General Discussion

General DiscussionMore dota theories: No damage hero

More dota theories: No damage hero in General Discussion

    From the maker of the “never ending game” ideas thread. This week let’s discuss:

    How would you balance a hero that did ABSOLUTELY no as in 0 outgoing damage, from items and skills and autoattacks, so no cheesey radiances and dagons, he has an innate trait that will nullify all his damage, however, illusions he makes will do damage Make him as viable and professional game ready as possible. So no OP shit like global vision or invulnerability or the ability to eat the enemy ancient. This has to sound like an actual hero that could run around your pubs. Oh and don’t delegate him to a position 6 support, props if you can make an offlaner or roamer, also permanent disable is lame cause rhasta already has that. Goodluck

    My Idea:

    Skill 1= Dash skill, like force staff but targeted that’s used to fly over impassable terrain, causes all units he flies over to gain a buff to attack damage thats %based
    Skill 2= Amplifies damage taken by all heroes in an area, charges skill 3
    Skill 3= charge based, gives damage reduction to all allies in a small area
    Ult= Hero will move hasted like surge but and untargettable and opponents he passes by are disarmed


      the lack of the ability to lasthit or harass will not let it work at all. the concept of that hero is like jungling in a game where neutrals are disabled


        well it is a ridiculous thread but Melt is wrong. It'd be a unique playstyle and would require the team to help you get exp but, for example, drow aura helps the team but does no outgoing damage necessarily.


          That’s where the challenge lies. How can a hero be useful and viable without the ability to deal damage


            It’s actually not that far fetched. Take away one or two abilities from some heroes and they’re just a big creep.


              Just imagine mines as summons and this is pretty much Techies.

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                a hero with auras/CC abilities/ability to control neutrals/heals would be playable. needs to have really strong spells though because not being able to harass as a support is a big deal and not being able to last hit anything to get gold.

                unbreakable spirit

                  What about an aura carrier, all passives, since there's no damage output he should have some way to gain levels and gold right? I think give this guy a passive like pudge's each time he is around a hero's death his passive gains charges(and creeps should give a really less amount as well) so you can use it to yield gold and exp, if he dies he loses a percentage of the charges he has stored. The auras can be all kinds of things like damage reduction to enemy and increasing the same amount of damage to allies, everything that boosts an ally's stats should equally affect the enemy's stats (reducing them) I don't know how this guy will ever be playable though

                  Este comentário foi editado

                    my point is - what do you do during the laning stage? you cant be useless for the first 10min of a game. you would need a way to either eat/midas/control neutrals, or have strong summons/illusions at level 1.

                    an idea could be to give him arc ult as regular ability, have the clone deal dmg while you just go for utility


                      Hero with strong disables and passives. So you augment your lane partner who does the damage for you. You contribute with disables and not damage in fights. You get gold from assists. It's not as implausible as you think. Most support types don't even need to right click

                      Cheesy Wenis


                        Q - Summons two illusions of targeted hero to fight for Marionette.
                        (Primary way to last hit, create illusions of target and slap the creep wave or harass. Can also be used to save an ally or push an objective.)

                        W - Damage aura. Increases nearby allies base right click damage by Z%. Activating it also increases attack and movement speed by X for N seconds, but increases damage taken by Z%.
                        (Useful for ganking and initiating, but can get team killed if used incorrectly. Also forces Marionette to be somewhat close to the action so they can effect the team with auras.)

                        E - Target any illusion and swap position with them. If used on an enemy illusion Marionette will swap to the unit's position, but the illusion will be destroyed.
                        (Something to escape with, or a way to reposition for aggressive chasing.)

                        R - Channeled. All enemy units in target area are slowed by Z%. Every n seconds an illusion of them is summoned for the Marionette.
                        (Team fight!)

                        So a pushing/ganking/support type of hero, main stat would be STR.

                        Dire Wolf

                          Wait you want none of his abilities to do any dmg? Sounds kind of lame tbh.

                          Hero X, ranged, int

                          Q - Draw soul. Draws forth a soul from an enemy unit. This soul is controlled by hero X, does 30/40/50/60 dmg, bat 1.4. Lasts 10/14/18/22 seconds. 15 second cd, costs 50 mana.

