General Discussion

General DiscussionNo Eul’s Invoker

No Eul’s Invoker in General Discussion
Bill Cutting

    I’ve seen a lot of invoker players skipping it and getting fast aghs and bkb instead, even against natural orchid buyers.



      Yeah , people have been doing that since more than a year ago.......


        More than more than a year. A lot more than that...

        u can just dodge the silencer guy, and deal with it after aghs. Since it's a bigger power spike than euls.

        Not an invo player, but it seems like a considerable option to think about before going for aghs. Gotta see the game. Seems reasonable against certain silences. Not vs some others

        Bill Cutting

          You guys are telling people have not been buying euls on invoker for over a year - that’s not true.

          I think it’s since the treads, Aquila then aghs trend.

          I guess after those items bkb makes more sense than eul’s


            wasnt it null phase boots midas aghs for like almost 1.5 years? exort invo?

            Story Time

              ^midas is no longer an option


                it's because invoker isn't a hero without aghs.


                  I make eul when there is jugg, or clinkz, thats all 😊 or aeon disk for clinkz, and off course for void too


                    Euls invoker hasn't been a common thing for over a year where have u been
                    I might get it after aghs if u really need it but u usually just go bkb or linkens or blink or whatever


                      Euls invoker in sub 1k


                        you dont really need this item

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