General Discussion

General DiscussionStorm Spirit Midgame

Storm Spirit Midgame in General Discussion

    im not really playing mid. anyway, storm is one of the few mids i feel comfortable with.
    i manage to win my lanes, get decsent item timings

    my issue comes in the midgame when fights start to happen.
    i join alot of fights and make space for the safelaner. should i not do that if i feel like my team wins late? storm is pretty strong when hes 6slotted, should i just grind up instead?
    what happens in the midgame fights is - i jump in, kill a support, but run out of mana in a splitsecond and retreat out. nothing special.
    at that point, as a storm spirit with 0 mana but 20 mana regen and a soulring, clarity in backpack, do you wait in the backlines and go back in after 20sec? or do you just leave the fight and farm a few neutrals or push a lane to not fall behind?


      1) Don't make space for your 3k safelaner. He isn't going to use it.

      2) Farm yourself/be greedy, never enter any situation that will get you killed. It doesn't matter if you see a free support kill, if you die during it, it wasn't worth it.

      3) You have 3 storm games in the past year. If that's "comfortable" for you then idk what to tell you. Practice the hero more.

      4) You shouldn't be running out of mana so fast. Practice the hero, watch replays, because you're clearly not doing it right.


        In midgame storm really isn't that strong. He runs out of mana too fast and it's very easy to overextend in fights. He has to choose his targets very wisely. He absolutely cannot die in mid game. I say Keep farming.


          i played 3 storm games on this account*
          gonna pick him more often in my party ranked games where i can rely on somebody to carry. in solo q games i stick to pos 3/4

          even with a 20 charges bloodstone and kaya i feel like the hero needs 10x more mana


            Bloodstone is not just a mana regen item . It increase your overall hp/mana pool , buying linken before bloodstone is wasting your power spike . Don't sell treads for travel when you still have empty slots plus there is a back pack


              ye i made some wrong item decisions in that game yesterday. needed a bkb asap, linkens wasnt enough


                If you have kaya and 20 charges id say you actually need better mana management because It means You had a really good game and could be Super active without running out of mana


                  It seems like you stop hitting creep post 20 min and keep dying in your last game


                    Gain map control.
                    Try to farm enemy side of the map

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                      yes, i took bad fights. enemy mirana had diffu and the manaburn talent. i went in without bkb, focused sniper to enable my void, meanwhile mirana burned my mana and i didnt have enough to go back out.
                      we lost map control, i didnt keep spamming Q to farm because i wanted to save mana for incoming fights. mana management... should i calculate how much i can use before zapping away to regen? i do ususally have quite a good feeling for that but the manaburn fucked me up i guess.

                      could somebody list reasonable itemtimings?

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                      chicken spook,,,,

                        Kaya min 10-15
                        BS min 15-20

                        Learning how to zap properly is important imo


                          Look if I were in your shoes I'd calculate how far I can jump with standard items in midgame-level storm. Then how far is half and how far is 3/4. so if I'm thinking about going into a fight and I tell myself I want at least half mana to get out, I know how far away i can be before Jumping.


                            @melt what is ur item build for storm?


                              This is my item build on Storm
                              Basic items: null talisman,some ironhood branch (if support shares tango) or just buy tango
                              Then bottle
                              Arc boots (which can be used to buy bloodstone later)
                              Soul ring, kaya (recommend), orchid/bloodstone(depending on situation) sometimes I even go guardian grives(probably not good item) and remaining items like Linkin/hex/nullifier

                              Well this is my build probably not that good but u Should ask a 4k+ storm player about it

                              Story Time

                                mid game storm must farm, his spike is over and another spike comes with some control items (hex/orchid)... when storm is fighting mid game i always know it is going to be punished soon


                                  I agree with story time it literally happened with me 8 out of 10 games with me


                                    Hey if u want to grind some mmr spam willow(both core and supp) that hero is really unbalanced just like pango


                                      if i just want to grind im playing offlane. 70% winrate on that position.

                                      i dont think bottle is good. soulring and magic wand provide all the regen you need to keep going in the jungle, although you will drop low.

                                      what do you guys think about the second null talisman on storm? i really like it but it delays the kaya by about 2min


                                        U can't take long zips that early
                                        Be very careful with ur zips
                                        Don't zip between camps and shit etc
                                        Farming is better, go for pickoffs if u r sure they don't have backup, but don't by any means get urself killed if u can avoid it.


                                          Watch some blitz storm spirit on youtube. Generally get bloodstone first item on storm as it accelerates your farm. Farm jungle and lanes with remnant. Its quite important to farm on storm coz he can do a lot with items. You can go gank after level 6 if you see ez kills for instance in safelane, i.e. tp in, but if it doesnt seem like easy kills then its better to just farm and get ahead. Once you get bloodstone and other items, you can really reck teamfights given that you are not being countered, so farming is usually very important on the hero.

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