or
Rod of Atos.
Farming items proves especially difficult for Omniknight, who, despite being farm and xp dependant, needs to be with his team to be effective, similar to Necro,although Necro can farm more reliably.
While Venomancer has a rather straightforward itemization--Agh’s, Blink Dagger,
Veil of Discord,
Octarine Core--there are only a few cases where you could deviate from this path and still be effective.
So if these heroes have all these difficulties, what makes them so great in pubs? The most obvious observation here is that pubs are not pro matches. The most played mode is All Pick, thus no captains are present to draft strategies together--the whims of an individual can change the entirety of the game.
Another easy observation is that pubs aren’t as coordinated and structured as pro matches tend to be. These attributes are needed though in order to fight the likes of Omniknight and co properly. Disengaging when a big teamfight ultimate has been used, regrouping afterwards or keeping a certain ability just to counter Reaper Scythe--these are tactics and strategies that require a level of communication, but also skill, that only rarely exists in pubs, especially the lower the skill bracket.
Worst of all however, this communication and general understanding of the game is usually what prevents the likes of Necrophos to be laned effectively outside of the safelane. In the 5k bracket however, he has the 4th highest recorded winrate in the offlane, topped only by Beastmaster, Bounty Hunter and - surprise surprise - Omniknight.
A bigger part of why these heroes are so successful though is that neither have great, intuitive counters. There is no pick that immediately lets you fall into despair when you first picked a Venomancer. There are items that certainly mess with you ( Diffusal Blade or
Glimmer Cape), which is also part of the reason these heroes aren’t as popular in pro games, but that would still be an entire item dedicated for an offlaner or even a support, a carry at best and Glimmer Cape is only a soft counter to Reaper Scythe, especially now that it has become less popular.
At the end of the day, these heroes are not bad by any means. They have their strengths like any other hero, unfortunately those strengths are just not always asked for. They are the one tool at the bottom of the toolbox, the tool that you never need. But when you do need it, it’s there and probably the only one that can help you out.
Neither of the three heroes have really been able to leave their mark on a meta so far. They have had their moments--who doesn’t remember the (in)famous Evil Geniuses Knight-Strat--but they just never were meta enough to consistently shine on stage and are unlikely to ever be.
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Dont u dare say 1st
3rd? i think not
Part of Omniknight's success IMO in lower bracket maybe because of the bracket's picks as well. Lower 3k and below is where you see 4-5 carries more often than not, all hard hitters usually- SF, Sniper, PA, WR, LC, Ursa etc..
Most can't do shit against Guardian Angel and no one buys diffusal blades for Omni's "built in 12 sec BKB" unless they play a Riki/PL/Naga.
Great hero for the disorganized pub matches and delaying the game as well!
I just won a 2.4k ranked where we had only 1 racks left for about 20 minutes, I was omni supporting an AM, rest of our team was pretty much feeding (2K SS mid was that one guy who always uses the same build, no matter what lineup he is against...) anyway we took mid tower at 60 mins and then throned, no racks or anything, biggest comeback in my life.
EG.Universe? The pain is too much already, just, please.
I don't understand how omni is so OP. He's pretty much the only hero in the game countered by a single item.
68 7th
By a single item, yeah. An item with limited charges.
Not to mention the timing and positioning that can make it hard for that item to be used at its full potential.
PA is heavily countered by MKB.
OD is heavily countered by BKB.
Slark is heavily countered by Glimmer Cape.
(assuming he doesn't have dust)
Don't say "Omni is the only hero countered by a single item".
I have 60.53% winrate on him :3 He's my third most played hero :D
@Willynilly, Omniknight is not good in delayed matches because if your enemy core buy Diffusal Blade you're pretty much done ):
Riki is countered by dust U LIL SHIT
Don't state that he's the only hero that can be countered using items
why not Brewmaster?
That explains the omni picks these past days
Ok, one of the big reason why omni knight isn't drafted in pro games is because Invoker and oracle are popular, two heroes that counter his abilities without needing a diffusal blade.
On low levels it's a great hero because other typical noobs won't even know how diffusal works against omni (those kind of people who keeps using the volvo default build all the time,which can loses you alot of games especially on a very situational hero) and people there are well known for going full retard 5 hitter carry picks,so....yeah
Lets supose that omnkinight or necro Get nerfed, who the fucks gonna stop spectre, sven, or juggernauts ult, or even ck or dk in the late game??? Think about that before post shit
I play wisp only, but when enemy pick or ban my wisp i take omny. PErty ez to play hero and so usefull in any situation.
Omni's strength in pubs can be mostly attributed to his ability to fuck up combat calculations. Most lower level players don't really think about what could go wrong in an engagement, only about how they can be awesome. You've probably noticed people can offended that Omni shut down their initiation, as if he were somehow cheating. People will willingly dive headfirst under tower trying to get kills, only for Purify to stop their kill, nuke them down, and help finish them off. Omniknight heinously punishes the Kill-focused pub meta, where people act like it's counterstrike. Rarely will people do something like buy BoTs en masse and just start ignoring Omniknight.
omni is a great hero to play againts OP heroes lile spec. sven
Omni is great in low pubs because when the all in happens in team fights where it is an utter mess of heros climbing all over one another guardian angel just says we win. best way to beat Omni is to just bait out the ulti and then go all in pub style. or just get a weaver and annoy him from outside the focus of the fight
I held out vs megas for half an hour with aghs and refresher, nothing but the ancient was left, my team wouldn't push tho even after team wiping the other team 5 times, omni is great for holding out but can't push very well.
No wonder my Omni is my most successful hero with 68% winrate out of the 244 games I played with him. I always thought I'm good with the hero, but I guess it just means that the hero is op. Kappa no Kappa
Me also have high win rate in Omniknight although I only play it whenever my instincts kick in. It is a great hero when your opponents do not know how to counter his repel which is easily countered by diffusal blade. But players at my bracket do not build diffusal blade (Yeah2x I am a 2k scrub) which makes it pretty easy for me to position myself in team fights.
This was terrible. I stopped reading after stating Aghs was a 100% first pick up on Necro. Usually love these posts but this was just horrendous, couldn't disagree with more of it if I tried.
I love playing captain's mode as captain (below 2k mmr) and people just go crazy when I don't ban or pick omni and let the enemy team pick him. I just counter that pick with Lich: usually when omni ulti is on people just run straight ahead into Lich's ulti which destroys them.
^ no wonder you are 2k
When omniknight isn't playing Dota, he's going through people's bins, the hobo!
Omniknight is OP because HE is Chuck Norris, look at his face and let this sink into you.
Take a look at my most successful heroes