General Discussion

General DiscussionThrow me some Dragon Knight tips

Throw me some Dragon Knight tips in General Discussion
Palmen aus Plastik

    Anything that comes to your mind. I'm having some success with the hero currently, and am able to solo carry almost all games despite sub-par teammates. I know this will cap at some point, where I would likely need a team due to my personal skill ceiling. So I want to prepare for that with any useful tips you might have.

    P.S. I hate armlet.

    low prio master

      If you hate armlet just go say ez pz

      Il Separatio

        Buy Armlet

        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

          If you know how to armlet toggle, go for armlet.

          Me personally don't buy armlet. My build is always like this:

          Magic Stick
          Soul Ring
          Power Threads
          Dagger/SB (I'll only go SB if theres a natural rad builder on the enemy team or if a Silver Edge is needed)
          BKB/Linken (Go linken if theres a single target painful ss that pierce bkb (bane, beastmaster, batrider)
          Assault Cuirass
          Daedalus (works wonder with the 100% splash dmg from dragon form)
          Nullifier/MKB (go MKB if you need accuracy)


            imo if u go only early dagger with treads ull lack dmg
            if u skip armlet for sb ull have some dmg so its better but not by a huge amt
            i think armlet is just too much dmg for so cheap on a hero who benefits from it and lacks natural dmg


              I hate early Dagger on DK. You absolutely must buy Armlet to go with Dagger. I only buy Dagger because my teammates keep asking me to.

              Anyway, here are some cools tips:

              Use Soulring to spam Q and nuke down creeps whenever your mana is below 100%. Do not do this in teamfight unless you run out of mana.

              Heart is better than AC in the current meta due to Dragon Knight's level 20 talent, assuming the enemy have mixed damage. With level 25 talent as well, you will have in excess of 5000 HP, making you unkillable.

              Do not be afraid to trade blows against melee cores if you are in 1v1 situations. The damage reduction from Q and the passive make it hard for the enemy to come out on top. If the lane is easy, spam Q to prevent the enemy from farming; try NOT to hit the creeps as this will push the wave. Don't worry about taking more damage than dealing (150 from Soulring against 90 from Q), since the enemy will have a harder time hitting creeps and you will regen your health faster than they do.

              Take towers. I cannot stress this enough. Take the damned towers. At level 6, DK becomes kinda like a Viper. Force the enemy out of lane and push hard.


                "try not to hit creeps with ur wave clear"


                  i hate armlet personally.
                  on (mid) dk i still buy it, the synergy is amazing imo.
                  sould ring every game rn, bottle is too bad
                  blink after armlet 90% of games
                  i like to go for stat items like s&y if i dont need the bkb but anything works at that point, i chose to build bloodthorn on him yesterday.
                  blink afterwards almost every game. group with supports and push a tower with every ult

                  ask your team to make ancient stacks or make them yourself. clear with level 12 splash attack

                  oh i do not like the maelstrom at all on that hero. you dont need MORE farming/waveclear

                  concider cheep tank items if you are having a rough early game
                  solar crest, hood, blademail, even spirit vessel works

                  Este comentário foi editado
                  Palmen aus Plastik

                    I build the maelstorm because of the splash damage procs and attack speed. Plus with the drum buff (my first item every game), you can win a lot of fights just standing your ground and baiting the enemy on low health, not to mention it helps speed up the tower's demolition. Well, that's what's working for me right now anyway. Can't say if that is definitively the way to go, but I ripped this build right off from Zai :P This is his standard DK item progression.

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