General Discussion

General DiscussionSkywrath treatment

Skywrath treatment in General Discussion

    Whats a good hero or strat to deal with the good ol, Null tally skywrath blasting you mid every 5 seconds?
    Was ferrying regen/sitting under my tower eating blasts and hitting him back as i watched the enemy mid free farm it felt quite ineffective.

    Is the strat.

    Can't beat em so join em?


      U rely at ur teammates at this point, i once built glimmer dagger pipe on odjust to deal with sky


        Yeah i guess so, feels super awful facing it mid without a team mate to zone him for you.
        And honestly i don't know if there is many if any mid heros that can actually deal with the 2v1

        Might have to pull out the ol Nyx to counter these sky/Warlock pickers everygame

        The Future Looked Bright

          Pugna deals with Skywrath swiftly and brilliantly. Highly recommended!


            Ironicly enough, i was playing pugna.
            Midgame pugna is great vs skywrath, however Laning phase wise, you're litterally a range creep. eating 1/5th of your hp every 5 seconds
            + concussive shot from fog.

            Nether ward is excellent if you're ahead enough to push towers etc, however if that sky starts mid you're in a world of hurt. Especially when concussive out ranges your nether ward


              just max the netherward first
              no Kappa

              The Future Looked Bright

                There's a few things you can do to change the dynamic as Pugna:

                - Make sure you have stick so you're getting healing charges.
                - Use decrepify to deny the skywrath last hits. This forces him into either using Q on creeps, or, losing out on farm (AKA, you win the lane). Be really hot on denying (should be easy as Pugna - good base damage from int growth) so that Skywrath feels pressured to cast on creeps.
                - Have one early point in nether ward to discourage his Q. He'll still use it, but less frequently. Or, he'll get distracted trying to destroy it.
                - Don't be afraid to max Netherward early. Q is fantastic for pushing, but you'll still get it maxed quickly as the midlaner. You might find a 1-1-4 build offers more capacity to level in lane and control the dynamic.

                Este comentário foi editado

                  85 damage, long range harass that doesnt draw creep aggro, gives vision on a 5 second cd for 70 mana. Even if you triggered every bolt with your neither ward, i don't think the sky would care.

                  The issue is the other hero mid is still a thing, eg. Was against an Emberspirit, who with any 'slight bit of assistance' can turn harass into a kill. (Eg. Concussive shot) Even if you get an early point in nether ward and place it on your hill. The sky just dumps his mana, goes home and does it again. while you're down 800hp worth of regen and couldn't CS in the meantime watching the enemy hero free farm on his hill.

                  Its actually super obnoxious, I played a sky game against an SF and gave him the mid treatment, he abandoned in 5mins after 5 deaths. It feels very very difficult to play around in a pub.
                  Pretty sure that hero is the secret to winning games


                    @future, i'm not talking about a mid skywrath... I'm talking about a position 4 skywrath that stands on your hill lvl 1 and throws bolts at you with little to no counterplay.


                      you don't have to always WIN the lane match up ! sometimes you can't do anything about it e.g. against SF you can't deny that much after him reaching level 3 since he will 2shot the creep waves anyway. so against SKY just try to play passively. Sky is very strong in the early game but he is not as good as other cores in the late game. here are some tips that come to my mind:
                      1.Sky needs to constantly use Clarity to maintain his mana regen. try to cancel his clarties. For example, if you are playing as invoker vs sky it's ok to use Cold snap/Forged spirits on him from far away just to cancel his Clarity.
                      2. Buy Infused raindrop ASAP.
                      3. You should start with a magic stick and a lot of tangoes or regen items if you are 100% sure that you are gonna face sky in the mid lane. most players use to start the game with a Null and 2 shared tangoes. This build is 100% useless vs Sky for so many reasons: 1. Sky attack animation and base damage are not good so you don't need that extra damage in order to deny/last hit against him in the lane. 2. Since he has great harass potential you will need a lot of regen against him(at least 6 tangoes) + a magic stick.


                        not sure what your other lanes are doing if the sky is allowed to just sit mid and keep running back and forth to fountain. unless you're a late game hero with no impact early on i'm pretty sure you just sack that lane. you're pugna, you're useful regardless.