                          W - Soul well. Drops a well on the ground that draws souls from nearby friendly heroes in 900 radius range. These souls are not player controllable and seek out nearest threat to attack. They last 10 seconds, take 3/3/4/5 hits to kill, do 20/30/40/60 dmg. Soul well exists for 25 seconds. Only one soul can exist per friendly unit nearby but if a soul dies a new one will be summoned. 120 mana, 60s cooldown. Soul well itself is invulnerable.

                          E - Soul crusher. Aura, 900 range. Standing inside this aura wears on your soul, placing a stacking debuff on sadness on you, which applies every 1/0.8/0.6/0.4 seconds. Each instance reduces your movement speed by 1%. After 10 instances all dmg you deal is reduced by 1% for every instance past 6. After 20 all dmg you take is increased by 1% for every instance past 12. So if you hung out in this aura for 10 seconds at rank 4 you would have 25 debuffs for -25 move speed, -15% dmg dealt (all dmg including spells and items), +5% all dmg taken.

                          Debuff lingers for two seconds after leaving aura. If you return to aura before it wears off the stacks will continue. You have to leave aura for 2 seconds to get the stacks to drop.

                          R - Restore my soul. Causes all souls and the soul well on map to explode, granting a normal dispel to all heroes within 400 range of a soul and healing them for 50/75/100 per soul. Costs 300 mana. No cooldown (souls have cooldowns).


                            Thats the spirit. Really cool ideas for heroes

                            offlaner ≠ carry

                              Brace yourself, long post is coming

                              Beelzebub, the Wasp Queen
                              Ranged, Carry, Support, Durable, Disabler, Nuker

                              STR: 28+2.3 (83.2 @Lv25 no bonus)
                              AGI: 16+1.4 (49.6 @Lv25 no bonus)
                              INT: 22+2.6 (84.4 @Lv25 no bonus)

                              Starting HP : 610
                              Base HP Rgn : 1.6
                              Starting Mana : 285
                              Base Mana Rgn : 1.1
                              Base Armor : 2
                              Base Att Time : 2.0
                              Att Range : 450
                              Projectile Spd: 900
                              Movement Spd : 280
                              Turn Rate : 0.8
                              Vision (D/N) : 1800/800

                              * Feeble Queen [Innate Ability]
                              Reduce all damage from basic attacks and items dealt by Wasp Queen to 0, except reflected damage from Blade Mail and from reflected skills by Lotus Orb.

                              * Create Nest [Q]
                              Point Target
                              Summons a nest that grooms by time. The nest will increase in health as the Nest's grooming time increases. Contains 2 charges.

                              Cast Range: 150
                              Mana cost: 100/110/120/130
                              Charge cooldown: 36/32/28/24
                              Cast point+backswing: 0.35+0.1

                              Nest initial health: 100
                              Nest armor: 2
                              Nest collision size: 28
                              Nest vision: 150/150 (Ground)
                              Nest bounty: 36-48
                              Nest xp: 40/50/60/70
                              Bonus nest health per grooming time: 50/1 second
                              Max grooming time: 6 seconds

                              * Summon Soldier Wasps [W, level-linked with Q]
                              Summons Soldier Wasp from a Nest. More Soldier Wasps will be summoned as the Nest's grooming time increases. Soldier Wasps have the same movement speed and attack time as Wasp Queen.

                              Cast Range: 600
                              Cast point+backswing: 0.2+0
                              Soldier Wasp summon: 1
                              Bonus wasp summon per grooming time: 1/2 seconds

                              Soldier Wasp health: 2̶0̶0̶/̶2̶7̶5̶/̶3̶5̶0̶/̶4̶5̶0̶ 100/125/175/200
                              Soldier Wasp armor: 2̶/̶2̶/̶2̶/̶3̶ 0/1/1/2
                              Soldier Wasp magic resistance: 15%
                              Soldier Wasp duration: 40
                              Soldier Wasp attack range: 150 (Melee)
                              Soldier Wasp attack damage: 6̶5̶/̶7̶5̶/̶9̶0̶/̶1̶1̶0̶ 55/65/80/100
                              Soldier Wasp vision: 1400/800 (Ground)
                              Soldier Wasp bounty: 2̶8̶-̶4̶2̶ 32-46
                              Soldier Wasp xp: 3̶5̶/̶4̶5̶/̶5̶5̶/̶6̶5̶ 40/50/60/70

                              * Dive [E]
                              No Target
                              Increases the movement speed and grants flying movement for the Wasp Queen and all Soldier Wasps around her.

