Did you know that Edge of Hell has a YouTube Channel? Did you know that
Dendi’s Twitter account is called “DendiBoss”? In this day and age, social media is all around us, but there is simply so much of it that it becomes difficult to consume it all. It becomes easy to lose track of who’s on what and what username they have, simply because no platform is esports exclusive. “Does he have a Dota, or Dota 2 in his Twitter handle, or is it even the name of his organization?”
If you find yourself waking up in the middle of a night, sweating and asking yourself questions just like these, fret not, we have you covered.
Our new social feature allows content creators to give themselves and their content and brand more exposure. Pro players also can connect even further with their fans, who may or may not be aware of all of their social media outlets.
Often times, players check out their opponents and teammates both during and after their matches. Who did I play against, who was that Slark, does that guy spam Lone Druid? With the social feature, you can even go a step further than just checking their stats and performances. Maybe one of your teammates is a regular streamer, or his Twitter shows that he shares similar interests.
If you find yourself goofing around with a bunch of various nicknames, but want to make sure that your profile stays recognizable, so people will always know that it really is THE playerXY that they played with, then you can add your Twitter, Twitch etc.
To those out there that have privacy concerns of any kind: Do not worry. This feature is entirely optional and if you don’t wish to use it, you don’t have to deal with it at all. There is nothing that requires you to utilize the feature.
Even if you do use it, everything you know will stay the same. You will still log in through Steam and you can unlink your social media outlets at any time. We will never post anything to your networks, or ask to do such a thing. Everything remains in your control.
If you go to your profile settings, you’ll see that there’s a new tab called “Social Networks”. Click it to get to the according page.
Here, you’ll have 4 options: Twitter, Facebook, Twitch and YouTube. If you click on “Link your XXX” it will automatically lead you to the social media platform and ask for permission to authorize the linking. If you’re not currently logged in to the according platform, you’ll be asked to log-in first.
The only reason we ask users to log in with the networks is to ensure that everybody can only claim social media handles that they legitimately own. Otherwise anyone could pretend to be @DendiBoss, right? Not that there would be people who claim to be people that they aren't...
After you've linked your accounts, you can just as easily unlink them. Actually, it's easier than linking them, since you don't even need to access the related social media outlet.
While Twitter, Twitch and YouTube are pretty straight forward, Facebook poses a bit of an exception. You will not be able to link to your personal Facebook profile, but instead can link to a Facebook page that you manage. This may not be useful to the majority of users, but if you’re a content creator, pro player or maybe an organizer and have your own Facebook page, this is where you can link people to.
If you wish to see where all the verified players are represented on social media, head on to our verified player list and see for yourself!
Well if someone wants to troll someone (not known) then just add him on fb, follow on twitter and start trolling?
Not that good for 4k trash like me, this is only nice for DotA 2 personalities.
Anyway, keep up the good work, dotabuff !
I don't want people to know I play Dota, it's my secret shameful pleasure. I'm too old for this shit, but it's the most fun I've had since WoW was good...
@hurinal: You can't add your personal Facebook profile, only pages you manage.
@Mogginho: It's never too late in the process of aging to find a good escape. Everyone needs an out from life on occasion regardless of how old you are.
Also, currently the Enchanted Mango has a win rate of 34.36%. Together, we as a community, have the ability to fix this problem and end this horrific tragedy. Please help. It is our duty as gamers to give this item the respect it is due
Actualy, enchanted mango gone down a little bit, 34.35% =/
Poor mango.
wow. cancer on social media now? no thanks.
> Good Game Well Played!
Notice me pls senpai Mr.Skim!
а сука но спикаю
well played!
where is sink sink?
Bulldong has the least played time, 3 times less than the most played yet he has to highest winrate. Elegiggle