                          That game was clearly over before it had started.


                            There's a reserved spot for each sky player in hell

                            flourishing new leaf

                              Pugna isn't that good. The problem with sky is his early game, the stupid fuck can just spam and you won't be able to stop him. The best should be some healing hero as he doesn't even care if he dies a lot of times. Later he just needs 1 atos and hero is dead

                              flourishing new leaf

                                Which just snowballs fast


                                  I suggest go mid with viper. At least in my bracket the opposition seems to waste a lot of a clarities just coz of the passive of viper. start clarity try to spam concussive shot clarity cancelled because of vipers passive plus that passive has natural magic resistance which helps you survive vs that magical burst early. I am not an expert but that is one way of dealing with mana hungry heroes on mid who rely too much on clarity. Also as lot of others have suggested start with lot of regen items. I do not think magic stick works here since you need vision of the spell cast to gather charges unless you have a ward to see uphill. Also heroes like OD can avoid that with banishment skill or pl with doppleganger skill. Try to think of heroes who can dodge a spell with early point in skill would fuck up there plan of being aggressive early.


                                    Idk when the last time I faced a sky mid was, but I think ta does well against him, the refraction can dodge some harass and with psi blade spills you do considerable amounts of damage. By denying creeps through damage advantage you can get 6 before him and get a kill with traps that way, but if he gets 6 before you the silence plus burst can be shitty

                                    Palmen aus Plastik

                                      ^what he said. TA is godlike against the pesky thing. you can even meld dodge if you want. all his skills are built to destroy skywrath.


                                        If it is 2x1 scenario you need to call your support/roamer to help you out. There is no hero who can deal with it alone. But I see in your game you had "roaming" weaver and support lion, who both are quite useless against him (range of spells). There was mention for nyx, special mention should be silencer - he just eats sky, with some assistance.

                                        I would say starting for Pugna against this cancer should be stick, 2 mangos, 1x tango, 3 branches - gives you shitload of regen, can finish your stick and eat one branch. Ward lvl 1. He hits you for 60 damage with his spell, your ward hits him for 90. You have same hp, so he just needs to leave much sooner than you. Of course is annoying, but at least you can do some shit.

                                        Safest bet for solo mid from my point of view would be a hero, who might be able to bully him out of the lane - maybe veno (with maxing wards and passive, so he cant pop single clarity), maybe viper, maybe lone druid sitting next to tower and farming with bear. Best bet would be from my perspective Pugna, lvl 1 ward, some heals. He hits you for 60 damage, ward hits him back for 90 damage.

                                        I was laning twice against these cancer picks (AM+Sky+Pudge vs me as silencer and venge, second time me as silencer + wind vs pa sky and lion). Both games we actually ended up winning the lane against these cancers.

                                        Other option is to pull enemy creeps to your tower, last hit them and just get levels and gold.


                                          How is TA good 1x2 vs sky+somebody mid?

                                          LVL 1 she has so low range sky can stand on your high ground and hit you from behind and your 3 stacks of shield will just be popped in 2 seconds and than just eat half of your hp during your CD, while enemy hero can be hitting you as well. And there was Ember, who just pop it in 0.5 sec in that game.

                                          Solo Leveling

                                            Can we stop and realize the Guardian 3 player might have given the best advice on this thread


                                              You can understand dota mechanics and understand matchups, but still have poor physical ability, believe it or not.


                                                TA vs sky early? what a joke


                                                  My advice is to play sky to know what to do against him. Same with any hero, you lose against x play that x until you know why x is special and create your own countermeasures to olay against them


                                                    nyx nyx nyx = sad skywrath


                                                      Ta dumpsters sky

                                                      The basis of the question is "how do I counter a 2 person strat with just myself"
                                                      U usually can't
                                                      U will almost always need the help of ur own pos 4


                                                        "2. Buy Infused raindrop ASAP. "

                                                        Complete waste of money vs Sky. Will be gone in seconds.


                                                          Out spam that b!tch... pick Lina


                                                            I would suggest playing anti Mage mid

                                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!