                              Mana cost: 90/90/100/100
                              Cooldown: 16/14/12/10
                              Cast point+backswing: 0+0
                              Bonus movement speed: 20/20/25/35
                              Radius: 1000
                              Duration: 2 seconds

                              * Corrosive Spray [D]
                              Wasp Queen's attack slows down enemy and its allies around it. At Level 3 onwards, grants bonus attack range to Wasp Queen.

                              Duration: 1.5
                              Area of effect: 200
                              Movement speed reduction: 20/35/50/70%
                              Bonus attack range: 0/0/75/150

                              * Swarm of Raging Wasps [R]
                              No Target
                              Burst all nests around Wasp Queen. Wasp Queen and all Soldier Wasps around her enters Rage Mode and attack enemy units closest to it. Will not attack neutral units that are not attacking an ally. During Rage Mode, Soldier Wasps are uncontrollable.

                              Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter
                              Adds current level of Corrosive Spray to Soldier Wasps' attack. Soldier Wasp attack also carries poison that damages the enemy over time for the duration of the Rage.

                              Mana cost: 300/350/400
                              Cooldown: 90/80/65
                              Radius: 1800
                              Cast point+backswing: 0.7+0.1
                              Rage duration: 2/2.5/3.5 seconds
                              Rage bonus attack speed: 30/40/50
                              Rage bonus movement speed: 25/30/40
                              Soldier Wasp Rage bonus damage: 20/30/50
                              Scepter Soldier Wasp poison DPS: 30/40/60
                              Scepter Soldier Wasp poison damage type: Magical

                              * Talents
                              Level 25: +2 Soldier Wasp summon OR +1.5 s Rage duration
                              Level 20: Corrosive Spray pierces Spell Immunity OR -̶7̶ ̶C̶o̶r̶r̶o̶s̶i̶v̶e̶ ̶S̶p̶r̶a̶y̶ ̶A̶r̶m̶o̶r̶ ̶r̶e̶d̶u̶c̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ +100 Soldier Wasp health
                              Level 15: +0.5 s Dive duration OR +250 Health
                              Level 10: -8 s Nest charge cooldown OR +30 Movement Speed

                              * Notes
                              Wasp Queen is a summon-based physical nuker that doesn't deal damage on her own. Her movement speed is quite slow, attack range is quite short, and attack speed is abysmal (combined with low AGI gain). But, she turns quite quickly, has a powerful slow in Corrosive Spray, and an escape mechanism in Dive. Oh, and she's quite durable too.

                              One thing to note that her Soldier Wasps are melee and have the same movement and attack speed as the Queen. So, good AS items would do well on her, in conjunction with her ultimate.

                              Smart positioning of nests are key in her teamfight ability. Be aware that the cast range of Create Nest are very short (melee range), and quickly bursting the nest will only create 1 Soldier Wasp (until Level 25 when you get additional 2 by taking the appropriate talent).

                              Este comentário foi editado

                                ^Innate ability? What is this, League?

                                You mind if I use current heroes' skill as reference points? Dark Willow's stun, Dazzle's heal, WK's lifesteal aura, buffed-up version of Underlord's aura as the ult.
                                Oh wait I just basically went into ability draft and make a broken version of Underlord. My bad

                                Il Separatio


                                  offlaner ≠ carry

                                    @ETdAWESOME: Have you never seen Silencer?


                                      Why not some D.Va-esk hero? The hero is in something else that can last hit and so on, but when he/she is outside doesnt do mush else than run and maybe tp


                                        the hero op is talking about is called "io" :-D


                                          @no solo supp Silencer is the only exception, unless I'm forgetting about someone else. Excluding talents(none of that lvl 25 backtrack bullshit from void)

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            earth spirit, techies, monkey king. there are also some weird "innate abilities" like void not being affected by chronosphere.

                                            casual gamer

                                              io actually does a shitton of damage, way more than a lot of support heroes

                                              Potato Marshal

                                                There's also minefield sign.

                                                offlaner ≠ carry

                                                  @Quinkerros: yeah, I think the Soldier Wasp is too strong at Level 1

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