General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is the deal with wifestealer.....

What is the deal with wifestealer..... in General Discussion

    Ok , I get it he can shit all over magic cores like no ones business.....
    He also needs the proper draft as well including a vehicle.... (Storm, SB, a hero with a blink)

    However, I do not understand the current build of Rad into Solar Crest.

    Can someone explain to me what is so good about this?

    Is the rad just a farming item?

    I just feel like this hero gets kited soooo hard, I mean hopefully you can burst down someone but with euls, aeon, ghost and glimmers abound, its hard to focus someone.

    On top of that he loses toe to toe against the likes of jug, pa troll etc.



      It gives him a shitton of evasion, with his built in spell immunity, innate tankiness, also while infested in a creep, radiance is active, it makes him very cancerous since he can farm rad in 15 mins


        Alright, I get that.... but what about at min 35.... assuming its a semi close match ?

        How do you get around the kite?


          it is because u get kited that u build radiance and tanky
          if ur not hitting anyone, might as well burn them for 60 dmg a sec
          plus it helps lifestealer farm and play a greedier carry
          helps him push waves


            u dont get around the kite, his solutions lie in his abilites, infest to gap close, open wounds to stick to someone, rage to shrug off disables
            sure they have a cd, but during down time and times where u get kited is where burn dmg comes into play.


              Its up to ur creativity i guess, wether you go for nullifier/abyssal or bloodthorne, but its an ls, should end at or within 30 mins cuz i doubt that anyone can stand up against uat that point. If its force staff, you can easily catch up cuz sny is core on ls

              Ls spammer

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              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                the more i do radiance, the more i feel it is not that good. i mean yes, it does help with getting kited, but 5k gold you spend on radiance is almost an armlet + deso/s&y which gives you a better power spike earlier. from now on i will probably only do it against illusion heroes or maybe against very specific lineups. i kinda cringe when people buy it against 3 str cores or shit like that.


                  Yes!!! YES!!!! DR Dee.... that is exactly what has happend when I had a core LS on my team... I didn't agree with his itemization but I know the meta trend is rad+solar and I never play him hence the thread.

                  To the rest of you, thanks for the responses so far.


                    its definitely 50/50 for me, but i dont play much lifestealer
                    i think radiance is viable but going full solar crest isnt always needed


                      Kited? I hope you pick MS talent & buy S&Y. With it even if you have PT you should have around 480 MS. With evasion talent he has 36% evasion (not including radiance miss chance). So basically around 30min you are immune to physical dmg & magical. If you can't finish you just get other items like AC, Nullifier etc. It's not like he is a bad late game carry. The only downside of this build is that he can't pressure enemies before Radiance. However, it's hard to punish him for rushing it. That's why he is currently OP.


                        He is kited before sny, and rad solar is a big package to have before sny tbh

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          yeah because movespeed matters when slows reach upwards of 140% in this game and also stuns exist. and there are other downsides to the build. it has horrible building damage, bad burst damage after infest and its not very good for manfighting either (besides evasion, but people buy mkb). lifestealer is not "op" btw, he is just one of the few carries that is not super outclassed.

                          Justinus Lhaksana

                            Holy shit i learned so much i should tag my spammer ls friend to this he fucking build radiance but play it like a fucking spectre, thanks dr dee for sharing


                              i don't get this lifestealer build either he exist to counter high hp cores this build is just a workaround to make him better vs agility ones but that's not his purpose


                                Bsj said 80%of the time in fights you’re not hitting anyoneand they are running away from you, might as well burn them with radiance


                                  lifestealer plus the new str buff magic resist is op shit af tnx


                                    Unless he has a massive gold lead, I do not see LS being able to man fight the likes of troll, pa, jugger.
                                    Most LS games I see, he gets his rad and solar items, but jugger/pa has that old battlefury and is about 1 to 1.5 items ahead of LS and usually has 2-3 level advantage as well. Maybe its just crap players....

                                    I get that LS going ham at 30 mins is tough to stop, but should a throw happen( they do happen, ALOT ) then you are basically dicked.
                                    He just suffers from the kiteablity, a pair of force staffs , a glimmer and ghost and its tough for him to burst someone down during rage.

                                    to the BSJ comment, if your burning them for 60 dps (45 if 25% resistance) , and the enemy offlaner has a pipe, your doing nothing as a core. Doing moderate burn damage isn't enough during a big fight

                                    Este comentário foi editado

                                      U can definitely man fight troll/pa/jugger past the 30 min mark

                                      And @bungmangler if the burn isn't enough that's fine, but isn't it better to do at least 60 dps then none

                                      This build is certainly viable, just not needed every game

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        Lifestealer can certainly manfight Jugg and PA, even when behind on farm. but it doesn't matter that much, you rarely get in situations in game where you actually need to manfight. and lifestealer is far more survivable than those heroes. pipe + hotd negate radiance's damage almost entirely as you said, and almost everyone buys those items these days. it isnt the biggest deal normally because radiance is bought primarily as a farming item for most heroes, but on lifestealer its a different story. you actually need it to deal damage because the build simply makes your physicals weak.