General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is Meepo acording to dotabugf extremly good against Broodmama?

Why is Meepo acording to dotabugf extremly good against Broodmama? in General Discussion

    Title. Ty

    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      Meepo always was good against her, netting her and poofing her broodlings


        Brood's entire appeal is that she's fast and can move through terrain. Net late game is practically a perma root which ruins her.


          I'm aware of that it's just that I don't understand how come he's so good against her.


            brood hates2 things

            not being faster than anybody else on her net

            meepo has both with the potential 8seconds root
            oh and the root is aoe, too lul.

            you could buy casual perservance, skip all starting items and build that into batt... no sorry im done with that meme. cant finish it. #HanSolo #4kin1k #i'mOut


              Brood doesn't like AoE damage. Meepo has AoE damage. Brood doesn't like to switch targets until they're dead. Meepo can force you to switch targets by netting you and preventing you from chasing the low HP clone. Brood wants to move. Again, Meepo does not allow that, because of net.
              What's the win rate percentage of Brood vs Meepo, anyways?


                how can brood kill meepo? if she goes on a clone then her brood gets wiped out by a poof bomb and then she gets rooted and squished.

                her usual op window is a lot smaller too because a meepo can counterpush just as fast as she can 15mins in.

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  No, brood is fine with those two things, unless you are a shit player. Brood hates these two things:
                  lanes she can't win
                  heroes who can see her in the trees
                  Meepo does neither of these things but he is still really good in the midgame because its really easy to catch brood with meepo and just murder.


                    Another thing to consider is that broods passive which generally allows her to manfight 90% of the heroes in the game is garbage vs Meepo.


                      u cant solo kill brood until u have a hex he can just use ult and rightclick u if he has the right item build


                        idk both heroes deathball really hard, so i can see it going either way depending on the player


                          @ Model Btw

                          I actually find it hard to hit her with hex sometimes, I just hit her spiders.. lul

                          thrust boi

                            well poof > broodlings

                            Pale Mannie

                              do you actually know how much poof hurts followed by a massive beating?



                                I think i do. I like it

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